Agenda item

Victoria Road, Ruislip - Petition Requesting Residents Parking Scheme


Councillors Shirley Harper-O’Neill and Allan Kauffman attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillors in support of the petition. 


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • It was noted that, when the South Ruislip Parking Management Scheme had been established, the Victoria Road service road had inadvertently been missed out;
  • Residents advised that they would like to be included in the scheme that other residents around them benefited from – there were approximately 100 properties in the service road;
  • As the parking was limited, drivers often parked on the grass verges and on the pavements.  This then made it difficult for pedestrians to pass and they often had to go out into the road;
  • There were also gaps in the yellow lines that had been put down on Victoria Road which meant that drivers were parking in these gaps.  This then made it difficult for other drivers to pass;
  • Residents had noted that between 80% and 85% of drivers that parked in the service road were not resident there;
  • It was suggested that one end of the service road be blocked off to stop drivers from using it to jump the traffic;
  • The church had experienced some problems with parking when there were funerals or weddings but this had been addressed; and
  • Residents passed additional photographs to Councillor Keith Burrows to illustrate the problems that they were experiencing.


Councillor Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised.  He noted that the review of the South Ruislip Parking Management Scheme was currently due for review so advised that residents in this area of Victoria Road would be included in this consultation exercise. 


With regard to blocking off one end of the service road, residents were advised that consideration would need to be given to access.  Alternative options that could be considered included making the road one way which would mean that drivers would be emerging out onto a busy road.  Officers would investigate the possible options.


Residents were advised to ensure that they responded to the consultation document when it arrived as action would only be taken if the majority of residents supported it.  It was noted that consultation responses would be limited to one per household.


RESOLVED:  That the Cabinet Member:


  1. considered the petitioners’ request and discussed with them their concerns with parking outside their homes.


  1. asked officers to include this part of Victoria Road in the subsequent review of the recent extension to the South Ruislip Parking Scheme.


  1. asked officers to include the request and possible options for traffic calming measures in the Road Safety Programme.




To allow the Cabinet Member to discuss with petitioners their concerns with parking and, if appropriate, to include this section of Victoria Road within the subsequent review of the most recent extension to the South Ruislip Parking Management Scheme. The success of traffic measures which address speeding and rat-running are largely successful if they are acceptable to local residents. These can be discussed with petitioners for further detailed investigation by officers within the Road Safety Programme.




Options may emerge during the Petition Hearing with the Cabinet Member.

Supporting documents: