Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Budget Planning Report for Children, Young People and Learning Services 2014/15'
- Anthony Little - Non Pecuniary - Tony Little declared a non-pecuniary interest as he was a Governor at Pinkwell Primary School and Harlington Community School. He remained in the room during the meeting and took part in the discussions.
- Councillor David Benson - Non Pecuniary - Councillor David Benson declared a non-pecuniary interest as he was a Governor of Uxbridge High School and lectured at further and higher education colleges. He remained in the room during the meeting and took part in the discussions.
- Councillor Dominic Gilham - Non Pecuniary - Councillor Dominic Gilham declared a non-pecuniary interest as he was a Governor at Pinkwell Primary School and Hillingdon Primary School.
- Councillor John Riley - Non Pecuniary - Councillor John Riley declared a non-pecuniary interest as he was a Governor of Field End Infant School. He remained in the room during the meeting and took part in the discussions.
- Councillor Judith Cooper - Non Pecuniary - Councillor Judith Cooper declared a non-pecuniary interest as she was a Governor of Charville, St Andrews and the Hillingdon Virtual School. She was also on the Children’s Board at Charville and her husband was a Governor at St Mary’s School. She remained in the room during the meeting and took part in the discussions.