Officers introduced the report informing the committee that the Adoption Inspection took place between 15 and 19 November 2010 with 2 OFSTED Inspectors. An Inspector also attended to observe the Adoption Panel on 9 December 2010. The Inspectors visited the premises and inspected files speaking with Doctors and Social Workers throughout the inspection. The outcome of the inspection was positive and overall the Adoption Service was judged as good.
Officers further stated that the Inspectors had found the quality of the letterbox contact (provides a way for birth families to receive information about their child) had declined but processes had now been put in place to address this.
A member stated that the report was encouraging but asked about the Inspectors first recommendation, which suggested that application forms from prospective adopters should be sought prior to them undertaking the preparation training. There must be a good reason for doing what was currently being done, can officers clarify this.
Officers advised that the packs given to prospective adopters contained the application form. The comments made by the Inspectors had been noted but some prospective adopters preferred to attend the preparation group before completing their application. The Inspectors felt that some forms were not completed until after the preparation training, statistics would look better than if hey were completed on initial contact. Officers were satisfied with the current process and that it was being carried out in an appropriate way.
The Committee felt that the report was very well balanced and that there was good work being undertaken in the Adoption Service. Officers were asked whether an update could be provided in three months time on the actions taken on the Inspectors recommendation. This would enable the committee to recognise the improvements made and ensure that the Inspectors recommendations had been followed through.
Officers advised that an update would be provided to the committee in three months time.
The committee agreed to the update being provided.
Officers further advised that most authorities received the comment made in relation to the submission of the completed Adoption forms following an inspection. It was felt that there needed to be a discussion with OFSTED in relation to this particular recommendation.
A member asked whether many prospective adopters dropped out after attending the preparation training.
Officers advised the committee that there were some that do drop out and others were not accepted. Generally those that attended the preparation training continued to be assessed as adopters.
Officers advised the committee that a number of actions arising from the Inspectors recommendations were already underway. The Adoption team was currently very stable, although recruitment was not as good as it should be. Officers suggested that the best way to update the committee on the actions taken would be to provide the action plan on the Inspectors recommendations.
In answer to an issue raised in relation to ensuring staff were fit to work officers advised that this was in relation to the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks and whether they had not been completed or had they lapsed. Processes had now been put in place to ensure that all CRB checks were completed and renewed.
A member asked for clarification of the last recommendation as to how counselling was currently being accessed by Birth parents whose first language was not English.
Officers advised that this was not provided by Hillingdon but advice was provided to those parents on how this could be accessed.
In answer to clarification as to what was included in the ‘Transition Box’ officers advised that it was age appropriate toys, objects and life maps to help children with their feelings and emotions to help them move to where they were going next.
Resolved – 1. That the report was noted.
2. That an update on the actions taken to address the actions in the Inspectors recommendations be submitted to the committee in three months time.
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