Agenda item

High Street, Harlington - Petition Requesting Control Parking


The following concerns and suggestions were raised at the meeting:


  • Residents expressed concerns that the recent extension of the Heathrow Parking Management scheme had resulted in increased parking in the High Street.
  • That parking problems had been exasperated by people parking their cars and transporters on the High Street with ‘for sale’ signs. This meant that when families visited, they had no place to park.
  • The area was regularly used by commuters to park their cars and holiday makers would sometimes park theirs for two weeks.
  • Residents advised that fire engines would be hindered from driving along the High Street, due to the severe parking problems.
  • It was suggested that the parking issue had also transferred into St Paul’s Close.
  • Residents advised that there was a ‘dead end’ over the Hayes Fly-Over which made it easy for people to not only park their cars, they also littered the area.
  • It was suggested that the ‘no litter’ signs were ignored and people urinated in the area. Vandalism and fly tipping occurred on a regular basis.
  • Residents requested a parking management scheme that would allow for residents’ parking only and should not allow for non-residents parking at any time.


Councillor June Nelson attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillor in support of the residents. Councillor Nelson concurred with the residents and indicated that she had experienced taxi drivers urinating in the area, which she said was detrimental to the residents living in the area. Councillor Nelson asked the Cabinet Member to bring parking in line with the neighbouring areas.


The Cabinet member listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded that the Council did not install parking in areas; request for parking management had to come from residents.  The Cabinet member added that residents would be consulted and given an outline of different schemes. Only when residents are happy with a scheme following consultation would Implementation proceed. It was noted that officers would be instructed to liaise with the Safer Neighbourhood Team with a view to increasing patrol in the area to try and reduce the issue of public nuisance.


Resolved – that the Cabinet Member:


  1. Considered the petitioners’ request and discussed with them their concerns with parking outside their homes.


  1. Asked officers to include this part of Harlington in the subsequent review of the recent extension to the Heathrow Parking Scheme included in the forward programme.


  1. Instructed officers to raise the issues highlighted about public nuisance with the Safer Neighbourhood Team.

Reasons for recommendation


To allow the Cabinet Member to discuss with petitioners their concerns with parking and if appropriate to include this section of Harlington within the subsequent review of the most recent extension to the Heathrow Parking Scheme.

Alternative options considered


The petitioners have requested controlled parking and although this can be addressed by the introduction of waiting restrictions, it is more likely the residents want to park outside their homes but are precluded from doing so at present due to non-residential parking.


Relevant Ward:

Heathrow Villages




Supporting documents: