Agenda item

Sipson Road, Sipson


Councillor June Nelson attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillor.


Concerns and suggestions from petitioners included the following:-


The petitioner provided a presentation for the Cabinet Member on the concerns that had been raised as part of the petition, which included:


·         Vehicles do not adhere to the speed limit in Sipson Road/Sipson Lane.

·         Drivers ignore the fact there is a roundabout at the junction of Sipson Road / Sipson Lane.

·         There was a restricted view for drivers approaching the roundabout.

·         Vision was obstructed by parked cars, the position of the building and pavement barriers.

·         Parked cars reduced the road to a single lane on a blind bend.

·         A number of properties had parking in the front garden but no vehicle crossover.

·         Parking takes place on the grass verges in the area.

·         Coaches had difficulty accessing the National Express Coach premises in Holloway Lane, often mounting the pavement to do so.

·         The shrubbery on the entrance to Sipson Road obstructed driver's visibility approaching the roundabout.


Ward Councillor


·         The petitioner had given an in depth presentation and the experiences given was a daily occurrence.

·         Complaints had been received by all Ward Councillors in relation to the Sipson Lane and Sipson Road junction.

·         The speed of cars, parking and the mini-cabs in the area were a continuing nuisance and caused chaos in the village.

·         Asked the Cabinet Member to consider changes being made to make the area safer for everyone.


The Cabinet Member advised the petitioner that minicabs had been an issue in the area and although Parking Enforcement Officers (PEO) visit the area, the perpetrators move on as soon as they see the PEO's arriving.


The Cabinet Member noted that although a previous survey carried out had shown that the speed of vehicles had reduced, the petitioner had questioned the location of the speed survey tubes. Officers were asked to check the location of the previous survey tubes in relation to the roundabout at the Sipson Road/Sipson Lane junction and report back to the Cabinet Member.  If it was felt that there was justification for a further survey to be undertaken officers would be authorised to carry out a further independent 24/7 survey.


Officers were also asked to carry out a traffic study by the roundabout at the Sipson Road/Sipson Lane junction, in regards to the concerns highlighted by the petitioner and report the findings back to the Cabinet Member.


The Cabinet Member advised the petitioner that the information given in the presentation in relation to parking in front gardens where there was no dropped kerb would be passed to planning, for further action.




That the Cabinet Member:


1.     Noted the information in the report, and the views of the petitioners

at the meeting and considered the suggested actions.


2.     Noted that the Council had undertaken 'before' and 'after' traffic

surveys on a 24/7 basis to determine the impact the traffic calming scheme had, had upon vehicle speeds.  The results showed a fall in the 85th percentile speed from 35 mph to 26 mph and therefore do not support the assertion that speeding had increased.


3.     Asked officers to check the locations of the 24/7 survey previously

carried out in relation to the proximity to the roundabout and provide the information to the Cabinet Member.


4.     Following the information provided by officers Consider whether further studies were justified.


5.     Noted that the level of HGV movements in Sipson Road at the time of

       the survey found that just 2%, which was significantly lower that the average for similar roads on the Borough's Principal Road Network.


6.     Instructed officers to carry out a traffic study by the roundabout at the Sipson Road/Sipson Lane junction highlighted by the petitioner and report the findings back to the Cabinet Member.


7.     Requested officers to check the street lighting in the area and report

back the findings to the Cabinet Member.

Supporting documents: