Since residents' parking permits have been introduced in Harmondsworth Road, parking in Great Benty is a joke, there is nowhere to park. All the cars that used to be parked on Harmondsworth Road before the residents' parking scheme was put in place are now parking in Great Benty and Rowan Road. It is not fair on the residents of Great Benty and Rowan Road who cannot park. Car owners park up in these roads, jump on a bus to work at the airport, or leave their cars for weeks while they are on holiday. Meet and greet companies also leave their customers' cars in our streets for weeks. On top of that, Harmondsworth Road residents who do not want to pay for their permits also park in Great Benty and Rowan Road. It is an exhausting and never ending battle.
On reaching 20 signatures it will be formally considered by the Council and relevant Cabinet Member. Local ward Councillors will also be made aware of the petition. The Council's Democratic Services Team will keep the lead petitioner updated on progress.
This ePetition runs from 11/11/2024 to 11/12/2024.
4 people have signed this ePetition.