Agenda item

Morgans Lane, Hayes - Petition Requesting Reduction of Speed


Concerns and suggestion raised by the petitioners at the meeting included the following:


  • Considered that the Police report on recorded accidents had little meaning as many accidents did not get reported.
  • Suggested that the Police report history of two accidents in 3 years meant nothing.
  • Concerned that vehicles exiting Morgans Lane were also at risk of being involved in an accident.
  • Explained that Traffic Volume speed surveys had been conducted in the past, but had not been conducted on a 24 hours, 7 days a week basis. 
  • Highlighted that motorist driving through Wood End Green Road and Kings Way often became frustrated after having been forced to slow down by the speed bumps and often drove at excess speed when they got to the roundabout leading to Morgans Lane.
  • Stated that the roundabout was at a ‘blind bend’ and speeding vehicles  sometimes hit parked vehicles in Morgans Lane with the potential to also collide with pedestrians resulting in a fatality.
  • Residents, Police, and shoppers’ vehicle parked close to the roundabout leading to Morgans Lane, including people’s properties (and lives) were all at risk.
  • Stated that there were no clear signs to indicate that Morgans Lane was a one way road.
  • Questioned whether a fatality would need to occur before something was done to address the issue.


Councillor Mo Khursheed attended the meeting and spoke as a Ward Councillor in support of the petition. Although Councillors Janet Gardner and Phoday Jarjussey who were also Ward Councillors for Botwell sent their apologies, it was noted that they also were in support of the petition.


Concerns and suggestions raised included the following:


  • Suggested that someone had been involved in an accident in this area.
  • Advised that no action had been taken as a result of the last petition hearing meeting in March 2006.
  • Reiterated that motorist usually sped up as they came to the round- about leading to Morgans Lane, which was a one way road.
  • Commented that Police vehicles were also parked on Morgans Lane and would often approach Morgans Lane at speed when answering emergency calls.
  • Suggested that the report omitted to provide details about the severity of the personal injuries sustained at the junction of Uxbridge Road and Morgans Lane.
  • Suggested that he was personally aware that one car had gone over the railings in Uxbridge Road.
  • Had observed how young drivers often drove round the bend at excess speed.
  • Requested that the matter be looked at seriously and urged that the introduction of traffic calming measure be considered to reduce speeding in Morgans Lane.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised:


  • It was noted that the aim of the Road Safety programme was to prevent fatalities although this was not always possible.
  • Appreciated the frustration of residents and suggested that the Council’s focus should be on improving matters in the future.
  • Suggested that the main aim was to now look at making Morgans Lane safer by including it in the Road Safety Programme.
  • Assured petitioners that a comprehensive survey would be undertaken but this would require petitioners to liaise with Councillor Khursheed, to establish the most suitable places in Morgans Lane to place the speed monitors. Councillor Khursheed would then provide the feedback to officers.
  • Added an additional recommendation requiring officers to review the signage in Morgans Lane and report back; if it was found that further signage was required, it would be included in the Road Safety programme.
  • Advised that the results of the completed speed survey would shape up the road safety measures that would be proposed.


Resolved – That the Cabinet Member:


  1. Met and discussed with petitioners their concerns with speeding traffic in detail and the possible options to address issues that would be acceptable to residents.


  1. Subject to the outcome of the discussions with petitioners, asked officers to include         the request and possible options in the Road Safety Programme.


  1. Instructed officers to undertake a classified traffic volume and speed survey in Morgans Lane, Hayes.


  1. Asked officers to liaise with the Botwell Safer Neighbourhood Team as part of further investigations and to identify any appropriate enforcement actions.


  1. Asked officers to look at signage in Morgans Lane and report back if further signage was required and include in the Council’s Road Safety programme.


Reasons for recommendation


To allow the Cabinet Member to discuss in detail with petitioners their concerns.

Alternative options considered


These can be identified from the discussions with the petitioners.


Supporting documents: