Agenda item

Waterloo Road, Uxbridge - Petition objecting to the proposed re-designation of residential parking facility to commercial parking in Waterloo Road, beside Millbridge Place


Councillor David Routledge was in attendance and spoke as a Ward Councillor.


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • The lead petition had noted the points in the report from officers.
  • The lead petitioner had been living in the area since 1981 and over the years parking availability had shrunk. 
  • There was a dense population in the area and Waterloo Road was a residential street. 
  • Parking restrictions were brought into protect residents parking.
  • If crucial parking was taken away it would put even more pressure on the parking. 
  • There was lots of space for vehicles in Swan Wharf, including during the day.
  • Residents were concerned that the short amount of parking space available would be taken away. 
  • There was competition for parking amongst neighbours which  it was alleged could at times become quite hostile, with notes being left on windscreens and cars being vandalised. 
  • The 3 spaces that were being proposed to be taken away were valuable parking spaces. 
  • It was important that residents could park near their homes; otherwise it could mean that had to move their cars in the mornings when they had not intended to use them. 



The Ward Councillor commented on the petition:


  • Councillor Routledge stated that they had fought for a long time to get parking for residents in Waterloo Road. 
  • The Council had sold Uxbridge Trading Estate. 
  • The Council would have no control over who buys the parking area. 
  • By re-introducing business parking it would be going against Council policy, it would provide a limit on parking requirements. 
  • That it would be an error to put commercial parking in these bays. 
  • And that it would be better to increase parking numbers. 



Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised. 


  • The report now would be produced by an officer which would refer to the outcome of this petition for the Cabinet Member.
  • The report would also set out the views of the Ward Councillors. 
  • A Cabinet Member Decision used the individual authority and power to make decisions.
  • The Cabinet Member could not prejudge the subsequent report which would be subject to the democratic process, including the possibility of call-in.
  • He was very mindful of the area and what residents had fought for, what the petition had said, and the developments in the area. 
  • He gave his full assurance that in making this subsequent decision he would be mindful of the history of the area and the views of Ward Councillors.  





That the Cabinet Member


  1. Met and discussed with the petitioners their concerns with the loss of parking in the southern end of Waterloo Road where a business permit parking place is being proposed.


  1. Asked officers to take the petition into consideration when preparing the formal report on representations received to the statutory consultation on the proposals, which will be submitted to the Cabinet Member for a decision on whether the proposals proceed to implementation.



Reasons for Recommendation:


The Council was required to consider all objections to proposed Traffic Regulation Orders. Following the Cabinet Member’s discussion with petitioners their comments could be included in the formal report to the Cabinet Member detailing all representations received from statutory consultation.


Alternative Options Considered:


These may rise from the Cabinet Members discussions with petitioners.

Relevant Wards:


Uxbridge South


Supporting documents: