Agenda item

Budget Proposals Report for Residents Services 2017/18


The Operational Finance Manager introduced the report.


The Committee was informed that Budget proposals had been developed to support a ninth successive Council Tax Freeze for all residents and an eleventh year for over 65s, whilst avoiding implementation of the Social Care precept and maintaining frontline services.


This represented a significant achievement in light of continuing cuts to government funding for local government, estimated at 17% in 2017/18 alone, alongside a growing population, driving an ever increasing demand for locally provided services.


The Committee was informed that savings had been developed under five broad themes, which focused on maintaining the existing service offer. These were Zero-Based Reviews; Preventing Demand; Service Transformation; Effective Procurement; and Maximising Income.


The Committee was informed that the draft budget report did not include the impact of the recent Local Government Provisional Settlement, which would be addressed in the budget report to February Cabinet.


Corporate Position


Members were informed that the principal challenge in delivering a balanced budget for 2017/18 was the development of significant savings, with the savings requirement for 2016/17 originally being estimated at £18,464k.


The budget proposals presented to Cabinet in December showed a £11,314k projected reduction in Government funding which would be off-set by increased Council Tax and Business Rates receipts of £4,638k which would reduce the net reduction in resources to £6,162k.


Reference was made to inflationary pressures and growth in demand, which continued to drive up the savings requirement. There were savings proposals of £14,388k presented in this draft budget.




Savings proposals currently developed totalled £14,388k across the Council for 2017/18, which included £1,669k of full year effects of prior year savings.


Members were informed that the total savings included in the draft budget for Residents Services/Group totalled £4,094k and covered the following areas.




Transformation - £1,997k

Zero Based Reviews - £1,615k

Effective procurement - £95k

Income generation - £387k


Fees & Charges


In relation to Fees and charges, the Council continued to benchmark fees & charges against neighbouring boroughs with charges being set at a maximum of 90% of the relevant benchmark. Details of proposed amendments included:


Highways / Crossovers & Skip Licensing

Golf Courses

Bereavement Services

Riding Establishments


Capital Programme


Members were provided with the key items contained within the draft capital programme:


Highways Structural Works - an additional £2,000k growth was included within this draft capital programme to support up to £3,000k investment in local highways infrastructure during 2017/18, with a further £1,000k per annum thereafter.


Battle of Britain Heritage Project - The budget reflected the latest total project cost, which including prior years, would be £5,987k.


Bessingby Football and Boxing Clubhouse - latest cost estimates for the planned development had resulted in project funding being increased by £420k to £1,370k which included prior years in this draft capital programme.


Environmental & Cultural Projects - growth of £600k was included to replenish the £1,000k fund for investment in a range of Environmental & Cultural projects within the Borough during 2017/18.


Ruislip Lido Railway Society Workshop - Replacement of the Society's workshop as the existing one had deteriorated. A new building would also be able to house a greater number of locomotives. Works had been costed at around £360k.


Uniter Building - This facility was located on the former site of RAF Uxbridge adjacent to the Battle of Britain Bunker and it was proposed to develop a stable and secure storage facility for the Borough's various collections of historical artefacts. Refurbishment and the addition of services and shelving storage had been estimated at £400k.


Harlington Road Depot Resurfacing - It was proposed to resurface the waste yard at Harlington Road Depot at an estimated cost of £200k.


Reference was made to the summary of key financial issues and the statement that the opportunity was being questioned the needs for services and examining alternative methods of service delivery. Officers said that clarification on this would be sought and communicated to Members.


Having considered the budget proposals, the following comments were asked to be submitted to Cabinet on the budget proposals: 


The Labour Group acknowledged the savings which were having to  take place across Residents Services, but expressed some reservations on the impact of stream-lining management structures, with subsequent loss of posts, and the impact this would have on the remaining staff within the directorate


Overall, the Committee noted the budget proposals and the continuing budgetary pressures for the Council, but expressed their appreciation at the work which had been carried out by officers, which was not impacting on services to residents.




1. That the budget projections contained in the report be noted and   the comments made by the Committee be submitted to Cabinet.

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