Agenda item

Draft Budget Proposals Report for Residents Services 2018/19


The Committee considered a report on the draft revenue budget and capital programme for the services within the remit of the Residents Policy Overview Committee 2018/19, along with indicative projections for the following four years.


Following consideration by the Cabinet on 14 December 2017, these proposals were under consultation and discussed at each Policy Overview Committee.  The proposals were next due to be considered by Cabinet on 15 February 2018 and the report would include comments from the Policy Overview Committees.  Following that meeting of Cabinet, full Council would meet on 22 February 2018 to agree the budgets and council tax for 2018/19.


Overall, it was reported that despite the Council continuing to operate within the constraints of Government's deficit reduction programme, in addition to continuing demographic and demand pressures, the London Borough of Hillingdon still retained healthy balances. The Council was still also able to freeze council tax.


The report gave details of the savings proposals to meet the budget gaps and respond to the increases in costs pressures and contingency plans for development and risk. Officers gave a verbal summary of the key details.


The Council's financial performance during 207/18 remained strong with an under spend of £980k projected across revenue budgets and £14,460k of the £15,508k savings programmed wither already banked or on track for delivery

Locally raised income from council tax and business rates was expected to grow by £4,905k as a result of strength in tax bases. This would however be off-set by a reduction in government funding. 


£250k of the sum for Priority Grown remained uncommitted at this stage but the remainder consisted off the following areas:


·         £1000k resources committed to meeting capital financing costs associated with the Council's flagship schools expansion programme

·         £576k to support operation go a new Waste and Recycling centre

·         £250k per annum funding for the Metropolitan Police station to continue the operation of Uxbridge Police Station

·         £200k support for an expanded you offer from the Council

·         £200k additional funding for Counter Fraud Activity to ensure the Council protects its finances

·         £139k further growth for the expanded Museums and Archives Service in addition to the £140k allocated in 2017/18

·         During Member discussion, it was reported:


During Member discussion, it was reported:


·         A suggested site had been identified for Yiewsley swimming pool but had not yet been finalised or agreed.

·         A suggested site had also been identified for a waste and recycling centre, but the details of this had not yet been finalised.

·         For both of these sites there was a budget available and also contingency plans if the budget overran.

·         The government had imposed a reduction which enable the Council's Housing Revenue Account budgets to be prepared to deliver a 1% reduction in rents for existing tenants in 2018/19.

·         Previous targets had been met in relation to creating 545 affordable homes for residents by 2022/23 and these figures would be circulated to Members.


Some Members indicated that further changes would be suggested at the Council budget meeting.


Overall, the Committee supported the budget but appreciated that there were some issues in financing.


Resolved - The Committee agreed that there was some good being undertaken to benefit residents in areas such as the schools expansion programme, music services and adult education. This would be good for the health and well being of residents. The Committee thanked officers for their input and efforts.



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