Agenda item

1 Harlyn Drive, Pinner - 16932/APP/2018/3978

Single storey side/rear extension, first floor side extension and conversion to two one-bed and one two-bed self-contained flats.


Recommendation: Approval


RESOLVED: That the application be approved, subject to delegated authority to the Head of Planning, Transportation and Regeneration.


Single storey side/rear extension, first floor side extension and conversion to two one-bed and one two-bed self-contained flats.


Officers introduced the application and noted the addendum, which contained an additional condition.


The Head of Planning, Transportation and Regeneration noted that Flat 2 in the proposal was less than 51 sqm, but bigger than a studio. Therefore, it was suggested that the description of the application be changed to one two-bed, one one-bed and one studio, although there was no changes to the external layout of the application. Members heard that the agent could not be contacted about this change, and it was requested that, should the Committee be minded to agree the application, delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning, Transportation and Regeneration to agree this change with the applicant and agent.


A petitioner spoke in objection to this application, and stated that it was an overdevelopment that would exacerbate traffic concerns and cause issues for local school children and the nearby driving test centre. Members heard that the application was out of keeping, and cannot accommodate four vehicles. The Committee was also informed that, should the application be approved, no further material alterations should be considered in the future.


The agent for the application addressed the Committee and stated that the proposal included sufficient parking, amenity space and soft landscaping. The units included four off-street parking spaces and the vehicular crossover was considered acceptable by officers. Members were informed that there was minimal impact to the street scene, sunlight and outlook, and should the application be granted, the applicant would agree that the change to the description would be acceptable.


Councillor Morgan, Ward Councillor for Northwood Hills, spoke at the meeting and confirmed that the proposed application would impact on the view from residents opposite the plot. Furthermore, the size of one of the one-bedroom flats did not meeting the Council’s standards, and should be refused on these grounds, as well as the issue that it would have on parking and the dangers it may pose to local schoolchildren.


Officers confirmed that delegated authority could also be allowed to ensure that landscaping to the frontage be kept to 1m in height.


The Committee expressed concern that the application be changed from a one-bedroom flat to studio, and it was discussed whether the application should be considered based on the plans in front of Members.


Councillors noted that the plans were compliant, and although there was sympathy with residents, it would be very difficult to refuse.


As such, the officer’s recommendation, subject to delegated authority, was moved and seconded. Upon being put to a vote, there were seven votes in favour of the motion and one against.


RESOLVED: That the application be approved, subject to delegated authority to the Head of Planning, Transporation and Regeneration to:


1.    Change the description of the application to replace one one-bedroom flat with one studio flat; and,


2.    Ensure that landscaping to the frontage of the flats be kept to a maximum of one metre in height.

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