Agenda item

Green Lane, Northwood - Petition Asking for Removal of the Traffic Signals at the Junction with Eastbury Road


Councillors Carol Melvin and Scott Seaman-Digby attended as Ward Councillors.  Councillor Seaman-Digby also spoke on behalf of the third Ward Councillor, Councillor Richard Lewis, who was unable to attend the meeting. 


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • It was noted that the petition was supported by the Residents’ Association;
  • Although residents did not object to the traffic lights, they were finding them confusing.  Drivers and pedestrians had been taking risks with regard to crossing at the lights as there was a lot of uncertainty as to when each had right of way; 
  • There were a number of local authorities elsewhere that had removed traffic lights in their towns and this had resulted in improved safety;
  • Because of the close proximity to the station, commuters had been seen ignoring the red light and rushing across the road to catch a train;
  • There had been instances where drivers had pulled out into the middle of the road and then been left stranded as the lights had changed and they were unsure whether or not they should go forward or stay where they were;
  • The lights had been installed too close to the roundabout which meant that the area was regularly congested with traffic;
  • Vehicles parked on the north side of the bridge also brought traffic to a halt;
  • There were a number of parking spaces lost when the lights were installed and this had impacted on the trade of the shops;
  • Residents would have preferred a zebra crossing to the installation of these lights;
  • Soon after they were originally installed, the phasing of the lights was altered to make them safer;
  • It was the opinion of the petitioners that it was impossible to say that the fatality that occurred at the junction prior to the installation of the lights might not have happened if the lights had been there;
  • It was noted that the Ward Councillors were supportive of some elements of the petition, but that they had only received 5 letters from residents complaining about the lights.  They acknowledged that the lights had slowed the traffic but advised that this was the purpose of installing the lights in the first place.  However, they were aware that the lights had also impeded the roundabout;
  • Ward Councillors believed that the junction needed some form of traffic control but that the situation did need improving; and
  • It was suggested that the lights be altered so that they were button controlled.  Alternatively, it was suggested that hoods be installed over the lights to resolve the issue.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised.  The report had included the comments of the Metropolitan Police Traffic Division and the local Police Safer Neighbourhood team, both of which held a lot of weight.  The Police believed that road safety for vulnerable road users crossing the road had improved with the installation of traffic lights at the junction.  


The Cabinet Member advised that the traffic lights would stay as they were for the time being.  Once an independent study had been undertaken as part of the Local Implementation Plan (LIP), it was agreed that officers would look at the feedback and then report back to the Cabinet Member and Ward Councillors with options. 


It was suggested that, if a survey was being undertaken in Green Lane with regard to the installation of a zebra crossing (Agenda Item 3), it could be extended to cover this area of the road.  The Cabinet Member advised that he would speak to officers about scheduling this into the work programme. 


RESOLVED:  That the Cabinet Member:


  1. met and discussed with the petitioners their concerns with regard to the traffic signal installation at the junction of Green Lane, Eastbury Road and Station Approach, Northwood;


  1. asked officers to consider the concerns raised by petitioners as part of a review with TfL of the effectiveness and efficiency of the present arrangements;


  1. noted the proposals for an independent study of the arrangements at the junction as part of the Council’s Local Implementation Plan (LIP) programme for 2011/2012 (funding for which has been agreed by the London Mayor);


  1. noted the views of the Metropolitan Police Traffic Division, quoted in the report;


  1. instructed officers to seek the views of local residents, businesses, Police Safer Neighbourhood team, local schools, bus operators, passengers using Northwood Station and other relevant stakeholders, at the same time incorporating the views of the petitioners within this dialogue; and


  1. instructed officers to report back to him and Ward Members on the outcome of these further investigations with possible options, together with any relevant cost implications.




The Council wishes to consider the views of residents when designing or reviewing the status of traffic and road safety measures.  The Petition Hearing will provide an extremely valuable opportunity to hear directly from the petitioners of their concerns and suggestions, and may influence the subsequent development of proposals for the site in question.




These may arise from the Cabinet Member’s discussions with petitioners.

Supporting documents: