Agenda and minutes

Hillingdon Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education - Wednesday, 26th June, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Clerk to HSACRE - Email:  Please enter via main reception and visit the security desk to sign-in and collect a visitors pass. You will then be directed to the Committee Room.

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Shehryar Ahmad-Wallana.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



Membership pdf icon PDF 175 KB

    3.1 New Appointments* (RR)

    3.2 Inclusion of Sentientism with regards to Group A (RR)



Following a discussion, the Committee agreed to vote in new Group C Members to SACRE: Jenna Naulls (Primary Teacher) and David Beeston (Primary Teacher).


After confirming the current Islamic representation on SACRE (Sunni or Shia) to ensure specific Islamic representation, the importance of having Islamic representation on SACRE was emphasised.

While the fundamental principles were the same across denominations, there were distinct celebrations and practices within different branches of Islam.


Waheeda Rehmanji (Primary Teacher) would be considered for election as a new SACRE Member.


In addition, questions were raised about including Sentientism in Group A.


Currently, there were two vacancies available in Group A (representing other faiths and worldviews within the LA).


The Committee considered inviting a representative of Sentientism to join SACRE under Group A.


It was noted that Sentientism was a non-religious worldview, and there was a question about how many students identified as sentientists.


Members observed that Sentientism was a subgroup of Humanism, which was already represented in Group A.


The Committee agreed not to immediately invite a representative of Sentientism to join SACRE under Group A but to invite them to share their views during future SACRE's planned activities.


A Member volunteered to provide the HSACRE Advisor with the name and contact details of persons representing the Jainism and Buddhist faith groups to be invited to further enhance SACRE’s understanding.



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 247 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting dated 05 March 2024 be agreed as a correct record.




National Updates (Verbal Update) pdf icon PDF 122 KB


Agenda item 6.1


Members heard that an Ofsted Report on RE had been published on 17 April 2024, which recorded findings on the common strengths and weaknesses of religious education (RE) in the schools visited.


Student access to RE was reported to be statistically low. Members observed that there was limited access to research for teacher development to shaping the RE curriculum, which was one of the recommendations cited. Utilising videos for staff training in RE development was suggested.


Members emphasized the significance of the three types of knowledge given in the report. They acknowledged the need for further support for teaching staff who lacked confidence in teaching RE in accordance with the syllabus. The importance of nurturing children's personal voice and philosophy was underscored. Philosophy for children was recognised not only as acquiring knowledge and key concepts but also integrating personal perspectives at the primary level. It was agreed learning RE extended beyond factual knowledge to include reflecting on and sharing experiences related to religious education content.


The HSACRE Advisor had noted in the report instances where RE lessons focused more on literacy skills rather than specific RE content.


It was emphasised that additional support was necessary for subject deliverers beyond exclusively for RE specialists.


Members were informed that the LA through the HLP was providing CPD sessions which were currently free to all schools, and this initiative was set to continue.


Regarding secondary schools, it was reported that fewer than one-fifth of students, who did not take RE at A-levels, had studied any RE content in KS4 or KS5.


The Head of Education & Lifelong Learning (MH) explained that during Ofsted inspections, inspectors would assess whether the curriculum distinguished between primary and secondary education, and appropriately incorporated RE. He explained that the Ofsted report provided guidance on three key strands:


Intent - the intended outcomes and goals of the curriculum.


Implementation - how effectively the curriculum was delivered.


Impact - what students could discuss based on what they had learned.


It was noted from the Ofsted Report that feedback from young people indicated they lacked access to preparation for adult life.


Suggested recommendations as a SACRE, in line with the launch of the ‘universal promise’ to prepare children for adulthood, included communicating this message to schools via a bulletin*.


The HSACRE Advisor shared that in another borough she was intended to work on borough-wide training for school governors, focusing on essential knowledge for effective school governance.


A Member highlighted the need for varied training for school governors, drawing from their experience as school governor at Harmondsworth Primary School. This would enable the Chair of Governors to provide feedback that could be considered in ongoing discussions.


The Head of Education & Lifelong Learning approved of a similar plan for Hillingdon.



Agenda item 6.2


It was shared that the RE Hub website was operational with over 500 school speakers and places of interest for school visits registered.


The Borough of Hillingdon was currently underrepresented on the website, with only one Member registered.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


Local Updates (Verbal Update)

7.1. Interfaith calendar for Hillingdon (SB)

Online calendars with descriptions:

Borough wide art competition, Bromley: 


7.2. Teacher Sessions (SB)


7.3. E Survey (SB)

Hillingdon Religious Education Primary School Survey 2024 

Hillingdon Religious Education Secondary School Survey 2024



Agenda item 7.1


The HSACRE Advisor proposed organising an art competition for schools in November 2024 instead of creating a calendar of religious festivals.


Members supported the idea, suggesting that students created artwork answering the question, "What is the most important day of the year and why?"


Members shared their experience with a similar project in schools, where students created Easter-themed artwork and wrote about their interpretations. The idea of teaching RE through art was well-received.


The Committee agreed that completing the artwork by early November 2024 was feasible.


The HSACRE Advisor planned to hold a network meeting at a school, followed by a SACRE meeting on the same day, where teachers could bring the students' artwork. If students couldn't attend in person, their artwork could be mailed in. the HSACRE Advisor will arrange the artwork competition accordingly.



Agenda item 7.2


Two teacher sessions had been conducted so far, with excellent attendance and participation from dedicated teachers. The secondary group had particularly fruitful discussions.


For the primary group, the HSACRE Advisor hoped to hold the next teacher session in person on 14 November 2024, coinciding with a SACRE meeting on the same day. If hosted at a school, pupil’s work samples could be shared with SACRE to showcase ongoing school activities.


Members commented that the CPD teacher sessions were very successful, with beneficial overlap between primary and secondary teachers, enhancing development.


Members added that CPD sessions were most effective in critically analysing the syllabus and identifying areas where it needs improvement.


Members praised the sessions, emphasising that CPD teacher sessions provided valuable input for RE development.


Ruislip Gardens Primary School offered to host the next teacher session on 14 November 2024, starting with the primary school group, followed by the secondary school group.


Agenda item 7.3


An electronic survey had been drafted by the HSACRE Advisor and was ready to be distributed to schools via the bulletin.


The HSACRE Advisor suggested sending these surveys out before the end of the summer term and repeating them after the autumn term to reflect school needs. This will be included in the schools’ bulletin.


The Committee unanimously agreed to this approach.


HSACRE Action Plan (Verbal Update) pdf icon PDF 522 KB

8.1. Updated Action Plan* (SB)


8.2. Self-evaluation* (SB)


Additional documents:


Below listed are some of the agreed actions approved by the Committee:


·   The Muslim representative in Group A to be contacted again to confirm their affiliation (Sunni or Shia) to ensure specific Islamic representation within SACRE.


·   Faith Representatives on the Hillingdon SACRE Committee to register themselves as Faith Speakers on the RE Hubs website.


·   The Member who volunteered, to provide the HSACRE Advisor with the name and contact details of persons representing the Jainism and Buddhist faith groups to enhance SACRE’s understanding.


·   The Member who volunteered, to provide the HSACRE Advisor with a list of Sikh holidays approved by government departments.


·   HSACRE Advisor to invite on behalf of HSACRE the representative of Sentientism to participate in SACRE's scheduled activities to share their perspective.


·   The HSACRE Advisor and Head of Education & Lifelong Learning to draft a school bulletin statement for upload to the Hillingdon Council website and send to schools.


·   The HSACRE Advisor to organise an art competition for schools in November 2024.


·   A designated representative from Group A-D to collaborate with colleagues in their Group to compile self-evaluation responses and send them directly to the HSACRE Advisor.


·   The Head of Education & Lifelong Learning to consult the legal team to address any missing elements within the guidance paper on school absence due to religious observance.


·   The next SACRE meeting would be held in person to best facilitate interfaith dialogue.



Dates of Future Meetings pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Future Hillingdon SACRE meetings are currently scheduled for:


-       14 November 2024

-       27 March 2025



It was agreed that the next meeting of HSACRE would be scheduled for:


-           Thursday 14 November 2024




Members were informed of a query being raised regarding pupils being allowed time off from school to participate in religious observance. This was in relation to a particular 9-day festival, noting that for many Shia Muslims, this had a different significance to other Muslims.


A member of a mosque in Northolt was invited to share their views from a Shia Islamic perspective, including information about requests from Shia families and guidance about a 9-day religious observance period in other councils.


In response, a guidance paper on school absence due to religious observance had been drafted for Committee discussion. The HSACRE Advisor suggested sending this guidance to schools for headteachers on authorising days for religious observance. 


Some Members expressed concern that requesting 9 days off would be disruptive to children’s education.


Members raised concerns about compromising education for religious observance, highlighting the need to balance various faiths' needs.


Members responded that days off had not always fallen during school time but might sometimes necessitate the need for pupils to have time off school for religious observance.


Members also emphasised the importance of continuity in education and conveyed the challenges of managing long periods of absence.


The Chair noted the impact on resources and student learning of taking numerous days off for religious observance.


Questions arose about whether to publish the guidance policy as is or to amend the policy to specify a certain number of days.


Members suggested seeking clarity from the Head of Education & Lifelong Learning regarding the LA's views and the impact on schools of children taking numerous days off for religious observance.


The HSACRE Advisor clarified that the LA did not have any specific guidance on religious observance leave. The role of SACRE was to advise the LA and schools on matters connected with Religious Education. It was suggested that the guidance paper did not specify, for any religion or world view, a fixed number of days. Several reasons were given for this, including reference to content within the guidance paper itself.


The Head of Education & Lifelong Learning confirmed that the responsibility for granting children time off for religious observance lay with the discretion to headteachers on the number of authorised days for religious observance. However, additional days could be taken under specific circumstances, such as fasting periods. The guidance paper was advisory and allowed headteachers to consider various factors.


It was suggested the Head of Education & Lifelong Learning could consult the legal team to address any missing elements within the guidance paper. He added that the law was intentionally vague to support religious freedom, making the guidance document useful.


The Committee approved the guidance paper to be sent to the legal team for their view before distributing the document to schools and posting it on the Council website.


Members mentioned that there was a Sikh celebration taking place on 1 September 2024 and offered to send a list of Sikh holidays approved by government departments to the HSACRE Advisor.


(Agenda Item 10.2)


Members also highlighted the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42.