Agenda item

Land at Junction of Field End Road, High Road, Pinner - 59310/APP/2010/2005

Replacement of the existing O2, 17.5m high streetworks pole with a 17.5m high streetworks pole, complete with three dual user antennas within a shroud, an associated radio equipment cabinet and development ancillary.


Recommendation: Approval




Replacement of the existing O2, 17.5m high streetworks pole with a 17.5m high streetworks pole, complete with three dual user antennas within a shroud, an associated radio equipment cabinet and development ancillary.




The  proposed  replacement  17.5m  mast  and  cabinet  installation  was  considered  to  be visually  acceptable  in  this  location  which  utilises  an  existing  telecoms  site.  In  addition officers  had  been  unable  to  suggest  any  more  appropriate  alternative  sites.  It  was considered  that  the  proposal  is  consistent  with  advice  in  Policy  BE37  of  the  Unitary Development Plan Saved Policies September 2007 and Planning Policy Guidance Note 8 and, as such, approval is recommended.


It  was  proposed  to  replace  the  existing  17.5m  high monopole mobile  phone mast, which currently  served  O2,  with  a  new  17.5m  high  monopole  mobile  phone  mast  (including antennas) incorporating three antennas, to serve both O2 and Vodafone.  An additional 1.58m x 0.38m x 1.4m high equipment cabinet, to be located adjacent to the existing  cabinets,  was  proposed.  The  mast  would  be  coloured  grey  and  the  equipment cabinet would be coloured green.


Members spoke about the Residents’ and Environment Services Policy Overview Committee review on phone masts. As it stood there was nothing the Council could do to change this kind of application.


This application was for an existing phone mast to be replaced. Members questioned whether it was premature at this stage to grant this application permission considering other devices and technology available to phone companies.


The area around being a conservation area was discussed by Members and that the application was near a double mini roundabout. Concern was expressed with regard to large vehicles usage and safety of the local residents using the particular section of the pavement where the proposal was. Officers confirmed that there would be no reduction in the footpath that existed.


Members asked highways officers about the location of the cabinet, and whether it was satisfactory. Members and officers discussed the location of the cabinet and whether the size/width was appropriate, including when the doors of the cabinet were open.


Members also discussed where service vehicles would park and whether this would affect pedestrians. Officers commented that service vehicles would park as close to the cabinet as possible and that should not differ to what the situation was with the existing phone mast and cabinet. There should be temporary traffic measures in place to allow pedestrians to pass when the cabinet was being serviced if the footpath was to be blocked.


Members discussed the previous appeal that went to the planning inspectorate and it was stated that the highways objections were unacceptable. It was felt that Members hands were tied with this application as it was a replacement to an existing cabinet and phone mast. If it was a new application they could have more objections against the application.


Members felt they did not really have an option but to grant permission for the application as it was a replacement for an existing phone mast.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was agreed by a majority of 6 in favour and 1 against. Councillor Payne voted against the recommendation.


Resolved –


That the application be approved as per the agenda.

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