Agenda item

Former Royal British Legion Club, Sipson Road, West Drayton - 829/APP/2014/4252

The redevelopment of the site to accommodate a 7 storey 91 room hotel, including a basement level and associated parking and landscaping.


Recommendation: Approval subject to a S106 Agreement


The redevelopment of the site to accommodate a 7 storey 91 room hotel, including a basement level and associated parking and landscaping.


Officers introduced the report and referred Members to the addendum sheet circulated. The proposed scheme was for the development of a vacant Royal British Legion site. This included the demolition of the existing club building, with the proposed hotel to include a basement car park with 23 parking spaces. It was noted that the principal of hotel use at the site had been previously established through a previously approved scheme for a four storey, 54 room hotel.


The site was adjacent to, but not within, the green belt and it was therefore considered that the scheme would not have a negative impact on the visual amenity of the green belt.


Although the proposed hotel building would be seven storeys tall, it was noted that the two upper two floors would be stepped back from the front and side elevations of the lower floors. The height of the development would be consistent with the neighbouring Park Hotel development. The proposed street landscaping, car parking and highway arrangements were considered to be consistent with planning policy. Accordingly, officers recommended that the application be approved.


A Member questioned why the proposed development was not exclusively four storey and asked whether it could be combined with the existing Park Hotel. The Member considered that the proposed structure was unacceptably high, although they had been satisfied with the previously submitted proposal for construction of a four storey hotel. Concerns were also raised by the Member in relation to what they considered was the excessively blue colour of the proposed building and the visual impact of the development on a public footpath that passed through the site. Officers advised that, as the application site was not within the green belt, any visual impact on users of the footpath was not relevant to the determination of the application.


Further Members expressed concerns about the height of the building, its appearance and effect on the adjacent green belt. Officers confirmed that existing buildings at the complex were between four and six storeys in height. The Legal Advisor stated that if the application was refused by the Committee and subsequently went to appeal, the Planning Inspector would consider the height of neighbouring buildings in comparison to the proposals. It was also noted that the colour of the buildings could be covered by a planning condition and that, therefore, this should not be included in any reasons for refusal, in the event that the Committee made such a decision.


In response to a Member question about disabled access to bedrooms and the apparent absence of a door within the submitted plans, officers advised that this appeared to be error in the plans.


Other Members stated that they did not object to the proposals as the development was not within the green belt and it also complied with relevant Council policies. In addition, the visual impact when viewed from a distance would be minimal.


A recommendation for refusal was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed by six votes for to one against, with one abstention.


It was further agreed that authority would be granted to the Head of Planning and Enforcement to agree the wording of the reasons for refusal with the Chairman and Labour Lead.


RESOLVED - That the application be refused, subject to the following:


- Delegated authority be granted to the Head of Planning and Enforcement to agree the wording of the reasons for refusal with the Chairman and Labour Lead.

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