Aims and Purposes of HSACRE
(i) |
Advise the Local Authority on matters connected with Religious Education.
(ii) |
Keep under review the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.
(iii) |
Advise upon the daily act of collective worship and to consider requests for a determinationof the statutory arrangements. |
Key Documents (for official use or download)
Constitution – this sets out how the Advisory Council and its meetings operate.
Determinations Guidance - set out how schools could apply to HSACRE for determination if they felt that the legal requirement for collective worship that was wholly or mainly of broadly Christian character was not appropriate for their pupils.
Determinations Application Form – for schools to use to allow provision of collective worship that is other than “wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character.”
Guidance for Headteachers and Governing Bodies - Authorising Pupil Absence for Religious Observance. This document has the status of advice and provides overarching guidelines which schools may use in identifying absences for religious observance for pupils that should be authorised.
Hillingdon SACRE Annual Reports
Support officer: Clerk to HSACRE - Email: Please enter via main reception and visit the security desk to sign-in and collect a visitors pass. You will then be directed to the Committee Room.