Agenda item

Civic Amenity Site, New years Green Lane, Harefield 8232/APP/2010/2538

Construction of a building for weatherproof storage of road salt with associated landscaping.




Construction of a building for weatherproof storage of road salt with associated landscaping.




Planning permission was sought for the redevelopment of the north-eastern part of the Civic Amenity Site for a new salt dome to provide weatherproof storage of road salt for the gritting of roads during winter. Planning permission was granted in 2008 for the development of the existing Civic Amenity Site (ref: 8232/APP/2008/564) and again in early 2010 for the construction of a new salt dome and refurbishment of facilities (ref: 8232/APP/2009/2225 and 8232/APP/2009/2224 respectively). None of the extant consents had been implemented.


This application was a new application proposing a new arrangement to the salt dome in terms of size and location. It was also proposed to extend the north-eastern boundary of the site, by way of land-take of 252sqm of the neighbouring Council owned land to provide for additional landscape screening. Whilst the proposed works relate to only a portion of the wider site, the redline boundary covers the wider site so Highways implications, being access to the site and internal circulation, could be considered.


This increase in footprint and height to the previously approved salt dome was required to meet an increase in salt storage requirements. The revised location was required to fit within the parameters of the site.


As per the previous permission, the proposed structure would comprise a low reinforced concrete wall with a wooden superstructure above, clad with bitumen roofing shingles, coloured slate grey. The revised dome size would means an increase in capacity of 1830 metric tonnes and would represent the minimum capacity necessary to store the amount of salt required for heavy usage to deal with snow and ice on the Borough's road network.


The salt dome was a new structure and it was acknowledged that it would be difficult to screen in the first few years after completion. It was considered that over time, as the proposed landscaping matures, the visual impacts of the structure were unlikely to be of significant detriment to the character of the area, or the perception of openness of the Green Belt.


Civic amenity sites such as this facility were not normally considered appropriate in a Green Belt location and the proposal did not conform to the types of development allowed by local and national Green Belt policy. However, the proposal seeked rationalisation and enhancement of existing and consented facilities within a long established civic amenity site, which was considered to be the best location within the north of the Borough for the provision of an improved winter maintenance facility and specifically a salt dome.


Subject to the suggested conditions, it was considered that there would be no material loss of amenity to neighbouring properties and there would be no detrimental impact on the surrounding nature conservation sites. The risk of flooding would be minimised and the quality of the water environment would be protected.


It was moved, seconded and was unanimously agreed that the application be approved.



Resolved –


That the application be approved as set out in the officer’s report and addendum sheet.  


Supporting documents: