Application for a Review of the Premises Licence of Tiger Bar and Grill, Dawley Road, Hayes, UB3 1EN.
The Sub-Committee has considered all the relevant evidence made available to it and in doing so has taken into account the Licensing Act 2003, the Guidance issued by the Secretary of State under section 182 of that Act, the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and the Licensing objectives. The imposition and wording of conditions to be attached to the licence has been discussed and agreed in open meeting with all parties to this hearing. The Licensing Sub-Committee has come to the following decision:
The premises licence for Tiger Bar and Grill is hereby suspended for a period of 2 months following the end of the licensing appeal period as a deterrent and to allow time for the compliance with the amended and new conditions listed below, such conditions to be fully complied with upon the re-opening of the premises for business:
1. Change of hours
The premises shall be licensed for licensable activity:
From 10h00-23h00 on Sundays – Thursdays;
From 10h00-23h30 on Fridays and Saturdays
The opening hours of the premises shall be:
From 10h00-23h30 on Sundays-Thursdays;
From 10h00-00h00 on Fridays and Saturdays.
For the avoidance of doubt, this means that All licensable activities shall stop at the terminal hour for licensable activity and the premises shall be cleared of customers and closed 30 minutes after conclusion of the licensable activity
The premises shall not be licensed for any additional timings for licensable activity and/or opening hours of the premises for Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, New Years Eve, the Sunday preceding Bank Holiday Mondays and Bank Holiday Mondays.
2. The premises shall not be licensed for off sales supply of alcohol.
3. Mr Saranjit Bhambra shall complete the advanced BII course for Designated Premises Supervisors prior to the re-opening of the premises;
4. Mr Saranjit Bhambra is removed as Designated Premises Supervisor.
5. The appointment of subsequent Designated Premises Supervisor(s) is subject to the additional condition that such person is not a member of Mr Saranjit Bhambra’s family and is not in any way associated with Saz Investments Ltd.
6. The premises licence holder or DPS or other manager of the premises must regularly attend meetings of the Hayes Pub Watch.
7. There shall be at least 2 door supervisors employed from 19h00 and rising by one supervisor to 3 supervisors where the number of persons present on the premises exceeds 100 persons and/or is expected to exceed 100 persons.
8. A challenge 21 scheme shall operate on the premises and the DPS shall have sight of the Challenge 21 book in order to verify entries; For the avoidance of doubt, this means that no person under the age of 21 shall be admitted to or remain on the premises. All refusals of entry owing to the person being under the age of 21 shall be entered in the Challenge 21 logbook;
9. No groups of males in excess of 5 will be admitted. Reasonable effort shall be made to ensure that groups of males do not artificially divide or pair off in order to gain entry;
10.A personal licence holder will be present on the premises at all times;
11.At least one staff member (in addition to the DPS) shall be trained in the operation of the CCTV. At least one staff member shall be present on the premises at all times to operate the CCTV system. The trained staff member must be able to show a police or authorised Council Officer recent data or footage with the absolute minimum of delay when requested and to provide a copy of the footage immediately if so requested.
12.The premises shall draw up and implement a written search and admission policy designed to restrict customers likely to be involved in crime and disorder and address search procedures, dress code, refusal to customers who appear intoxicated, or know drug users or persons known to have caused problems in the premises or other licensed premises.
All staff shall be trained in this policy and a signed record of training and the policy shall be kept in a readily accessible place.
13.The premises will draw up a drinking policy addressing procedures to minimise the risk of customers becoming intoxicated whilst at the premises. All staff shall be given training in this policy and a signed record of training and the policy shall be kept in a readily accessible place
14.There shall be no complimentary drinks served to customers.
15.A daily incident log shall be maintained at the premises and signed at the end of each day by the duty manager. The daily incident log shall be made availble upon request to an authorised Council Officer and/or the Police. The daily incident log will record at a miminum the following:
a. All crimes reported to the venue;
b. All ejections of patrons;
c. Any complaints;
d. Any incidents of disorder;
e. Seizure of drugs or weapons;
f. Any faults in the CCTV system or searching equipment or scanning equipment;
g. Any refusal of a sale of alcohol;
h. Any visit by a relevant authority or emergency service
16.The premises may not carry out any licensable activity when the CCTV is not operational and/or not on the premises.
In stipulating the above conditions the Sub-Committee notes that they have been discussed by all parties and the Premises Licence Holder has not objected to the conditions.