Agenda and minutes

Residents, Education and Environmental Services Policy Overview Committee - Wednesday, 30th July, 2014 5.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Steven Maiden  Democratic Services Officer 01895 250692

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillors Allen and Birah with Councillors Morse and Dhot substituting.


To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2014 pdf icon PDF 127 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2014 be agreed as an accurate record.


Scoping Report on Diversifying the Street Champions Initiative pdf icon PDF 23 KB

Additional documents:


Officer provided a presentation on the proposed review which would explore diversifying and modernising the street champions initiative. The initiative was instigated in 2006 with a view to recruiting volunteers to act as the 'eyes and ears' of the Council and had grown significantly with over 4,600 volunteers. It was noted that a review of the initiative would have two main strands as set out below:

1.    Developing the communications surrounding the initiative and bringing it into the 'digital age' by diversifying the ways in which volunteers could report issues and receive information. It was noted that there was scope for issues to be reported through new digital technologies rather than exclusively through the Contact Centre in order to make the initiative as accessible to as many residents as possible.

2.    Exploring how the links between street champions and Neighbourhood Watch schemes could be strengthened. Officers advised that, where street champions had grown into a successful initiative, Neighbourhood Watches in the Borough were not growing and were seen to be in need of additional support. It was proposed that this aspect of the review could supplement work already underway in a pilot project to explore how stronger links between the two schemes could be strengthened.


Officers noted that the pilot projects would be starting in September and run throughout the following year. This would mean that the Committee could receive information and intelligence gathered from the carefully selected and diverse pilot areas in order to inform this review. Specifically, this would assist with assessing the success of current communications, identifying the barriers to reporting issues and exploring how street champions could be engaged in reporting low-level crime in the Borough.


The review would also have the support of an officer working with the Hillingdon Academy as a proposal had been agreed for this to be undertaken as an Academy project.




Members noted that, when the scheme began, volunteers were provided with feedback from the Council on the issues that they had reported. This had stopped when reporting had moved to the Contact Centre. It was suggested that a review could explore whether such automatic reporting could be re-started as it had been valued by volunteers.


With regard to witnesses, Members stated that they wished for more than 1 Street Champion to present to the Committee and suggested that there should be at least 6 volunteers invited to present evidence.


In response to Members' questions, officers advised that there would be a log of issues reported by street champions held within the Contact Centre. All residents who reported issues to the Council would be logged within Onyx meaning that they would have a unique identifier assigned to them. From this, a report could be drawn on what issues had been raised by street champions. Officers also advised that issues reported by volunteers would not be dealt with a quickly Members' Enquiries but that they would receive the same quality of service.


Members raised concerns that ward councillors were not aware  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Budget Planning Report for Residents Services 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 43 KB


Officer provided a brief presentation on budget planning for Residents Services 2015/16 in which it was noted that this was one of two occasions for the Committee to discuss budget planning. The second opportunity to comment on more detailed budget planning would be in January 2015 following the announcement of the finance settlement in December 2014. Officers stated that up to the period to 2018/19, the Coalition's on-going deficit reduction programme will place greater pressure on the Council's finances, with cuts in excess of 8% per annum expected in core formula funding. Specific pressures and uncertainties included ongoing welfare reforms and the introduction of the Better Care Fund and the Care Bill.


Officers noted that there was a savings requirement of £3,028k for the current financial year of which 84% (£2,551k) had been banked or was on track. A further 14% (£427k) of savings were still at early stages, with the remaining 2% representing an unachievable saving of £50k that will be substituted in-year.


Officers noted that there was a £164k under spend reported at Month 2 for the services within the Committee's remit which would alleviate some of the pressures being faced.


Members thanked officers for the report and presentation. However, it was noted that they wished for the report to be more detailed and stated that it should have covered more of the information set out in the presentation.


RESOLVED: That the Budget Planning Report for Residents Services 2015/16 be noted.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 38 KB


Members expressed their concerns that the report requested at the last meeting on Byelaws for Parks would be considered on the same night as it would be by Cabinet. This would mean that it would not be possible for the Committee to provide comments prior to a decision being made.


Officers noted these concerns but stressed that this was due to the Committee agreeing to move its scheduled meeting date to the same evening as Cabinet.



1.    Officers request a brief outline of the changes being proposed in the Byelaws for Parks to be emailed to the Committee outside of the meeting; and

2.    The Forward Plan be noted.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 28 KB


Officers advised that a paper had been produced and considered by the Committee on road safety around schools in 2011. If this provided Members with enough information on the matter, the report requested at the last meeting would be removed from the work programme. If more information was required, it was requested that Members provide an additional steer as to what further information was being sought.



1.    Officers circulate the paper produced in 2011 on road safety surrounding schools;

2.    the Work Programme be noted.