Agenda item


Single storey detached storage building (Part Retrospective)


Recommendation: Approval


RESOLVED That: the application be approved.


Single storey detached storage building (Part Retrospective)


Officers introduced the report, explaining that the proposed building would be used for parking and domestic storage only and would comply with the Council's guidelines. Officers drew attention to a condition which would restrict the use of the building quite severely. It was explained that work had been commenced but had now ceased.


A petition had been received in objection to the application and a resident spoke on behalf of the petitioners. He expressed concern that the proposed storage building would significantly alter the existing residential environment and would change the character of the neighbourhood. There was also concern regarding potential volume of traffic and the fact that vehicles accessing the storage building would have to drive along a narrow lane so it would be unsafe for children to play there. The petitioner stated that the application would result in a reduction in the residential amenity and commented that, in the Local Plan, Harefield Road was part of an archaeological priority zone therefore the applicant would need to apply for an architectural assessment and evaluation prior to commencing work. Residents were concerned that this development would be the start of something else and could set a precedent - they felt it appeared to have a double-skin wall and insulation which could suggest heating would be installed. Moreover, they believed the existence of the trench indicated preparations for water and electricity. Residents were concerned that the applicant had approached other adjoining properties asking to purchase land and stated that the land was originally meant to be for residential use; not for storage facilities.


The applicant responded to the petitioners' comments stating that he had sought advice from the duty planner prior to purchasing the piece of land, on which he wished to build a garage to house his car and garden furniture. He had adhered to the dimensions specified by the duty planner. The applicant stated that he worked for British Airways therefore travelled a considerable amount and needed somewhere to store his car. He did not intend to have electricity or water in the building and had chosen to have a double wall to make it more secure. It would be purely for his personal use and for his own storage; not for commercial use. Members queried whether the advice from the duty planner was verbal or written - it was confirmed to be verbal.


The Chairman requested clarification regarding the archaeological issue and the Planning Officer confirmed that, although the site was in an archaeological priority area, the scheme was on a small scale and would not disturb any remains significantly. The Chairman requested further clarification regarding the alleged change in the character of the area and change of use. The Planning Officer confirmed that the site was on a vehicular access road therefore the application did not represent a change of character and there were conditions to restrict usage (specifically condition 3).


Members commented that the development was acceptable provided that the conditions in place regarding restricted usage were enforceable. It was confirmed that this was the case.


A motion for the officer's recommendation was moved, seconded, and upon being put to a vote was unanimously agreed.


RESOLVED That: the application be approved.

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