Agenda item

Sedley Grove, Harefield - Petition Requesting the Installation of Speed Ramps and Bollards


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • The petitioners explained that although the roads in discussion were within a 30mph zone, drivers rarely abided by this speed restriction with many travelling at around 50mph.
  • There were double white lines in the middle of the road but cars still overtook, which was very dangerous.
  • There had been several accidents in the area, including some very serious accidents that had caused damage to property as well as seriously injuring people.
  • Residents stated that the kerbstones were very low in some places and suggested that a higher curb might have prevented vehicles from crashing into their fences/gardens.
  • There was an area where the pavement was so narrow that pedestrians were caught in the tail wind of some lorries and buses if they walked there. Many residents avoided the pavement as they found it too dangerous and was barely wide enough for a buggy or two people walking side by side.
  • The petitioners asked what the Council put in measures to slow vehicles down.
  • The 30mph signs were ignored by drivers – those drivers that adhered to the limit were often tailgated by other vehicles.
  • Residents suggested that bollards be installed on the pavement to protection residents’ properties from vehicles losing control and mounting the pavement.
  • It was suggested that an anti-skid surface be laid on the roads at corners and turns and that 30mph signs be painted on the road.
  • It was also suggested that average speed cameras be installed.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised.  Petitioners were advised that the two Ward Councillors for Harefield had given their support for the petition. 


Officers explained that a higher kerb could cause a vehicle at high speed to flip, which could cause more damage or injury than a lower kerb.  It was noted that bollards were not placed to protect people; they were usually used to stop drivers parking there.


Officers would look at the option of Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) and Speed Indicator Devices (SID). Consideration would be given to including Sedley Grove in the programme’s next review.


As there was no possibility of installing 30mph repeater signs, officers were asked to investigate the possibility of erecting a sign with ‘30mph’ and a camera below it to remind drivers that there were speed cameras in the area.


The Cabinet Member suggested a 24/7 speed survey be carried out to record the volume and types of vehicles and the speeds travelled. After the results had been received, further consideration could be given to what action could be taken.  Furthermore, the police would be advised of any information resultant from this survey that would assist in apprehending persistent speeders.


Resolved - 

That the Cabinet Member:

1.      Noted the petition and the request for measures to address the speeding traffic in Church Hill and listened to the concerns of the petitioners;

2.      Asked officers to conduct a 24 hour/seven day speed and volume survey in Church Hill and report back;

3.      Instructed officers to liaise with the Harefield Safer Neighbourhood Team to monitor the site;

4.      Subject to the concerns raised by petitioners and the results of the survey, considered instructing officers to conduct further investigations into possible traffic calming measures under the Road Safety Programme; and

5.      Asked officers to add this area to VAS programme.


Reasons For Recommendation

The petitioners are concerned with the speed of vehicles in their road. The recommendations will explore the extent of their concerns and look at possible solutions to mitigate these concerns.


Alternative Options Considered

No other options have been considered, as the recommendations ask officers to gather further information before considering feasible solutions.


Relevant Ward




Supporting documents: