Agenda item

Wheelers Drive, Ruislip - Petition in Support of Waiting Restrictions


It was noted that a petition objecting to propose Waiting Restrictions in Leahome Waye, Wallington Close and Wheelers Drive had been considered at a meeting with Councillor Burrows on 13 October 2010.


A subsequent petition was then submitted in support of Waiting Restriction in Wheelers Drive.


Concerns and suggestions raised the petitioner at the meeting included the following:


·        Suggested that residents had not been aware of Appendix B (an amended ‘At any time’ waiting restrictions in Wheelers Drive) at the time of signing the petition objecting to Waiting Restrictions.

·        Advised that many householders who had been made aware of Appendix B now had no objection to proposed ‘No waiting’ restrictions in Wheelers Drive.

·        Stated that in March 2011, a mediation meeting held in Ruislip was attended by Police Support Community Officers (PCSOs) to ascertain consensus between residents. This meeting had subsequently resulted in a great deal of hostility.

·        Explained that during the period of the consultation meeting, a verbal agreement was reached by those in attendance.

·        Expressed concern that if residents who opted not to currently use their garages started using them, it would exacerbate current problems.

·        Suggested that 68 of the signatories to the petition against Appendix A had been signed by people who were not local residents.

·        Stated that all those who had singed the petition in support of proposed Waiting Restrictions either lived in or lived close to Wheelers Drive.


Councillor Brian Crowe attended the meeting and spoke as a Ward Councillor about the issue.


Concerns and suggestions raised included the following:


  • Advised that there had been two petitions relating to this issue, the first in objection to parking restrictions and the second in support of parking restrictions.
  • Explained that he had visited Wheelers Drive (a narrow road) and noticed that numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 had parking areas in either end of drop kerbs.
  • Pointed out that areas in front of some of the houses did not have drop kerbs.
  • Suggested that it was possible for people to park on the road on either end of the fence
  • Did not believe that parking restriction could be implemented in Wheelers Drive, given the lack of consensus between residents and the tension which had been referred to in the officer’s report.
  • Advised that having attended the first petition hearing meeting in October 2010, there appeared to be a general consensus objecting to parking restrictions in the area.
  • Noted that the previous petition objecting to parking restrictions had not requested a scheme – it simply objected to the proposed parking restrictions.
  • Considered that at present, it was not necessary and inappropriate for any action to be taken.
  • Did not consider that parking restrictions were what residents wanted.
  • Did not consider that a great deal could be done unless the road was widened or the ‘green area’ was used.
  • Did not see any reason why the previous position objecting to parking restrictions should be altered.


Councillor Burrows listened to the concerns of the petitioners and noted that the PCSO who had been present at a meeting with residents (during the statutory consultation period) was in attendance at the meeting. The PCSO stated that he had attended a meeting with residents to mediate and to find the best solution for residents. That at the conclusion of the meeting those present seemed happy with the proposals shown in the map and were happy for waiting restrictions to be implemented.


 The Cabinet Member listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised:


  • He advised that a large number of petitioners had attended the petition hearing meeting in October 2010 objecting to Waiting Restrictions.
  • It was noted that the meeting had been moved to the Council Chamber to accommodate the number of people that had attended and had strongly stated their views against the proposal.
  • Mentioned that Ward Councillors had attended meetings with residents to try and mediate and identify possible solutions.
  • Believed that a solution had been achieved but had subsequently received this petition.
  • Advised that the proposal to install yellow lines would be ineffective, as people would simply park around the bend.
  • Considered that the main issue now was to establish a proposal that would be acceptable to all, particularly as feelings between residents were running high over the proposal as shown in Appendix A and B.
  • Suggested that it would be very difficult to come up with a solution that would be acceptable to all, especially now that a further Appendix C was now being proposed.
  • Commented that the situation would merit further discussion, as well as mediation in order to diffuse the tension between neighbours.
  • Advised that due to the level of tension and many different opinions voiced, there was currently no solution because of the lack of consensus of agreement between residents of Wheelers Drive and nothing would be done without this consensus.
  • Strongly advised that no further action would be taken until an agreement had been reached with residents.


Resolved – That the Cabinet Member:


  1. Met and discussed with petitioners in detail their concerns they were experiencing with parking in their road.
  2. That subject to 1 above, asked officers to identify suitable options to address these, which would be acceptable to residents.


Reasons for recommendation


It is understood from the petition that some residents have indicated that they would not object to possible “at any time” waiting restrictions on one side of the Wheelers Drive and Leaholme Waye junction. However, the Cabinet Member will be mindful that previous proposals have met with strong local opposition.

Alternative options considered


These can be identified from the discussions with the petitioners.









Supporting documents: