Agenda item

Petition Requesting A Residents' Permit Parking Scheme In Part Of West Mead, Ruislip


Councillors Allan Kauffman and Steve Tuckwell attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillors for South Ruislip. 


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:

·         Although there had always been an issue, it had been getting progressively worse.  Over the last twelve years, demand for parking spaces in West Mead had increased to such an extent that residents were regularly unable to park anywhere near their own houses.  Petitioners estimated that 90% of the vehicles parked in West Mead during the day belonged to non-residents;

·         As is was the nearest unrestricted road, the majority of parking congestion was being caused by drivers that were parking their vehicles in West Mead, walking to South Ruislip station and not coming back until the evening.  Individuals attending the nearby church were also parking in West Mead and there were often larger vehicles / vans / lorries parked there whilst the drivers went into the local cafe;

·         Although on-site parking was available at the old dairy, cinema goers would often park in West Mead.  It was suggested that, with the new cinema, Aldi and B&M, residents would benefit from a parking management scheme;

·         It was noted that a previous petition had been submitted which had encompassed West Mead (Cavendish Ward) and Victoria Road (South Ruislip Ward) but that the consultation responses received by the Council had not supported taking any further action;

·         It appeared that only residents in the western end of West Mead currently experienced challenges with non-resident parking which would be why the eastern end had not supported the proposed changes;

·         There were some West Mead residents that had young children who were having to park a long way from their houses in places such as Torcross Road and Hartland Drive;

·         West Mead residents often found that drivers had parked in such a way that the vehicles overhung their driveways making it difficult to enter / exit their properties.  Drivers were also inconsiderate in that they sometimes parked across two spaces preventing others from parking there.  Residents had left notes on some of these cars but there was little else that they could do; and

·         It was recognised that recent building developments had had an impact on the junction with Victoria Road and that residents were experiencing parking and access issues.  South Ruislip Ward Councillors felt unable to support the petition unless Victoria Road was included in any consultation undertaken to ensure that displacement issues were addressed.


Councillor Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised.  He advised that issues associated with Victoria Road were already being investigated separately by officers.  Following receipt of the first petition, a design had been produced and circulated for consultation with residents.  Design options had been limited as there were a significant number of dropped kerbs in West Mead.  Residents had not liked the design and had therefore previously rejected it. 


It was agreed that the Cavendish Ward Councillors would be contacted to determine whether or not they would support action being taken with regard to just the western half of West Mead rather than the whole road.  If they were happy to support the area identified by the petitioners, the Cabinet Member would agree it.  The consultation information would be circulated in the New Year.


The Cabinet Member advised that, to prevent drivers from parking over dropped kerbs, residents could contact the Transport and Projects team for further information and costings relating to the installation of white bar markings. 


RESOLVED:  Meeting with the petitioners, the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation and Recycling:

1.         discussed with petitioners their concerns with parking in the section of West Mead, Ruislip close to the junction with Victoria Road;

2.         noted the results of the previous consultation with residents of the area on a possible Parking Management Scheme; and

3.         asked officers to add the request to the Council’s extensive parking programme for further informal consultation.


Reasons for recommendations


To allow the Cabinet Member to discuss with petitioners their concerns and, if appropriate, add their request to the parking schemes programme.


Alternative options considered / risk management


These will be discussed with petitioners.

Supporting documents: