Agenda item

15 - 17 High Road, Ickenham - 57069/APP/2018/1779

The erection of a three storey building comprising 3x1 bed, 6x2 bed and 3x3 bed flats with associated parking, cycle and amenity space.


Recommendation: Approve + Sec 106


RESOLVED – That the application and s106 be approved subject to the changes in the addendum.  


Officers introduced the report and provided an overview of the application. Planning permission was sought for the erection of a three storey building comprising 3x1 bed, 6x2 bed and 3x3 bed flats with associated parking, cycle and amenity space. Officers highlighted the addendum and made a recommendation for approval and sec 106.


A petitioner spoke in objection to the application. The petitioner asked for this site to be developed as it had been derelict for the past 14 years. However, the petitioner submitted that this high density application should not be approved. The petitioner gave a history of previous applications on the site and refusal reasons. The petitioner raised significant concerns about the pedestrian footpath and the position of the curb for the access road and how it impacted residents in particular children. The density of the development was also a concern as there were 12 flats which counted as 24 bedrooms. Some of the bedrooms would be three bedroom accommodation with no access to amenity space. The car parking space had no turning area. The petitioner explained that this application had not grown much. There was no visitor parking space and the petitioner questioned whether a proper consultation had been carried out. In summary, the petitioner submitted that the pedestrian layout made it unsafe for children to travel. The petitioner asked for the application to be refused.


The agent addressed the Committee and submitted that many of the arguments put forward by the petitioner related to previous applications. Those applications were independent from today’s application and the client acquired the site in 2016. Extensive discussions took place with officers about the cottages (which were derelict for approximately 18 years) and a full assessment was undertaken. There was an aim to retain the cottages, however they could not be retained. A consultation period had been carried out. Parking standards, amenity and flats complied with standards and this was a reasonable scheme maximising the ability to provide housing on this site. The applicant was offering the Council £115k in affordable housing contributions and £20k due to off site sustainable measures. The applicant had been generous with affordable housing. The scheme was a reasonable proposal, meeting all standards and the agent asked for approval.


At the outset, the Chairman reminded the Committee would only be able to consider comments and changes in relation to the consented nine unit scheme. This application had to be determined in on its own merits. The Head of Planning commented the 2004 application related to 12 units however it had many different aspects to its application, which he highlighted to the Committee.


Members noted that planning permission existed for this block of nine flats and also that the street appearance appeared relatively the same. The changes were all policy complaint in terms of amenity space and size and use.


The officer’s recommendation was moved, seconded and when put to a vote, unanimously agreed.


RESOLVED – That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation and subject to any variations in the addendum.


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