Agenda and minutes

Residents, Education and Environmental Services Policy Overview Committee - Tuesday, 21st January, 2014 5.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3a - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Steven Maiden  01895 250692

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillor Jackson.


To agree the Minutes of the meetings held on 12 November 2013 and 04 December 2013 pdf icon PDF 166 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meetings dated 12 November 2013 and 04 December 2013 were agreed as accurate records.


Budget proposals for Residents Services 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Additional documents:


Officers provided a presentation on the budget proposals for Residents Services 2014/15 in which it was noted that:

  • There would be a further 1% reduction to local government funding in 2014/15 on top of the 2% reduction previously announced in the Autumn Statement 2012.
  • Estimates indicated that the effective cut for 2015/16 would be 15%.
  • The Budget Proposal had been designed to deliver a zero increase in Council Tax for 2014/15 whilst maintaining balances and reserves at well above the minimum recommended level. This was the sixth successive year without an increase in Council Tax.
  • The Hillingdon Improvement Programme (HIP) was now well established and helping to deliver savings across the Council. The current HIP focus was on making efficiencies and savings in procurement and contract-related expenditure.
  • It was proposed that most fees and charges would be frozen for 2014/15.
  • Funds had been set aside as development and risk contingencies for the West London Waste Levy, Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme and challenges to High Speed Rail 2 and Heathrow expansion.
  • Priority growth would also see investment in some of the Borough’s libraries and sports and leisure initiatives.
  • Amongst other areas, savings would be achieved through middle management restructures, efficiencies in Waste Services, a reduction in fleet management costs and procurement.
  • The Capital Programme would see investment in highways and pavement improvement, development and expansion at the Borough’s cemeteries, a new museum and theatre and ICT upgrades.




Members welcomed the provision in the budget for renovations to the grade 2 listed Uxbridge Cemetery Gatehouse. The issues facing the Borough’s cemeteries, including the gatehouse, had recently been reviewed by the Committee and Members were encouraged that the findings of this review were being taken forward.


Members asked whether funds had been set aside for the drilling of a borehole at the Rural Activities Garden Centre.


Officers advised that £250,000 had been set aside for improvements at the site but there were no funds set aside specifically for a borehole.


Members congratulated officers on the budget which had kept the full range of the Council's services on track despite the considerable cuts being faced.



  1. The Budget Proposals for Residents Services 2014/15 were noted; and
  2. Officers draft comments on the Budget for the Committee to be circulated and agreed outside of the meeting.


Major Review into Water Conservation - consideration of draft recommendations pdf icon PDF 64 KB


Following discussion, it was noted that it would not be appropriate to include recommendations on the cleaning and draining issues of the Borough’s gullies within the report. However, it was noted that it would be valuable for the Committee to have an officer update on these issues at a later meeting.



  1. Officers be requested to provide an update on the drainage and cleaning issues affecting the Borough’s gullies; and
  2. The draft recommendations be accepted.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 45 KB


RESOLVED: That the Forward Plan be noted.


Work Programme 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 66 KB


Officers noted that, due to the Local Government Elections in May 2014, Full Council had agreed to cancel all meetings within that month. This meant that the Committee’s meeting scheduled for 28 May 2014 had been cancelled. Consequently, it would not feasible for a single meeting review to be undertaken prior to the end of the Municipal Year. In the place of the review, it was agreed that updates on a number of areas within the Committee’s remit would be provided.



  1. Update reports be provided on:
    1. Issues surrounding the cleaning and drainage of the Borough’s gullies and related flooding problems;
    2. Possible review topics to be provided to the future Chairman of the Committee in the next Municipal Year;
    3. Progress made on the Committee’s previous reviews;
    4. The provision of showers in the Council’s housing stock;
    5. The measures being put in place by the Council to deal with changes to weather.
  2. The Work Programme be noted.