Agenda item

32 and 56 Long Lane, Ickenham - Petition requesting a single yellow line waiting restriction


Councillor John Hensley attended as a Ward Councillor in support of the petitioners. 


Concerns, comments and suggestions raised at the meeting included the following:


  • Mr Victor Deane spoke on the petitioners behalf.
  • He stated that over recent years the parking issues had escalated in the road.
  • The main issues were the hazardous and inconsiderate parking mostly by commuters.
  • There were safety issues to consider, these were stated in the letter with the petition submitted.
  • Residents included the elderly, some of which required parking outside their homes in case of an emergency.
  • Petitioners had discussed the single yellow line option with Councillor Hensley, who had also brought to their attention the option of a resident parking permit scheme.
  • Petitioners were frustrated with not being able to park outside their own homes.
  • Residents from Milton Court had experienced similar problems and had submitted a separate petition to the Cabinet Member on the day of the petition hearing.
  • There were incidents of cars being parked on the street for days, weeks and even months without being moved.
  • People parked their cars on the road and get a train to work, and sometimes to go on holiday.
  • There was a car dealer that parked cars on the street that were for sale.
  • Petitioners also raised concerns with regard to speeding in the area.


Ward Councillor John Henley spoke on the petitioners behalf:

·        Councillor Hensley submitted a petition on behalf of Milton Court residents for the Cabinet Member to consider with the petition that was heard.

·        Residents were unaware of the different options available to them and Councillor Hensley had discussed this with the petitioners.

·        A yellow line would restrict the residents in the street as well as commuters.

·        A Residents Parking Scheme would in effect give residents back their street.

·        This area was open to day time parking abuse and the ‘Stop and Shop’ scheme that was implemented in Swakeley’s Road, whilst benefited the local area, had exacerbated the commuter parking problem for some residents.

·        Councillor Hensley asked that petitioners be given suitable options in the consultation.

·        Petitioners were advised to discuss this with other residents in the area.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised. 

·        The Cabinet Member stated that issues related to sale of cars on the side of the road was an enforcement issue and would be dealt with separately.

·        He explained the Resident Parking Scheme to petitioners. They would receive visitor parking tickets that they could give people that visited them. Tickets did not need to be issued if people were visiting them outside the parking time restriction hours.

·        Additional books for residents would cost £5 if they required extra visitor parking tickets, each book contained 10 tickets.

·        This scheme gave residents their road back.

·        The ‘Stop & Shop’ scheme had helped the local businesses and they were extremely happy with it.

·        It would be of benefit to all residents if the Council carried out a wider consultation which included the residents of Milton Court.

·        The consultation would give residents options. This would include waiting restrictions, yellow lines and resident parking in more detail.

·        The Cabinet Member would then review the details of the consultation response before a decision would be made.

·        He advised that sufficient numbers in support would be required for a decision to be made.

·        The Cabinet Member explained to residents that any parking scheme that would be implemented would later be reviewed by officers.


Officers advised that:

·        If residents had driveways they could allow visitors to park on the driveway and did not need to use their visitor parking tickets.

·        Officers further explained the options available to residents and the process that would be followed.

·        The consultation would give all the residents an opportunity to comment on the options that were open to them.

·        A report would be produced for the Cabinet Member and Ward Councillors to consider once the consultation had been carried out.

·        A legal statutory stage would then be required; notices would be put up and then a 21 day period for the right to object to any proposal. This objection period would be open to anyone, not just residents.

·        Officers would consult with the Police the petitioners concerns regarding speeding in the area.


Resolved - That the Cabinet Member:


1.      Met and discussed with petitioners their request for the installation of limited waiting restrictions on both sides of the service road fronting Nos. 30-56 Long Lane, Ickenham.


2.      Asked officers to prepare options for an appropriate wider consultation with residents and report back the results to the Cabinet Member and Ward Councillors.


Reasons for recommendation


To fully investigate the request from petitioners who lived in this section of Long Lane, Ickenham.


Alternative Options Considered


The residents had made a specific request for limited waiting restrictions.  However an informal consultation with residents allowed consideration of various options for measures to control parking in their road.

Supporting documents: