Agenda item

Ash Grove Open Space, Ash Grove, Harefield - 71704/APP/2016/1038

The erection of a new single storey youth centre with double height sports hall, landscaping works, replacement playground, modified vehicular crossover, car parking, external lighting, fencing, demolition and replacement of four garages and ancillary works.


Recommendation: Approval


The application was approved, subject to additional conditions.


Ash Grove Open Space, Ash Grove, Harefield - 71704/APP/2016/1038 (Agenda Item 6)


The erection of a new single storey youth centre with a double height sports hall, landscaping, replacement playground, modified vehicular crossover, car parking, external lighting, fencing, demolition, replacement of four garages and ancillary works.


Officers introduced the report, and, noting the addendum, provided an

overview of the application. The application sought full planning permission for the erection of a single-storey Young People's Centre with double height sports hall, car parking, landscaping, and associated development at Ash Grove Open Space in Harefield. The scheme also sought to demolish and rebuild four garages close to the entrance of the site.


The Young People's Centre was to provide holiday and after school sessional activities for young people from the local area aged between 8 and 19. The applicant had advised that the young population of Harefield had steadily increased over recent years such that there were now approximately 1,500 persons within this age group living in the village. The proposed new centre would enable a greater and wider range of services to be offered from a purpose built facility.


It was suggested that the Young People's Centre would provide:


·         Safety and security for young people

·         Daytime, afternoon and evening clubs

·         Purpose built adaptable space for a range of learning programmes / workshops

·         Equipment such as pool and table tennis tables

·         Storage to accommodate resources and equipment

·         Confidential space to offer additional support to those who need it

·         A place for young people to take ownership and a positive role within the community.


It was noted that there were already eight Young People's Centres within the Borough. The development was considered by Officers to comply with current local and national planning policies, the London Plan and

approval was recommended.


The Lead Petitioner and their Representative made the following points:


·         The people of Harefield should have been asked where they wanted the Youth Centre to be built.

·         Ash Grove was densely populated and was surrounded by housing.

·         Locals used the area and it was important especially for children.

·         Harefield already had an underused youth centre and it was not clear why another one is needed.

·         Loss of the park, which was used daily by residents as a public green area meant a lot to residents as an integral part of their life quality.

·         The proposal was contrary to the Government's recently publicised desire to conserve green open spaces.

·         Local children use the playground everyday - there will no longer be anything for smaller children to play on.

·         The remaining grass was too small so residents would need to exercise their dogs elsewhere. This was unfair to the elderly and mobility impaired.

·         There would be an increase in traffic and congestion.

·         Insufficient parking and drop-off/pick-up provision for parents and visitors - Parking in the area is already at saturation point and this would add to congestion on the narrow roads.

·         There was limited access for vehicular traffic.

·         The use of the south entrance for vehicular traffic would be a disaster waiting to happen. Access would be impeded for fire engines and ambulances due to high levels of on-street parking, especially around the bends and in the evenings. This is already a problem and damage was caused to a resident's car by a fire engine attending an incident at New Year.

·         The parking survey did not show a true representation of the parking situation as it was not carried out when everyone was home from work.

·         Residents often sit on the bench and enjoy the green surroundings.

·         Large lorries and delivery trucks would have difficulty manoeuvring around parked cars and were likely to cause damage to parked vehicles during construction.

·         Noise would echo off the surrounding houses.

·         An increase in pedestrian and vehicular traffic, noise and litter pollution would be detrimental to the quality of life of all residents.

·         There might be an increase in crime and antisocial behaviour including drugs, alcohol, bad behaviour, violence, vandalism and burglaries.

·         There was no police station in the village and policing would be too retroactive.

·         Residents had a right to a private and family life.

·         The building was too big and looked hideous and out of character for the area.


Councillors expressed concerns that the Council were proposing to build recreational facilities on green space and questioned whether another location could be used. There was also concern that excessive traffic would be generated. There were reservations and concerns about the about the loss of community space. Councillors noted that a Youth Centre would benefit the community but felt that the proposed building was being shoe horned into the development leaving no amenity.


It was noted that the windows were non-opening and this could be a free risk.


Some Councillors had been on a site visit and noted that there would be space for the young people to park their bicycles. It was felt by some Councillors that there was a lot of 'hype' around the proposed building and that it would benefit the local area.


Officers stated that the proposed building would not attract a high volume of traffic according to the traffic surveys conducted. The Highways Officer was questioned about emergency vehicle access and stated that requirements were met. Councillors asked for reassurance that there was not a safety issue. Some Councillors noted that not all young people will be walking to the site and would be dropped by car, particularly disabled children and therefore more parking was needed. It was questioned whether there would be drainage issues, Officers responded that the proposed building was not on a flood plain. Councillors also questioned the provision for the waste management of the proposed building site. It was concluded that a balance had to be struck between youth provision and understanding the needs of residents.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to vote there were 4 in favour of approval and 3 against approval.     


RESOLVED That: APPROVED as per the officer recommendation and subject to the following additional conditions:


1. Prior to commencement of development a Waste Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall detail how refuse from the site will be stored and collected. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.



To ensure that adequate provision is made for the disposal, storage and collection of litter and waste, in the interests of maintaining a satisfactory standard of amenity in the locality, in accordance with policy OE1 of the Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two Saved UDP Policies (November 2012) and policy 5.17 (refuse storage) of the London Plan (2015).



2. Prior to commencement of development full details of the proposed vehicular access gates to the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The gates shall be fitted with fire brigade locks to ensure out of hours access can be obtained by emergency vehicles. The gates shall thereafter be constructed, retained and maintained in accordance with the approved details.



To safeguard the visual amenities of the surrounding area, to ensure security of the site and to ensure emergency vehicles are able to access the site at all times and to ensure highway and pedestrian safety, in accordance with policies BE13, AM2 and AM7 of the Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two Saved UDP Policies (November 2012) and policies 7.1 and 7.3 of the London Plan (2015).



3. Notwithstanding the approved plans, prior to the commencement of development a scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, which shall set out measures which shall be put in place to ensure fire engine access can be gained to the site at all times or alternatively measures to demonstrate how the development shall comply with relevant fire regulation requirements. The approved measures shall be implemented prior to occupation of the development.



To ensure emergency vehicles are able to access the site at all times and to ensure highway and pedestrian safety, in accordance with policies AM2 and AM7 of the Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two Saved UDP Policies (November 2012).















Supporting documents: