Agenda and minutes

CABINET - Thursday, 27th October, 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW

Contact: Mark Braddock  Senior Democratic Services Manager

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillor George Cooper, Chief Whip and ex-officio Member of the Cabinet.


Declarations of Interest in matters before this meeting


Councillor Philip Corthorne declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in agenda item 8 (minute 413) as a parishioner of the Church of the Most Sacred Heart and remained in the room during discussion on the item.



To approve the minutes of the last Cabinet meeting pdf icon PDF 204 KB


The minutes and decisions of the last meeting were confirmed as a correct record.


To confirm that the items of business marked Part 1 will be considered in public and that the items of business marked Part 2 in private


This was confirmed.


The Foster Carers' Charter pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


  1. Adopt the principles of the Government’s Foster Carers’ Charter;


  1. Approve the local Foster Carers’ Charter, which sets out how the principles of the Government’s Charter will be implemented and delivered locally.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet gave its support to the Government’s Foster Carers’ Charter, and a local version, which set out guidelines on how local authorities, social workers and foster carers should work together in the future. Cabinet noted that the Charter was a central piece of a much wider programme of reform to improve the entire care system, including reducing barriers and delays to adoption and improving the quality of children’s homes. The Council’s significant publicity efforts to encourage residents to become foster carers were welcomed.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decided not to sign-up to the two charters.


Officer to action:


Linda Sanders, Social Care, Health & Housing


Consideration of whether an Article 4 Direction to control Houses in Multiple Occupation around Brunel University should be introduced pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet recommends a report be written to Full Council to determine whether Hillingdon should have an Article 4 Direction to address student HMO issues raised by local residents in Uxbridge South and Brunel Wards.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet noted that a number of University cities had taken advantage of recent changes in planning regulations to withdraw existing planning permitted development rights for student houses or Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO’s), enabling the number of HMOs in individual streets to be controlled for the benefit of other local residents’ amenity.


After carefully balancing the views of local residents, particularly in Uxbridge South and Brunel wards, as well as the important role Brunel University plays in the wider community and local economy, Cabinet indicated its preference for the Council to make use of the new planning powers, through the application of an Article 4 Direction, in order to protect local residents.


Regrettably, Cabinet noted that regrettably national legislation required a 12 month notice period before the Direction could take effect. Cabinet further noted that the decision to implement such powers would require full Council approval.


Alternative options considered and rejected.


Cabinet could have recommended to Council not to implement an Article 4 Direction.


Officer to action:


James Rodger – Planning, Environment, Education and Community Services


Carers' Commissioning Plan pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Additional documents:


The Social Services, Health and Housing Policy Overview Committee provided comments to the Cabinet on this item, which were noted.




That Cabinet approve the Carers Commissioning Plan and the direction of travel for services for carers in Hillingdon including a number of detailed actions included within the report


Reason for decision


Cabinet approved the Carers Commissioning Plan, which had been developed by Social Care, Health and Housing with NHS Hillingdon in response to the refresh of the National Carers Strategy. In making its decision, Cabinet re-iterated its strong commitment in support of local carers.


Alternative options considered  and rejected


Cabinet could have decided not to approve the Plan, or made amendments to it.


Officer to action:


Paul Feven - Social Care, Health and Housing


Review of the Local List of Buildings of Architectural or Historic Importance pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


1.                  Agrees the new entries to the Local List of Buildings of Architectural or Historic Importance as attached in Appendix 1;


2.                  Instructs officers to notify all the owners/occupiers of the new and revised entries included in the list, and;


3.                  Instruct officers to update the GIS database and the Council website to include the new entries.


Reason for decision


Following the publication of the ‘Local List of Buildings of Architectural and Historic Importance’ and the subsequent public consultation on new entries to it, Cabinet agreed that a number of new buildings be adopted onto the Local List.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decided not to update the existing Local List.


Officer to action:


Nairita Chakraborty - Planning, Environment, Education and Community Services 


Older People's Plan update pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet notes the significant achievements to deliver the Older People’s Action Plan during 2011/12 to date to improve the quality of life of older people.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet welcomed the progress on the Older People’s Plan and the commitment by the Council and its partners to the continued development and improvement of services designed to create a better quality of life for older people in Hillingdon.


Alternative options considered and rejected




Officer to action:


Dan Kennedy, Deputy Chief Executive’s Office


Disabled People's Plan update pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:





That Cabinet notes the progress made on the delivery of the 2011/12 Disabled People’s Plan to date.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet welcomed the progress on the delivery of the Disabled People’s Plan and the commitment by the Council and its partners to the continued development and improvement of services designed to create a better quality of life for disabled people in Hillingdon.


Alternative options considered and rejected




Officer to action:


Daniel Kennedy, Deputy Chief Executive’s Office




West London Accreditation, Purchasing and Contract Management Scheme for adult residential and nursing care pdf icon PDF 117 KB




That Cabinet:


  1. Approve the proposal for the Council to use an approved list of adult social care home providers as part of the West London Alliance.


  1. Approve the proposal for the Council to use the APC Scheme for adult social care home providers within the West London Alliance in tandem with the other 5 west London authorities.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet agreed the Council’s use of an approved list for adult residential and nursing care that had been developed as part of the West London Alliance. Cabinet noted that this would deliver greater choice and help deliver the personalisation agenda, which it favoured.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have considered alternative procurement routes, such as block contracts or spot purchaes, but deemed these not appropriate to deliver both efficiencies and greater choice in the market.


Officer to action:


Paul Feven – Social Care, Health & Housing


Council Budget - Month 5 2011/12 Revenue and Capital Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 279 KB




That Cabinet:


1.      Note the forecast budget position for revenue and capital as at Month 5

2.      Note the treasury update at Appendix B

3.      Approve the retaining of agency staff as detailed in Appendix C

4.      Approve the allocation of £20k from Priority Growth to fund Gold Bursaries

5.      Approve the virement of £50k of Council Resources from Chrysalis to the part Section 106 funded Western View Project

6.      Approve the virement of £80k of Council Resources from Manor Farm Stables to Winston Churchill Hall Refurbishment


Reasons for decision


Cabinet noted the favourable financial position of the Council at Month 5 and made a number of decisions in respect of agency staff, new Olympic bursaries and capital virements to deliver important community projects.


Alternative options considered and rejected




Officer to action:


Paul Whaymand, Central Services


Urgency Provisions


This report had been circulated less than 5 working days before the Cabinet meeting and was agreed by the Chairman to be considered as urgent.



Primary School Capital Programme Update pdf icon PDF 153 KB




That Cabinet:


1.                  Notes the progress made on phases 1a, 1, 2 and 3 of the primary schools capital programme of works;


2.                  Instructs officers to progress with Phase 2 expansions detailed in this report to Stage D, within capital released approved at Cabinet on 26 May 2011;


3.                  Delegates authority to the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Business Services, in consultation with the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Planning, Environment, Education and Community Services to place a building contract for Phase 2A temporary units within granted capital release and;


4.                  Agrees to release £2,443K of capital funds in order to progress recommendation 3 above.


Reason for decision


Cabinet welcomed the update on the primary school capital programme and noted that the Council was on track to deliver sufficient primary school places for local children over the short, medium and long term. Cabinet made a number of decisions to provide the necessary authority, flexibility and resources to progress Phase 2 and also noted the latest position on all other phases of the programme, in particular the new schools proposed at Lake Farm and RAF Uxbridge.


The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Business Services agreed to refer to Cabinet their joint delegation to approve the release of capital funds.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decided to delay or not progress aspects of the building programme, which would have impacted upon the Council’s ability to provide sufficient school places.


Officer to action:


Boe Williams-Obasi, Planning, Environment, Education and Community Service


Urgency Provisions


This report had been circulated less than 5 working days before the Cabinet meeting and was agreed by the Chairman to be considered as urgent.



Primary School Capital Programme Update


This report and its contents were noted by Cabinet in relation to the decisions made on Item 13 (minute 418) on the agenda.


Exempt Information


This report was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.


Urgency Provisions


This report had been circulated less than 5 working days before the Cabinet meeting and was agreed by the Chairman to be considered as urgent.



Personalisation of accommodation-based mental health services


The Social Services, Health and Housing Policy Overview Committee provided comments to the Cabinet on this item, which were noted.




That Cabinet:


1) Delegate to the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Social Services, Health and Housing, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Housing, the authority to:


        I.      Agree a single tender action to award Look Ahead a new two year contract (with an option to renew for a further period of one year) for care and support services at Hayes Park Lodge, Hamlet Lodge and/or Hornbeam Road commencing 8th January 2012 for the sum to be agreed and a reduced rate in year 2 of the contract to reflect the transition towards 100% personalisation.


      II.      (In the unlikely event that the outcome of current negotiations with Look Ahead do not produce satisfactory terms for the Council) extend the existing contract by one year in order to enable the competitive tendering of personalised care and support services for Hayes Park Lodge, Hamlet Lodge and/or Hornbeam Road.


2) Note changes to the payment schedule of the existing contract as set out in paragraphs 22 to 25 of this report.


Reason for decision


Cabinet agreed to pursue a new contract to provide personalised accommodation care and support services to people with mental health related problems, by giving the necessary delegated authority. It was noted that the new contract would support residents to live independently in their own homes and help prevent the need for unnecessary and expensive services such as residential care.


Alternatives considered and rejected.


Cabinet could have agreed to not pursue a modernisation agenda in respect of services for those with mental health problems, to authorise an alternative procurement route or to bring the service back in-house.


Officer to action:


Paul Feven - Social Care, Health and Housing


Exempt Information


This report was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.



Award of Contract - support to the housing jobbing and void repairs operation




Upon a recommendation not to seek competitive tenders, that Cabinet accept the single negotiated tender from RS Gormanley Ltd for subcontractor support to the housing repairs operation and award a contract for 12 months.  The total value of the contract is dependent on demand but will not exceed the budget available.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet agreed a temporary contact for such housing works in order to allow the development of a new corporate (Council-wide) minor works contracting arrangement.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have sought a longer contract or have decided to bring such works in-house.


Officer to action:


Grant Walker – Social Care, Health & Housing


Exempt Information


This report was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.



Extension of contract - Gas servicing and repairs




That Cabinet approves the extension of the existing contract with T Brown Group Ltd for gas servicing and repairs and for the installation of new boilers to Council dwellings for its final 24 months, in line with the original contract award.


Reason for decision


Cabinet gave its approval to the extension of the existing contract for gas servicing and repairs and for the installation of new boilers to Council dwellings. Cabinet noted that this service was responsive and had achieved a good level of compliance on servicing and safety checks.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decided to let the current contract lapse or have instructed officers to seek alternative providers via framework agreements.


Officer to action:


Grant Walker – Social Care, Health & Housing


Exempt Information


This report was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.



Extension of contracts - preventative services for people with Disabilities




That Cabinet:


1.      Agrees to a one year extension of the Independent Living Skills Service contract with Dimensions (Owl) Ltd from the 1st February 2012 in line with the provisions set out in the contract.

2.      Agrees to a two year extension of the Perfect Start Resource Centre contract with United Response Trust from the 1st December 2011 in line with the provisions set out in the contract. 

3.      Notes the proposals to review both services within the context of Adult Social Care Personalisation and Commissioning Plan and the Disabilities Commissioning Plan as described in the report.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet gave its approval to extend two contracts for preventative services for people with disabilities to support them to live independently in the community. Cabinet also noted that there would be a wider review of such service models in the future to ensure that effective, value for money services were in place to deliver the outcomes that disabled residents considered important.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decided not to approve the extension of the contracts, which would have not allowed for the opportunity to identify new service models.


Officer to action:


Paul Feven – Social Care, Health & Housing


Exempt Information


This report was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.



Any other items the Chairman agrees are relevant or urgent




The meeting closed at 7.35pm









Meeting after Cabinet, the Executive Scrutiny endorsed all Cabinet’s decisions and they therefore now come into effect from 5pm, Friday 4th November 2011.