Agenda item

Hillingdon Adult Safeguarding Board - Chairman Q&A Session


Steve Ashley, Chairman of the Hillingdon Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board, addressed the Committee regarding the Board's 2015/16 Report. Mr Ashley was accompanied by Andrea Nixon, LSCB & SAB Business Manager.


Mr Ashley confirmed that the report had been brought to the Committee meeting held on 6 September 2016, though was unable to attend. At the Committee's request, Mr Ashley was in attendance to answer any follow up question. It was highlighted that the report in question was now significantly older, and that the new report for the period 2016/17 was currently being drafted for presentation to the Committee in the near future. The Board was aiming for report publication in June 2017.


Members asked a number of questions, and it was confirmed that:


The development and implementation of strategies to address the mental health and wellbeing of older, isolated, residents needed to be quicker. Detailed, thorough work had been undertaken to draft such strategies, which had included the formation of a performance matrix to specifically address these matters. The issue of self-neglect was still a concern, due to difficulties in obtaining relevant data, though this had improved in comparison to previous years.


Domestic abuse towards males was a topic that was being considered by a number of partnership boards, and it was recognised that this was an issue that was underreported and therefore difficult to address. It was highlighted that there were no refuges for male victims anywhere in London, with the nearest refuge being within Slough. Further detail would be provided within the new annual report.


A lack of feedback when highlighting safeguarding concerns had been raised by the London Fire Brigade, though this had changed dramatically since the publication of the report. A new triage system incorporating four social workers who would provide immediate feedback had been implemented to address this issue.


The CQC inspection of Hillingdon services provided by the CNWL had showed that Mental Health services were inadequate. Systems were now in place to address these concerns, though these required testing to assess their effectiveness. Further information would be provided at a future date.


Financial information had not been included in the report, as the vast majority of the financial contributions to Hillingdon Safeguarding were being made by Hillingdon Council. Other partners were not under any obligation to contribute. Financial information would be included in future reports. Finances were now in place to recruit Best Interest Assessors, though such recruitment was difficult due to a national shortage of qualified assessors.


Performance data was difficult to include in the report, as it could not be included until ratified, which took place circa October each year. Similarly, data could often be unreliable due to underreporting, particularly with regarding to domestic violence within certain communities.


Members provided the Chairman with feedback, highlighting their difficulty in finding the Board's website via internet searching. In addition, it was requested that future reports include the six safeguarding principles as set out by Government, ratified performance data, as well as confirmation of the organisations that made up the Board's membership. Members also highlighted the importance of seeing the strategic plans in place for the year ahead, and suggested that particular focus be given to potential preventative measures at schools, to avoid escalation into adulthood. The Chairman agreed to look into these issues, and suggested that if Members had further feedback for the Board that they provide forward this to the Chairman via the clerk.


Members thanked the Chairman and Ms Nixon for their attendance, and confirmed that they looked forward to seeing the 2016/17 report, once available.

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