Agenda item

Blyth Road and Clayton Road, Hayes - Petition Requesting A "Residents Parking Only Scheme"


Councillors Phoday Jarjussey and Mo Khursheed attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillors in support of the petition. 


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • As it was so close to the station, drivers regularly parked their vehicles in Blyth Road and Clayton Road and went off to work in London on the train without having to pay to park or pay for the congestion charge.  These drivers often woke residents early in the morning when they slammed their car doors and would not return until late in the evening thus using the limited parking spaces all day;
  • An increasing number of people were leaving their vehicles in Blyth Road and Clayton Road for up to four weeks whilst they went on holiday and caught the train or the bus to Heathrow airport;
  • As it was easy to get into London from the station, many drivers were parking in the roads and catching the train to events at Wembley or to go shopping at Westfield in Shepherds Bush;
  • The high volume of cars vying for a parking space in Clayton Road had resulted in a number of residents’ cars being scraped or scratched and residents were finding that they were often boxed in and unable to move their cars out of their parking space;
  • A block of flats had been built at the end of Clayton Road and were being sold.  Residents were concerned that it was cheaper for the tenants in these flats to take on the property without also taking a garage.  As such, this would increase the number of cars wanting to park on the roadside and make it even more difficult to get a space;
  • Although all residents were finding it difficult for existing residents to park their vehicles near their homes, it was particularly difficult for parents with young children, residents returning with heavy shopping and those who needed to empty their tools from their vans to ensure that they were not stolen.  It was also difficult for tradesmen (e.g., plumbers) visiting residents houses to park anywhere near the property that they were working at;
  • The volume of traffic on Clayton Road was increasing and lorries often used the road when the drivers found that they were unable to fit under the bridge;
  • Residents suggested that the unused land in the road be used to alleviate the problem, perhaps by building garages on it;
  • There were three motor garages in the road that did MOTs.  This meant that there were a significant number of cars that parked in Clayton Road while they were waiting for an MOT or while they were waiting for the owner to pick them up after the MOT;
  • The volume of cars parked in Clayton Road made it difficult for buses to get around the corner and residents had, in the past, had to help the bus drivers manoeuvre round;
  • It was noted that there were no signatures on the petition of residents from Blyth Road.  Residents of Clayton Road advised that the majority of Blyth Road residents were Eastern European (specifically Polish) and had not answered the door when the signatures had been collected for the petition;
  • Residents believed that the large number of vehicles coming and going in the road had given cover to criminals breaking into the cars parked there and had led to an increase in the number of cars that were being scratched;
  • It was suggested that consideration be given to having a 30 minute free parking area outside the shops in the road; and
  • It was noted that there was a possibility that Dagenham Motors would be relocating to Clayton Road which would further increase the traffic in the road.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised.  He advised that the lack of response from residents in Blyth Road would be taken into consideration when the consultation was undertaken by officers. 


The parking scheme programme was currently under review and consideration was being given to what was outstanding and how the roads included on the programme would be prioritised.  It was agreed that Clayton Road and Blyth Road be placed on the programme and that consultation would commence once the prioritisation had been completed. 


RESOLVED:  That the Cabinet Member:


  1. met and discussed with the petitioners their concerns with parking in their roads.


  1. asked officers to place this request on the Council’s parking programme for subsequent investigation and consultation.




To give the Cabinet Member the opportunity to discuss in detail the petitioners concerns and, if appropriate, consult residents in the area. 




The petitioners have made a specific request for a Residents’ Permit Parking Scheme.  However, the initial consultation with residents will provide options for measures to control parking in their roads which will include a residents parking scheme.

Supporting documents: