Agenda item

36-40 Rickmansworth Road, Northwood - 69978/APP/2016/2564

Demolition of 3 detached dwellings and redevelopment to provide 24 residential flats (13 x 1 bedroom units; 8 x 2 bedroom units; and 3 x 3 bedroom units), amenity space and associated car parking (Re-consultation following receipt of revised plans including highway works)


Recommendation: Approval + Sec 106


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved, subject to conditions and the completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as per the officer's report.


Demolition of 3 detached dwellings and redevelopment to provide 24

residential flats (13 x 1 bedroom units; 8 x 2 bedroom units; and 3 x 3

bedroom units), amenity space and associated car parking (Re-consultation following receipt of revised plans including highway works)


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the addendum. Members were reminded that the application had been deferred at the Major Applications Planning Committee held 4 October 2016, to allow the applicant the opportunity to submit a revised junction design for the entrance to the site, and a highways safety audit of the revised scheme.


In the interests of expediency, the Council's Highway Engineers had reviewed the existing design, traffic and speed data provided by the applicant and had produced alternative designs for the new access to the site, which had subsequently been adopted by the applicant's own highway consultant. A revised internal layout had been produced, that allowed for new pedestrian crossing facilities, revised siting for disabled parking spaces, and better access and egress for refuse lorries.


A stage 1 road safety audit had been completed for the revised scheme, which the application had passed. Officers confirmed that they believed that the actions taken had addressed the queries raised previously, and the application was therefore recommended for approval, subject to conditions and a Section 106 agreement, as set out in the report.


Members sought clarity regarding the proposed changes to the application. Officers confirmed that the area in front of the parking spaces had been widened to allow additional turning space and access for refuse vehicles. Right turns out of the site would be banned, communicated to road users via road markings and signs. It was confirmed that this was not unusual, with many developments having similar turning prohibitions.


Approaches on either side of the site access would have anti-skid surfaces, whilst pedestrian access to the east of the junction would have tactile pavings and a central island.  On the west of the junction, there would be a smaller island with a keep-left sign. Visibility requirements had been met, with 70m of visibility to the west and 90m to the east. As confirmed previously, the stage 1 safety audit had been carried out on the initial plans and had passed, with a stage 2 audit to be carried out on the detailed designs, once submitted. Stage 3 would be carried out immediately after construction, and stage 4 carried out one year after construction.


Members expressed concerns over the safety of pedestrians using the crossing on what was a busy road, where vehicles often drove at speed. It was confirmed that the previous position of the pedestrian crossing was on the west of the site access.  Following Member feedback, the crossing had been relocated to the east, and the new siting had been through the safety audit and had been deemed to be safe.


Members questioned whether vehicles would need to reverse into the access road in order to turn out of the allotted parking bays. Officers confirmed that there was sufficient room within the site to turn, to avoid having to move into the road itself.


Members were satisfied that the revised proposal addressed the concerns raised previously, and the officer's recommendation was moved. This was seconded, and when put to a vote, unanimously agreed.


As Councillor Higgins was not present for the item, he did not take part in the deliberation or vote on the application.


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved, subject to conditions and the completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as per the officer's report.

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