Agenda and minutes

CABINET - Thursday, 21st June, 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW

Contact: Khalid Ahmed  Democratic Services Manager

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


All Cabinet Members were present.


Declarations of Interest in matters before this meeting


Councillors Keith Burrows, George Cooper, Judith Cooper and Philip Corthorne all declared Personal Interests in Item 6 – Hillingdon Sports & Leisure Complex – Proposed Car Parking Charges. Councillor Keith Burrows left the room during the discussion and did not vote on the item. Councillors George Cooper, Judith Cooper and Philip Corthorne all remained in the room during the discussion and Councillor Philip Corthorne voted on the item.


To approve the minutes of the last Cabinet meeting pdf icon PDF 193 KB


The minutes and decisions of the Cabinet meeting held on 24 May 2012 were confirmed as a correct record.


To confirm that the items of business marked Part 1 will be considered in public and that the items of business marked Part 2 in private


This was confirmed.


Proposed designation of Rockingham Road, Uxbridge [Conservation Area] and Raisins Hill, Eastcote [Area of Special Local Character] pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


1. Approve in principle the proposed designation of the   Rockingham Road Conservation Area and the Raisins Hill Area of Special Local Character, as illustrated in the maps included in Appendices 1 and 2 of the report.


2.   Instruct officers to undertake a period of consultation for 6 weeks with all Ward Councillors, local residents, owners and other interested groups within the proposed areas, and to report the responses to Cabinet in the autumn of 2012.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet noted that as part of the Council’s rolling review of the Borough’s Conservation Areas, the area adjacent to Rockingham Bridge, Uxbridge had been surveyed by officers and was considered to meet the Council’s criteria for designation as a Conservation Area. In addition, following a request for designation from residents, the Raisins Hill Estate, Eastcote had also been surveyed and was proposed for designation as an Area of Special Local Character. In accordance with Hillingdon’s Statement of Community Involvement, public consultation on the proposals was being sought for a period of six weeks, to consider the views of local residents.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decided not to consider designation, which may have left heritage assets unprotected and Members’ and residents’ concerns unaddressed, and would not have complied with the objectives set out in the Council and Service Plans. In addition, not to consult on the proposed designations, which have been contrary to English Heritage guidance and would not have complied with Hillingdon’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).


Officer to action:


Nairita Chakraborty and Sarah Harper – Planning, Environment, Education and Community Services.


Hillingdon Sports & Leisure Complex - proposed car parking charges pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


1.            Note the comments received to the proposed car parking charges at Hillingdon Sports & Leisure Complex.


2.            Approve the implementation of the proposed car parking charges as indicated in Appendix A of the report with the following amendments:


a)     Car parking charges will take effect from 8am Monday to Sunday rather than the proposed 6am.

b)     The Leisure Operator has agreed to offer free parking to all health & fitness members who pay either monthly by direct debit or annually.

c)     The Leisure Operator has agreed to offer free parking for the regular coaches of Hillingdon Athletics Club and Hillingdon Borough Elite Swimming Team (HBEST).

d)     The Leisure Operator has agreed to offer free parking to the volunteer officials who help manage athletic and swimming events that are hosted at the complex.

e)     That the Council’s standard charge for Non-residents is introduced from the 1st January 2013.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet noted that the proposed car parking charges at Hillingdon Sports and Leisure Complex were intended to efficiently and effectively manage the car park area. This would prevent any unauthorised persons from being able to use the car park.


Alternative options considered and rejected


The Cabinet could have decided an alternative parking charge regime at Hillingdon Sports & Leisure Complex. If Cabinet had decided to take this option it could have resulted in additional financial burdens being placed on the Council as the Leisure Operator’s financial bid to the Authority included car park income. Unauthorised parking would have then continued to take place on the site.


Officer to action:


Nicky McDermott – Planning, Environment, Education and Community Services.




CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme - Purchase of Carbon Allowances 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


1.   Approve the purchase of allowances (estimated to be in the range of £320,000 to £362,000) from the Environment Agency to cover energy emissions (tonnes of carbon dioxide tCO2) produced during the 2011/12 Financial Year and regulated by the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme Legislation.


2.   Note that the final cost of allowances for 2011/12 will be reported to Cabinet in September 2012.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet noted that the purchase of such allowances ensured that the Council complied with UK Legislation relating to energy efficiency.


Alternatives considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decided not to purchase and surrender allowances for its energy emissions (tonnes of carbon dioxide) regulated by CRC EES but would have then been in breach of the CRC Order and could have faced fines from the Environment Agency of £40 per tonne of carbon dioxide - a potential fine of £1.2m. (CRC Order Article 100 ‘Failure to surrender allowances.’)  


Officer to action:


Richard Coomber – Planning, Environment, Education and Community Services.


Planning Obligations - quarterly monitoring report pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet note the updated financial information attached as Appendix 1 to the report.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet noted that Circular 05/05 and the accompanying best practice guidance required local planning authorities to consider how they could inform Members and the public of progress in the allocation, provision and implementation of obligations whether they were provided by the developer in kind or through a financial contribution. The report detailed the financial planning obligations held by the Council and what progress was being made in allocating and spending those funds.


Alternative options considered and rejected




Officer to action:


Nicola Wyatt – Planning, Environment, Education and Community Services.



Localism Act 2011: Community Right to Challenge pdf icon PDF 134 KB




That Cabinet:


1.   Note the anticipated commencement of the ‘Community Right to Challenge’ from 27 June 2012 and the potential implications for Council service provision as summarised in the report.


2.   Agree to set a time period for the year 2012/13 when the Council will formally receive Expressions of Interest under the right between 27 June 2012 and 31 August 2012.


3.   Agree to set time periods for subsequent years from 2013/14 when the Council will formally receive Expressions of Interest under the right between 01 May and 31 July each year.


4.   Agree to adopt the outline process for consideration of Expressions of Interest as detailed in this report.


5.   Delegate responsibility for further development of the process to the Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director for Central Services in discussion with the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Improvement, Partnerships & Community Safety.


Reasons for the decision


Cabinet noted that the Community Right to Challenge (CRTC) was expected to come into force on 27 June 2012 after which the Council would be obliged to formally consider expressions of interest from voluntary or community bodies or from two or more members of Hillingdon Council staff, outlining how they could provide or assist in providing a service to residents currently provided by the Council.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decided not to prepare or make provision for receipt of Expressions of Interest.  This could have led to the Council not being ready to fulfil the requirements of the right to challenge and to deal with expression received.


Officer to action:


Kevin Byrne – Central Services


Special Urgency Provisions


This report had been circulated less than 5 working days before the Cabinet meeting and was agreed by the Chairman to be considered urgent.



Primary School Capital Programme - update




That Cabinet:


1.   Approve a further sum as outlined in the report for Mace fees to take the Phase 2 Permanent Schools from stage J to stage L.


2.   Approve the adjustment of the Mace survey fees to the cost outlined in the report.


3.   Delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director of Planning, Environment, Education and Community Services, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Business Services, to place a building contract for Harefield Infant and Junior Schools.


4.   Approve the additional capital release of £3,740k for Mace fees for stages E-H £1,948k, and J-L £1,792k for Phase 2 Permanent programme.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet received a progress report on the primary school capital programme and made a number of decisions to progress the programme, including making adjustments to the Mace survey and consultants fees and delegating the authority for the placing of a building contract for Harefield Infants and Junior School.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decided to delay or not progress aspects of the building programme, which would have impacted upon the Council’s ability to provide sufficient school places.


Officers to action:


Boe Williams-Obasi and Norman Benn - Planning, Environment, Education and Community Services


Exempt Information


This report was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.




Authority for the use of Void Transfer Funds




That Cabinet


1.   Approve that £520k of Void Transfer funds held by Paradigm should be used to cover the cost of adaptations at Cottesmore House and Minet Drive.


2.   Delegate authority to the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Business Services to decide the future uses of the Void Transfer Funds.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet agreed to the use of the Void Transfer funds held by Paradigm to ensure the adaptation works costs at Cottesmore House and Minet Drive were covered to enable residents with high needs to move into accommodation which provided independent living instead of high cost residential care. The Funds were held by Paradigm under a legal agreement in a ringfenced arrangement, therefore the cost was not directly to the Council and there were no other identified budgets for this work.


Continued partnership working with Paradigm would also help deliver the supported housing programme and help achieve savings to the MTFF. 


Cabinet delegated authority to the Cabinet Member to decide the future uses of the Void Transfer funds to aid efficiency. 


Alternatives considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decided not to use Void Transfer Funds to pay for the adaptation works to Cottesmore House and Minet Drive and asked Paradigm to bear the cost of the works.


Officers to action:


Marcia Gillings – Planning, Environment, Education and Community Services.


Exempt Information


This report was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.



Disposal of the former Hayes Swimming Pool Site, Hayes




That Cabinet:


1.   Agree to offer the property for leasehold disposal with a term of 150 years that contains an option to purchase the freehold for £1 on completion of the development for the permitted scheme use.


2.   Delegate authority to accept the most financially advantageous bid for the lease premium, to the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Business Services, in conjunction with the Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director for Planning, Education, Environment and Community Services.


3.   Delegate all other decisions involved in the sale of this property to the Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director for Planning, Education, Environment and Community Services in conjunction with the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Business Services.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet noted that there were no service requirements for the former Hayes Swimming Pool and the best option would be to sell this site, by way of lease which would ensure the broadly proposed scheme was built and generated a capital receipt as a contribution towards the Council’s Capital Receipts Programme.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Not to sell the freehold of the site to the highest bidder without a lease and to retain ownership of the building/site.


Officer to action:


Boe Williams Obasi – Planning, Environment, Education & Community  Services.


Exempt Information


This report was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.


Award of Contract: Priory Avenue, Marshall Drive and Harlington Road Care and Support Service for People with Learning Disabilities




That Cabinet:


1.   Agree a single tender action for an award of contract for a care and support service based on properties in Priory Avenue, Marshall Drive and Harlington Road.


2. Approve the award of a three year contract to Look Ahead Housing and Care from July 2012 for a new care and support service for young adults with complex needs (severe autism, learning disabilities and challenging behaviour) for a sum as detailed in the report.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet noted that the award of the contract for this care and support service would provide accommodation for six young people with learning difficulties to live in supported housing and would provide an annual saving to the Council.


Alternative options considered and rejected




Officer to action:


Paul Feven – Social Care, Health & Housing


Exempt Information


This report was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.


Special Urgency Provisions


This report had been circulated less than 5 working days before the Cabinet meeting and was agreed by the Chairman to be considered urgent.