The Democratic Services officer introduced the
draft report and reviewed the written and witness evidence the
Committee had received.
Following discussion the following points were
- That the final report
include a Chairman’s Foreword and Closing Word
- New
Recommendation 1: That the first recommendation read that
telecare is beneficial and should be
pursued in the future.
- Old
Recommendation 1– That this recommendation be re-drafted to
read – The Committee requests that
good quality information and advice must be provided for families,
carers and service users, working with health professionals to
enable them to understand their assistive technology / telecare options to assist them to make informed
choices (to address their
- Recommendation 7: That this be re-drafted to read: The Committee recommends that telecare be provided free of charge for a limited
period (no longer than 6 weeks) after hospital discharge as part of
the re-ablement project to provide
assistance. (We feel that) Early exposure to assistive technology
will help increase client confidence in the service and encourage
further uptake in the service.
- That
the final report incorporate further information about the charging
policies of other Local Authorities and the respective rational for
- That
the section of the report entitled - Areas for
Development on agenda page 15 – Performance Indicators
– That further comments be incorporated on the implications of
maintenance guarantees, product reliability and monitoring and also best
value arising from the procurement
- That
Tables 1, 2 and 3 on pages 24 and 25 of the report be developed
further and for an appendix to be included providing further
information on how these figures were calculated.
- For
officers to clarify whether the mobile response unit would be
available 24/7 as mentioned at the top of page 24 of the
- That a
further section be added discussing the cost implications of the
Table - Home Carers on Call – on page 24 of
the report.
- Old
Recommendation 4 – That a further recommendation be added to
illustrate cost savings.
- That
further information be added on the
advantages of an in-house option compared to out-sourcing the
assistive technology service identifying the challenges facing the
service, the present location of Careline and the impact this has on
- Current Recommendation 8 about in-house model – That
this recommendation incorporate comment
on the importance of local knowledge, local response and providing
users with confidence.
- That
further information be incorporated on
Tustall and comment on the viability of
a free service.
- That
further information be provided on
choice, how this will work work.
- That
the current section on Finance be developed further highlighting
how the service will be financed and how the upfront investment
cost would be met.
Resolved –
That the report be amended for 27th
January meeting incorporating the changes listed above.
- That revised
recommendations be circulated to the Committee in advance of
27th January 2011 meeting
- That a revised draft
report be considered at 27th January 2011 meeting.
- That the final report
be considered at 22nd February 2011 meeting.