Agenda item

Croyde Avenue And Lundy Drive, Hayes - Petition Requesting Traffic Calming Measures And A Permit Parking Scheme



The Cabinet Member considered a petition from residents requesting traffic calming measures and a residents' permit parking scheme. The petitioner organiser was in attendance at the meeting and noted a number of concerns, including the following:


·         The petition organiser was disappointed with the way their queries had been handled by the London Borough of Hillingdon's Housing and Anti-Social Behaviour and Environment teams.

·         There had been a number of reports of vehicles parking on the grass outside of properties on Croyde Avenue and Lundy Drive, blocking residents' cars in.

·         Commercial vehicles took up residential parking spaces leaving limited parking for residents.

·         There was anti-social behaviour and a drug issues on the roads in questions and reports had been made to the Police and Council regarding this.

·         The prevalence of speeding vehicles had caused a number of incidents in the area.


Councillor Jazz Dhillon attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillor in support of the petition. He attested all the submissions made and explained that there were speeding issues in the area and cars were regularly blocked access despite clear bay markings. He also noted the danger of parked cars causing cars to manoeuvre oncoming traffic dangerously and welcomed the need for speed breakers.


Councillor John Morse was in attendance as Ward Councillor for Pinkwell and also supported the petition. He drew attention to the commercial vehicles that had been left that caused obstruction to residents parking for sometimes a number of months. No enforcement action had been undertaken by the Council.  It was also noted that residents had resorted to painting their own parking bays to help people adhere to the correct parking spaces.


The Head of Transport and Town Centre Projects explained the limitations of Council regulations for parking on housing land off of the public highway and that the private parking in Croyde Avenue could not be covered by a parking management scheme.


It was also noted that the anti-social behaviour and drug concerns had been reported to the authorities.


Councillor Burrows listened to the concerns of the petition organiser and was sympathetic to the issues raised. Councillors Burrows explained that it was difficult to take action on land that did not fall as part of Highways however speed surveys could be undertaken to try to resolve the speeding issues in the area.  Councillor Burrows agreed the location of three traffic speed surveys, in conjunction with the petition organiser, Ward Councillors and the Head of Transport and Town Centre Projects. Councillor Burrows added an additional recommendation asking officers to consult on the possibility of installing double yellow lines to avoid the obstruction of residents parking.


Councillor Burrows also explained that the issues pertaining to parking on private housing land would be referred to the Cabinet Member for Social Services, Housing, Health and Wellbeing for investigation.


RESOLVED: Meeting with the petitioners, the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation and Recycling:


1.    Listened to their request for traffic calming measures in Croyde Avenue and Lundy Drive, Hayes.


2.    Noted the information provided by officers in the Council's Housing Services Team.


3.    Advised the petitioners that the private parking areas in Croyde Avenue will not be enforced by the Council's parking enforcement contractor.


4.    Asked Officers to undertake traffic surveys, at locations agreed by the petitioners and ward councillors, and to then report back.


5.    Instructed Officers to consult on the possibility of installing double yellow lines in front of car parking areas on Croyde Avenue and Lundy Drive, Hayes.


Reasons for decisions

The petition hearing provided a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners of their concerns and suggestions.


Alternative options considered / risk management


None at this stage.


Supporting documents: