Agenda item

12A Northwood Road, Harefield - 45363/APP/2015/3363

Change of use from dwelling house (Use Class C3) to dental clinic (Use Class D1) with associated car parking in the rear garden.


Recommendation: Approval


RESOLVED: Application was deferred.



Officers introduced the report and noted the addendum. This included a grampian condition to ensure that access to the proposed car park to the rear was secured prior to any development.


A petitioner speaking in objection addressed the Committee and raised the following points:

·         The petition had been signed by all local residents consulted.

·         There were already 2 dental surgeries located on the nearby high street.

·         Peitioners had not seen proof that this would be an NHS practice.

·         The parking provision was insufficient with only 4 spaces.

·         There was ongoing legal action regarding the access to parking, and it was surprising that the application had been allowed to progress this far. There was not room for 2 cars to pass on the access.

·         There were already problems with parking on the street and there had been numerous collisions.

·         A previous application for a practice at number 52 Northwood Road had been rejected, and the petitioner could discern no difference in the new application.

·         The opening of a dental practice would remove much-needed housing.

·         The proposed hours of activity (11 hours Monday-Friday, 5 hours on Saturday) would be disruptive of a quiet, family life for neighbours, who would be applying for a rate reduction.

·         Some trees had already been removed.


Members requested clarification of the status of the two nearby dental practices. The petitioner confirmed that both were private, but believed that they may be tendering for NHS ststus.


The applicant speaking on behalf of a petition in support addressed the Committee and raised the following points:

·         Harefield had a great reputation for NHS services, but did not have an NHS dentist. The area had been identified by NHS England as an area for an NHS practice.

·         The NHS had confirmed the successful tender for the practice proposed at 12A Northwood Road.

·         The petition had garnered 110 signatures.

·         The applicants were an established group of dental practices, and had worked with the NHS for over 30 years.

·         Commercial units had been considered, but none had been suitable.


The Chairman confirmed with the applicant that they had received confirmation of a successful tender for NHS status, and enquired regarding the condition for access to the proposed rear parking. The applicant responded that without access this would prevent the practice from opening.


A Member asked the applicant to comment on what planning rather than policy reasons supported the application. The applicant responded that there was limited availability of commercial units, none of which provided sufficient space.


A Member asked for an estimate of the proximity of the nearest dentist and the applicant advised that this would be in either Hillingdon, Uxbridge or Moor Park. Harefield residents had to travel approximately 8-11km to an NHS practice.


A Member of the Committee, also Ward Councillor for Harefield, advised that the photographs of the street in the introduction did not indicate the usual level of traffic on the road. Even with the rear parking it appeared to be insufficient space. Another member questioned whether 2 parking spaces for visitors was sufficient for 4 consulting rooms. Officers clarified that there were no standards for car parking, only cycle parking, and that as the applicant had indicated 2-3 cars per hour were anticipated this was deemed to be adequate. Members were advised that they could condition a booking system for parking if they remained concerned.


Members questioned the removal of trees, to which officers responded that the application had provision for retaining several trees and protecting the roots. The Tree Officer had raised no concern regarding the trees that had already been removed.


Members questioned the acoustic fencing proposed for the rear access. Officers responded that the neighbouring property was only partially protected by this, and suggested making 2 of the 3 rear parking bays staff parking to reduce passage along the access road during the day.


Members commented that they were perturbed by commercial development in a residential area, and expressed suprise that a commercial unit could not be identified. Though an NHS dentist was welcome and Members accepted that demand existed, the choice of location was questioned. The high level of traffic on the road was also discussed as a reason why the location may not be suitable.


Officers informed Members that they had the option to defer the application to allow the applicant time to address the highway concerns and the grampian condition for access to parking, and this suggestion was endorsed by the Chairman.


The motion for deferral was moved, seconded and upon being put to a vote

was unanimously agreed.




-       That the application was deferred.


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