Agenda and minutes

Residents, Education and Environmental Services Policy Overview Committee - Tuesday, 17th January, 2012 5.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Nadia Williams 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies had been received from Councillor June Nelson. Councillor Lynne Allen attended in her place.


Declaration of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


There were no declarations of interests notified.




To confirm that all items marked Part 1 will be considered in Public and that any items marked Part 2 will be considered in Private


It was confirmed that all items on the agenda were marked as Part 1 and would be considered in public.



To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 December 2011 pdf icon PDF 160 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 7 December 2011 were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.


Review 1 - Witness Session 5 pdf icon PDF 54 KB


Due to unavoidable circumstances, the witness for this witness session was unable to attend. Further discussions around the design aspects of telecommunications cabinets had been anticipated.  


It was highlighted that as individual operators were responsible for their own designs, it might be prudent for the Committee to develop questions on this issue to be directed at individual operators.


Councillor Judy Kelly advised that as the Champion of the Arts for Hillingdon with a budget of £15,000 to spend on art projects, she had been in discussion with the Arts Team about using some of this money to fund a design competition. It would be open to anyone within the Borough to create something that could make the telecommunications green boxes more attractive.


Members were directed to a briefing that had been circulated by email, as well as at the meeting, which set out plans to follow similar projects that had been undertaken by London Boroughs of Hammersmith & Fulham and Southwark entitled, “Art on Telecom Cabinets”.  An actual agreement had been signed between BT Openreach and the Boroughs to work jointly on the projects and it was noted that both Boroughs had reported to date that the cabinets had not been posted with graffiti, vandalised or fly posted (The project was undertaken in Southwark 2 years ago).


The meeting noted that as well as BT Openreach, Virgin Media had also been an active partner in the project undertaken by Southwark Council and that BT Openreach had already expressed an interest in taking part in a similar project in Hillingdon.


It was anticipated that the project would identify 3 cabinets in Uxbridge Town Centre where the top 3 selected designs would be transferred on to the cabinets. The mural artist would work with the winning artist to translate their design into a suitable format and assist them with painting the cabinets using the correct materials and ensuring that they were coated in anti-graffiti paint for protection.


During discussion, it was suggested that a catalogue of designs would be required to ensure that appropriate designs were used and were in keeping with the area, taking into consideration issues such as conservation areas.


The Committee noted that this proposal could form part of the recommendation of its review on Mitigating the Environmental Effects of Telecommunication Masts and Cabinets in the London Borough of Hillingdon and beyond.





Planning, Environment and Community Services 2012/13 Budget Proposals pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman of the Committee welcomed Jean Palmer, Deputy Chief Executive, Corporate Director of Planning, Environment, Education & Community Services and Andy Evans, Head of Finance to the meeting.


In noting the Planning, Environment and Community Services 2012/13 Budget Proposals, Members of the Residents’ and Environmental Services Policy Overview Committee congratulated the Service group for achieving the £4.3m budget savings that had been seen without adverse effects to Hillingdon residents. It noted in particular, that so many fees and charges had been held at constant prices and most prices preserved were below inflation, and that the Capital Programme had remained constant.


The Committee asked for further information/responses to be provided on the following issues raised:


  • Burial fees – clarification as to whether former elderly residents who were deceased and wished to be buried in the Borough where they grew up (and still had families) could pay the same burial fees as residents, and not have their families pay the fees charged to non-residents
  • Pest Control charges – concerns were raised about the cost to the elderly and young families who may not have the means to pay for controlling rodents roaming through their gardens. Literature on fees and charges was requested for information
  • Vehicular Crossing (Average crossing) – In response to a query as to why the cost of placing such a scheme outside residential properties was so high; it was explained that when the fees were bench marked last year, it was found to be lower than average to the fees charged by other local authorities
  • Car Park Charges at Pembroke Gardens Car Park – Clarification was sought as to why the sign setting out car park charges was showing a fee of £2.10 (for up to 2 hours) for residents at this car park?
  • The Committee requested officers to provide details of the total number of staff in the department and percentage of post that had been deleted.


Responses and further information in respect of the above issues raised would be circulated directly to Committee members.




The Committee noted the budget projections contained in the report, and commented as appropriate on the combined budget proposals put forward for Planning, Environment & Community Services, within the context of the corporate budgetary position.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 57 KB




The Committee agreed the Forward Plan.




Work Programme 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 57 KB




The Committee agreed the Work Programme for 2011/12.