Agenda item

Seaford Close, West Ruislip - Condition of Carriageway Surface


Councillor Brian Crowe attended the meeting as a Ward Councillor.


Concerns and suggestions raised by the petitioners at the meeting included the following:


  • The road surface of Seaford Close had deteriorated over the last few years and was now in a poor condition
  • The road was very bumpy in places and service trenches had sunk at a number of locations
  • Pot holes had developed in the road and residents had received punctured tyres 
  • Children and elderly people had suffered slight personal injuries on the road
  • Remedial work on the surface had had a minimal impact on the surface as the road surface was now beyond repair and further remedial work was not the most economic solution
  • There was also a problem with the condition of the pavements of Seaford Close and these needed improving by the Council


Councillor Brian Crowe attended the meeting as a Ward Councillor and supported the petitioners’ views.


Councillor Keith Burrows listened to the concerns and responded to the points raised:


  • Reference was made to the results of the recent United Kingdom Pavement System structural condition surveys which were carried out on all Borough roads between January and March 2010 which had Seaford Close high on the advised priority list for future treatment
  • Officers considered that this road was a high priority on ‘serviceability’ criteria such as appearance, ride quality etc. At the time of the assessment there was no fretting in evidence greater than 40mm, the minimum intervention level for immediate repair of dangerous defects
  • A possible solution could be the new road surfacing practise of  “rhino patches” which this Council now used for road surfacing. This procedure re-heated the existing tarmac and was more cost effective than a complete resurface. The finished resurface lasted for a further 20 years
  • Officers would be asked to inspect the pavements in the area of Seaford Close and report back to the Cabinet Member


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet Member:


  1. Met and discussed with petitioners in detail their concerns regarding the condition of the carriageway surface.


  1. Instructs officers to place Seaford Close on to the list for roads being considered for treatment in a future resurfacing programme.


  1. Asks officers to inspect pavements in the area of Seaford Close and report back to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation and Recycling.


Reasons for recommendation


The existing carriageway surface has deteriorated to the extent that shallow fretting has taken place in isolated areas of the carriageway. This is due to the natural ageing of the surface and the surface dressing that has been applied over the original layer. Past patching has filled some of the worst fretting but only as medium term measure. The road profile is “bumpy” in places and service trenches have sunk at a number of locations. In areas the surface has worn away resulting in shallow ruts and general unevenness.  Resurfacing would improve the visual appearance of the road and improve the ride quality.


Alternative options considered


Further patching works: However this option has been discounted given the level of deterioration and that it does not offer the most economic solution.  Delaying or not undertaking certain schemes may place additional pressure on the Councils financial resources if highway permanent repairs are not implemented in a timely manner. In many instances, the delay of schemes may also have safety implications with possible consequent impact on the public liability insurance budget.


Officers consider that the carriageway surface is now beyond normal patching repair and that resurfacing is the only option available to restore a smooth surface.


Supporting documents: