Agenda item

Northwood School, Potter Street, Northwood - 12850/APP/2014/4492

Demolition of the existing Northwood School buildings and facilities and erection of a new three-storey six form of entry secondary school and single storey sports hall with associated facilities including playgrounds; sports pitches; car parking; landscaping; the creation of a pupil pick-up/drop-off area with access via Pinner Road; the provision of a secondary vehicular access via Potter Street; and ancillary development.


Recommendation: Approva


Demolition of the existing Northwood School buildings and facilities and erection of a new three-storey six form of entry secondary school and single storey sports hall with associated facilities including playgrounds; sports pitches; car parking; landscaping; the creation of a pupil pick-up/drop-off area with access via Pinner Road; the provision of a secondary vehicular access via Potter Street; and ancillary development.


Officers introduced the report and referred members to the addendum sheet that had been circulated.


This application sought full planning permission for the complete redevelopment of the Northwood School site to provide a new six form of entry school capable of accommodating up to 1080 pupils.  Members noted that the proposals would involve the demolition of the existing school buildings and the provision of a new three-storey school building and linked sports hall, with associated ancillary facilities such as artificial sports pitches, playing field and car parking.


Officers explained that the existing school buildings were in need of modernisation and were of extremely limited architectural merit. Accordingly, it was considered that the proposed development would enhance the visual amenities of the school site and surrounding area.  The proposed school buildings would be well separated from surrounding properties and subject to appropriate conditions it would have no unacceptable impacts on the amenity of neighbouring residential occupiers by way of dominance, loss of light, loss of privacy or noise. 


The proposal was supported by a detailed Transport Assessment and provided for mitigation measures to reduce its impact on the local highway network. The Council's Highway Engineer had reviewed this information in detail and confirmed that the proposed development would be acceptable in terms of traffic impact, pedestrian and highway safety.


Members noted that the proposal was considered to comply with relevant UDP and London Plan policies and, accordingly, it was recommended that delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning and Enforcement to approve the scheme, subject to the appropriate referrals to the GLA and the Secretary of State.


Local Ward Councillors also spoke in support of the proposals and made the following comments:


·         Residents in Northwood were in favour of the proposals.

·         The school was in need of desperate repair.

·         The proposals would benefit pupils and future generations to come.

·         An additional 180 school places would be created.

·         Local residents did have some concerns regarding traffic and parking.

·         Parking and traffic would be reviewed in neighbouring roads.

·         There was no floodlighting proposed which has pleased the local community.

·         Overall the local community was pleased.

·         Northwood Hills did not have car park like other areas in the Borough.

·         Hoped that consideration would be given to the access points.

·         The local area was being regenerated and the school would complement the area.

·         Concerned that Sport England was not supporting the proposals when the proposals were beneficial.


The Head of Planning and Enforcement informed Members that the Council disagreed with Sport England's negative comments concerning this proposal which were perhaps technically incorrect.   Members noted that Northwood School was one of the smallest secondary schools in the Borough.  Members were aware that Sport England was a statutory consultee and were concerned about what weight their objection carried as it seemed unreasonable and out of context. 


Officers explained that the current sports hall was old and in need of repair and these new proposals would actually bring sporting facilities into use rather than not.  Current football pitches based on the site were often unusable due to water logged pitches during the winter months.  


Members discussed other school sites within the Borough that had benefited from regeneration and hoped that the strategic decision makers would be able to make their own view as the contradictive statement from Sport England had surprised them.  Members were fully supportive of the proposals.


Members agreed for Delegated Authority to be given to the Head of Planning and Enforcement to amend the Heads of Terms and Conditions for the S106 agreement, the S278/S38 agreement, a contribution towards TfL bus contributions and construction training as required.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved - That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report and addendum sheet circulated at the meeting.





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