Agenda item

Northolt Junction, Civic Way, Ruislip - 66712/APP/2010/103

Track and junction improvements involving widening the existing up line embankment for 1.2km; stabilising the existing embankment; laying a second track South of existing up main line; provision of new junctions; replacing the existing single track bridge over Civic Way with a double track bridge; infilling redundant under bridge and ancillary works.


Recommendation: Refusal


Track and junction improvements involving widening the existing up line embankment for 1.2km; stabilising the existing embankment; laying a second track South of existing up main line; provision of new junctions; replacing the existing single track bridge over Civic Way with a double track bridge; infilling redundant under bridge and ancillary works.




In accordance with the Council’s constitution a representative of the petition received in objection to the proposal was invited to address the meeting.


Points raised by the petitioner:

  • The proposal will have significant impact on near-by properties and the lives of local residents.
  • The proposal will create a significant amount of noise during the construction phase which will affect residents both at night (causing sleep deprivation) and at weekends.
  • If approved, the proposal will result in higher speed trains which will result in more noise from greater overtaking.
  • Higher speed trains will increase the number of train movements per day.
  • If approved, building material will need to be transported to the site which will increase congestion on local roads which are already very busy.
  • The proposal will damage the material structure of some surrounding properties through increased vibrations caused by train movements.
  • To request that an environmental impact assessment is carried out.
  • The construction techniques used in some local homes means that they are not suitable for the sound insulation measures proposed by the applicant.
  • Concerns about the increased risk of flooding.


Points raised by the applicant:

  • The aim of the proposal is to improve train journey times between London and Birmingham.
  • Under signalling, trains will be separated by 3 minutes, which will mean that there will not be multiple trains passing on the track.
  • Signalling proposals will result in less acceleration and deceleration of trains and therefore less noise.
  • The proposal will increase train speeds from 70 mph to 100 mph only.
  • The developer, Chiltern, is keen to engage with local residents to find solutions to residents concerns.
  • Construction will involve working in sections along the track for several days at a time before moving down the line so noise and disruption will not be concentrated for significant periods of time.
  • Working at night will be limited and mainly concern replacing the bridge at Civic Way.
  • Vibration will not adversely affect surrounding properties.
  • To address flooding concerns, Chiltern will increase local flood capacity by 300 metres cubed as recommended by the Environment Agency.


Members asked the applicant for further clarification about the methodology of working in sections and for further details about night work. In response, the applicant confirmed that work would involve some blockades and require some weekend work. It was anticipated that work to stabilise the embankment would last 2 to 4 days in any one position before it progressed further down the line and that the longest work in any one location would last up to two weeks (but not continuously). The applicant confirmed that night-time working hours would be between midnight and five thirty am. The applicant acknowledged that work would be disruptive to local residents but Chiltern would try and minimise this where possible.


Members had great sympathy for the potential disruption to the petitioners but having heard from the applicant and considered the amendments proposed in the Addendum, thought the offer of temporary accommodation during some building works represented a fair compromise.


In response to a query about noise levels, The Head of Planning and Enforcement confirmed that the operation of the railway would continue and the noise officer had concluded that noise levels would not be significant seen in the context of the overall project. Members were encouraged to learn that traffic on the southerly route was planned to reduce by 70%.


To ensure appropriate communication is undertaken with the local community, Members asked officers to include ‘Ward Councillors’ to condition 3 (xiii)


It was moved and seconded that the application be approved as set out in the report with the changes and additions in the Addendum. On being put to the vote approval was unanimously agreed.


Resolved –


That the application be Approved as recommended in the report with the changes and additions as set out in the Addendum and the following further changes:


Add in condition 3 (xiii) 'Ward Councillors' after Local Planning Authority.


Add subsection to condition 3 as follows:


(xiv) sizes including height of the HGVs and swept paths for the largest vehicles between junction of West End Road/Station Approach and the site, and junction of Mandeville Road/Eastcote Lane and the site.


Reason: To ensure that  construction traffic does not give rise to conditions prejudicial to highway and pedestrian safety and the free flow of traffic on the surrounding highway network.





Supporting documents: