Agenda item

Albert Road and Keith Road, Hayes - Petitions concerning the Proposed Residents Parking Scheme


The following concerns and suggestions were raised at the meeting:


  • Residents suggested that there should be parking restriction from 2pm to 4pm at the top end of Keith Road and a Parking Management Scheme introduced at the bottom end of Albert Road.
  • It was noted that the Church did not fall into any of these categories except that Parents dropping their children to the Mother and Toddler groups had been asked by the Church to avoid parking in front of residents’ drives.
  •  Residents raised concerns about severe parking problems at the corner of Keith Road and Albert Road and requested that urgent action was needed in this area.
  • It was noted that the parking problems were caused mainly by commuters and the parking issues were having a major impact on residents.
  • It was acknowledge that parking restrictions from 2pm to 4pm would not be a suitable resolution to the parking problems for all residents, but that it would work for the Church.
  • Residents were keen to know whether there was any flexibility to 9am to 5pm scheme.


Councillor Mo Khursheed attended the meeting and spoke as a Ward Councillor and stated that priority should be given for a parking scheme in Albert Road and Keith Road. Councillor Khursheed added having discussed the issue with residents; the consultation process was needed to be progress so that some measure could be implemented as soon as possible.


The Cabinet Member listened to the concerns of the petitioners and advised that the Council would only introduce a scheme that was acceptable to the majority of residents through the consultation process. It was emphasised that the one hour parking restrictions (either in the morning or in the afternoon) would affect all residents on the street but that the Residents’ Permit scheme would only affect non residents (people who did not live on the street).




That the Cabinet Member:


  1. Met and discussed with the petitioners their concerns with parking in Albert Road and Keith Road


  1. Asked officers to include the petition request and the outcome of discussions above in the forthcoming report incorporating all representations received from statutory consultation on the proposed parking scheme for Keith Road and Albert Road, Hayes.


  1. Instructed officers to contact the lead petitioners to invite them to attend the site in order to discuss the options available. Following on form this, for officers to proceed with the consultation process.

Reasons for recommendation


Following statutory consultation on parking proposals, all comments received must be considered by the Council before a final decision.  A report will subsequently be drafted detailing these comments which can include these petitions together with the outcome of discussions with the Cabinet Member at the petition evening.

Alternative options considered


To control parking on street, the Council have powers to introduce Residents Permit Parking Schemes or waiting restrictions.  These alternatives were put to the residents of Albert Road and Keith Road who preferred the introduction of permit parking.  A petition however from the Elim Christian Centre has put forward the alternative option of waiting restrictions.


Relevant Ward:


Supporting documents: