Agenda item

Former Garage Site, R/O 6 - 16 Nelsons Road, Hillingdon - 72704/APP/2017/1068

Proposed demolition of the existing garage blocks and erection of six houses with rear dormers, parking spaces, all associated external works and changes to the front and rear gardens of 13 Nelson Road to widen the existing access.


Recommendation: Approval


RESOLVED: That the application was approved.


Proposed demolition of the existing garage blocks and erection of six houses with rear dormers, parking spaces, all associated external works and changes to the front and rear gardens of 13 Nelson Road to widen the existing access.

The proposal involves the redevelopment of the former garage block site with a total of six new dwellings configured as two semi-detached, four-bedroom dwellings located towards the narrower southern end of the site and a terrace of four dwellings comprising two four-bedroom dwellings, either side of two three-bedroom dwellings. All dwellings will be two-storeys in height but incorporating additional floorspace within the roof, with two off-street car parking spaces provided for each individual dwelling.

The officer introduced the report and highlighted the addendum, which included an additional condition for car parking.

A petitioner spoke in objection to the application, and informed the Committee that application was an overdevelopment of the area and the access was not suitable to handle the proposed development. Cars often mount the pavement to avoid those cars parked on the road, and large vehicles struggle to get down the road, so further traffic congestion and more cars in the area could prevent emergency services or larger vehicles from accessing homes.  The petitioner also conveyed safety concerns regarding children that play in the area. Members heard that the removal of trees in the area would lead to increased noise pollution and decreased air quality, while the screening trees were not big enough to prevent loss of amenity.

Councillor Chapman, Ward Councillor for Hillingdon East, commented that the proposal would be too large and overbearing on the area, particularly due to overlooking of 1 - 4 Nelson Close and 5 - 6 Nelson Lane, and loss of sunlight to neighbouring properties. The small road and parked cars on the pavement would also lead to access problems, particularly with large vehicles.

The Highways Officer confirmed to Members that there was a 10.5m standard width for roads to accommodate refuse vehicles and emergency services, and the proposal met this standard, with large vehicles able to turn into the road in a single movement. The Head of Planning and Enforcement informed Councillors that the sites on Nelson Lane are of a similar size to this development, and any overlooking of neighbouring properties complies or exceeds the Council's minimum standards.

The Committee questioned the internal layout of Block A, with stairs positioned against the party walls of the bedrooms of No. 3 and 4, and were informed that the internal layout exceeds the minimum size and there is the opportunity to correct the layout. Members also noted that it was important to confirm that 25% of each premise was soft landscaping, and it was confirmed that this could be achieved by altering Condition 8.

Members also confirmed that a Construction Logistics Management Plan should be submitted to ensure that no problems with construction vehicles arise during this period.

The officer's recommendation, subject to additional conditions regarding the internal layout and Construction Logistics Management Plan and a change to condition 8, was then moved and seconded, and unanimously agreed when put to a vote.

RESOLVED: That the application was approved, subject to additional conditions.

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