Agenda item

Request To Include Sussex Road In The Extension To The Ickenham Parking Management Scheme


Councillors John Hensley attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillor in respect of the petition.


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


·         Petitioners confirmed that the initial consultation to set up a parking scheme in Ickenham started in 2014. In 2016, the parking scheme was implemented across all of the estate, with the exception of Austins Lane, Tavistock Road, and Sussex Road.

·         Commuter and school traffic/parking was then displaced into these roads, and a further consultation to include those roads in the scheme was held in 2017. This resulted in 18 households wanting the scheme, and 11 households against the scheme.

·         Residents were then informed in August 2017 that the scheme was to go ahead, and were issued permits.

·         Subsequently, implementation of the scheme within the southern end of Sussex Road was placed on hold, as the Council had received a petition against the scheme. A further petition was then submitted in favour of the scheme, which had led to the petition hearing in question.

·         Petitioners asserted that the majority of the residents of the southern end of Sussex Road were in favour of the scheme.

·         It was felt that the Council was inconsistent in applying the parking schemes within the area, as all other streets listed in the consultation had been treated as one street. It was felt that by splitting Sussex Road, the Council had allowed a small number of residents to delay the implementation of the scheme against the wishes of the majority.

·         Since the 9th October 2017, the southern end of Sussex road was being used as free parking by commuters using Ickenham station.

·         Parents driving their children to school will likely also be using Sussex road as a parking area.

·         There is not enough parking provision for these visitors and the residents of Sussex Road.

·         Safety of pedestrians is a concern. The area is a narrow cul-de-sac and vehicles turning to exit must cross pavements and driveways, at times of the day when children are often travelling on foot. A child was hit by a car on Friday 6rth October.

·         Pollution would increase due to cars sitting with their engines running while waiting to pick up children from school.

·         Residents were becoming stressed due to the lack of parking provision for guests. Carers will find it difficult to visit, and driveways are often blocked. This could lead to increased isolation for older residents.

·         If the scheme is not implemented, then many residents are planning to install dropped-kerbs, which will have a detrimental impact on the street scene.

·         It was requested that the hold placed on the scheme be dropped immediately, as per the wishes of the majority.


Councillor Hensley addressed the Cabinet Member, and stated:


·         As Ward Councillor, Councillor Hensley made regular visits to the area. The most recent visit was made on 11 October at 11.10am, a time chosen to avoid transient vehicles (such as parents dropping off children to school.)

·         On his visit, Cllr Hensley had observed a large number of parked cars, on both sides of the road, and a lorry that was prevented from travelling the road due to the obstruction these caused. A queue of traffic was also behind the lorry.

·         Cllr Hensley was of the opinion that in the event of an emergency, emergency services would not be able to adequately service the road.

·         Cllr Hensley suggested that all residents of the affected portion of Sussex Road be written to with a questionnaire, asking them to confirm, with finality, whether they wished the road to be included in the parking management scheme. It was understood that the remaining petition, against the parking scheme, was likely to be heard in November and so it was recommended that any questionnaire include a cut-off date for responses that was prior to that meeting.


Councillor Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and noted that their eagerness to have the matter resolved in a timely fashion. However, Councillor Burrows was mindful of the need to allow the second petitioner their right to address their concerns to the Cabinet Member at a petition hearing, before any final decision could be made. With regard to Councillor Hensley's suggested letter and questionnaire, Councillor Burrows felt this could prove useful in helping to make an informed decision at the forthcoming petition meeting.


Councillor Burrows therefore moved the recommendations as follows:


RESOLVED:  Meeting with the petitioners, the Cabinet Member:


1.    Discussed with petitioners their concerns relating to parking in Sussex Road, Ickenham;


2.    Noted the comments made by petitioners who broadly support the introduction of the Parking Management Scheme in Sussex Road, Ickenham;


3.    Noted that a separate petition has been submitted by residents opposed to the introduction of parking restrictions which will be considered at a future petition meeting; and


4.    Instructed officers to draft a letter and questionnaire to the affected residents of Sussex Road, asking them to confirm whether they were in favour of, or in objection to, the possible implementation of the Parking Management Scheme. The letter was to be sent as soon as possible, and was to confirm that all responses from residents of Sussex Road were to be returned to the Council prior to the date of the proposed petition meeting in November. Councillor Hensley was to be sent a copy of the draft letter for comment, prior to it being sent.


Reasons for recommendations


To allow the Cabinet Member the opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners of their concerns and suggestions.


Alternative options considered / risk management 


None at this stage.



Supporting documents: