Agenda and minutes

Petition Hearing - Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation - Wednesday, 14th October, 2009 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Nadia Williams 

No. Item


To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public.


To consider the report of the officers on the following petitions received.


Little Road, Hayes - Petition Requesting a Resident Parking Scheme pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting include the following:

·               Little Road was very close to Hayes Town Centre and therefore, parking was a nightmare

·               Frequent arguments over parking with residents living in Austin Road

·               Suggested scheme should be implemented solely in Little Road

·               Give free parking permit to each household without car registration to allow for visitors


Councillors Lynne Allen and Tony Eginton attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillors. They raised the following Issues raised:


·              To consider one road in isolation would not solve the problem, as problem would be shifted to other roads

·               That Chalfont Road, Silverdale Road and Austin Road, should be consulted as parking problem was an issue affecting the whole area (all roads in the area should be consulted)

·               That Ward Councillors had already been consulted about  further roads in this area of Hayes being included in the consultation and that the response had been affirmative

·               The public car park by Austin Road was underused due to public fear of crime and disorder and pricing (Pressure was needed to be borne on Hillingdon Homes to utilise the car park)

·               Suggest car park by Austin Road be brought into use

·               Permits needed to include vehicle registrations, as any permits not assigned to a vehicle registration may be open to misuse 


The Cabinet Member listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised. 


·               The Council’s requirement for the issue of resident permits was that car registration numbers and proof of registered address must be provided

·               One car registration per permit would be issued and that a roaming permit would not work, as it would be open to abuse

·               The first permit would be issued free of charge and any additional permits would need to be purchased

·               Asked officers to look at reducing the Yellow lines at the top of Pump Lane, which had originally been introduced to assist with sight lines

·               Had asked for the timing at the traffic lights at Wilkinson’s in Pump Lane to be reduced and this was now being reviewed


Resolved  -


That the Cabinet Member:


1.      Noted the petitioner’s request and gave approval for it to be added to the Council’s programme of on-street parking schemes for subsequent consultation. 


1.      Asked officers to consult Ward Councillors to determine if further roads in this area of Hayes should be included in the consultation.


2.      That officers review current yellow lines at the top of Pump Lane and report back to the Cabinet Member (Ward Councillors to also be informed of outcome).


3.      That officers investigate the car park by Austin Road.


Reasons for Recommendation


It is clear there is significant support for the introduction of a Resident Permit Parking Scheme in Little Road but the conditions attached by the residents vary significantly from the Council’s usual schemes.  As residents’ schemes are more viable over a wider area, it is considered appropriate to ask Ward Councillors if other roads should be consulted.


Alternative Options Considered


Alternative  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


St David Close, Cowley - Petition Objecting to a Parking Scheme

This petition will now be reported to the meeting on 18 November 2009.


This petition has been postponed to the Petition hearing meeting on18 November 2009.



Ducks Hill Road - Petition Requesting Pegasus Crossing pdf icon PDF 955 KB


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting include the following:


·               Strong safety concerns regarding the dangers in crossing Ducks Hill Road on foot, cycle or horse back to get to either Copse Wood or Mad Bess Wood

·               The sight line was hampered due to a bend in the road

·               The road was dangerous to cross due to the brow in the road

·               The road was used by 29.2 horse traffic per day

and installation of a Pegasus crossing would be in the interest of public safety

·               The petition had been signed by 311 users, which indicates the level of support for the crossing

·               The crossing would result in the borough gaining an additional Green Flag 


Councillor Kay Willmott-Denbeigh declared an interest in the item, as she was the Council’s representative on the Hillingdon Equestrian Advisory Committee. Cllr Willmott-Denbeigh stated that Copse Wood and Mad Bess Wood were part of the Hillingdon trail and as the woods were crossed by Ducks Hill Road, the dangers in crossing the road to get to the woods deterred visitors from visiting. She requested the Cabinet Member to give due consideration to the installation of a Pegasus crossing.


Councillor Brian Crowe attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillor and raised the following issues:


·               There were no indication of the accident rate

·               No verification of the demand for the crossing had been included in the report

·               The level of demand in relation to the users of the crossing would need to be justified, in order to consider such large expenditure  of £95,000


He added that should the request be agreed the following would need to be considered:


·                care over signage

·               Possibly a third set of traffic lights (to the side and suspended over the top)

·               Proposals for cycle tracks and cycle routes


The Cabinet Member responded that:


·               The ‘Kill, Seriously Injured’ statistics was usually provided by the Police when looking at the assessment of road safety measures – this had not been provided

·               Officers had already made the cost of the provision of a Pegasus Crossing as part of the bid from Transport (TfL)


Resolved - 


That the Cabinet Member:


1.      Noted the petitioners’ request and concerns discussed at the meeting.


2.      Subject to the identification of a funding source, asked officers to install a Pegasus crossing on Ducks Hill Road.


3.      Asked officers to obtain statistics of accidents involving horses in the area and provide the information to the Cabinet Member.

Reasons for Recommendation


The petitioners are concerned by the difficulty of crossing Ducks Hill Road between Copse Wood and Mad Bess Wood. The Provision of a Pegasus crossing will provide suitable crossing facilities for walkers, equestrians and cyclists.

Alternative Options Considered


The Cabinet Member may decide that the existing crossing facilities are adequate for Ducks Hill Road.

Relevant Ward:


Northwood & West Ruislip




Perry Close, Hillingdon - Petition Requesting a Footway Parking Exemption pdf icon PDF 305 KB


There were no petitioners present at the meeting but the Cabinet Member noted the petitioners request for a footway parking exemption outside flats 17 – 32 Perry Close, Uxbridge.


Resolved - 


That the Cabinet Member:


1.         Noted the petition request.


2.      Noted the petitioners concerns regarding parking issues in Perry Close.


3.      Agreed that Perry Close be approved for the introduction of a Footway Parking Exemption Scheme, subject to a further report following consultation with local residents on a detailed scheme layout.


Reasons for Recommendation


To investigate in further detail the request of the petitioners.


Alternative Options Considered


Options will be discussed with the petitioners.


Relevant Ward:




Petition Requesting Installation of Waiting Restrictions at the Junction of Wickham Close and Northwood Road, Harefield pdf icon PDF 171 KB


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting include the following:


·               Requested 15 metre double yellow lines be placed at both sides of the junction of Wickham Close and Northwood Road, Harefield

·               Any length shorter than 15 metres would not stop the parking problems

·               Parking at the entrance of the close to this junction creates potentially lethal and costly traffic hazards

·               Yellow lines considered to be low cost investment in road safety

·               .Drivers entering Wickham Close from Northwood drive at speed and many accidents had occurred

·               Many people entering Wickham Close were unaware of the dangers


The Cabinet Member listened to petitioners and responded to the points made and altered recommendation 2 to 15 metres.


Resolved - 


That the Cabinet Member:


1.         Acknowledges the petition.


2.         Subject to the discussion with the petitioners, asks officers to progress with the installation of ‘At Any Time’ waiting restrictions as shown on Appendix A at a length of 15 metres.


Reasons for Recommendation


The proposed waiting restrictions will improve road visibility, improve safer access for emergency services and reduce congestion making it easier for vehicles to enter / exit Wickham Close.


Section 243 of the latest version of The Highway Code 2007 (section 217 in older editions of the code) recommends that vehicles should not be parked ‘opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction’. The Council attempts to balance the desire of residents to park on streets with the need not only for drivers to safely make turning movements at junctions but also for pedestrians to be able to cross there with safety. Ten metres is considered the minimum length of double yellow lines that could be installed.

Alternative Options Considered

There are no alternative options.


Relevant Ward:




Dellfield Parade, Cowley - Petition requesting a "Stop & Shop" Parking Scheme pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


Concerns and suggestions raised at the meeting include the following:


·               Losing customers as a result of the parking situation

·               No loading and unloading area for shops

·               That a “Stop and Shop” parking scheme would improve the current impossible parking situation

·               Allow “Pay and Display” for 30 minutes

·               Include Dellfield Parade as part of a “One Way” system

·               The parking situation has affected business and figures for the past 2 to 3 weeks have shown a drop of 30/40%

·               Allocate parking spaces for business, as no parking currently available

·               Introduce double yellow lines at the far side of the street in front of the shops


Apologies were received from a Ward Councillor who asked for her support for the petitioners to be noted.


The Cabinet Member listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded to the points raised.


Resolved - 


That the Cabinet Member:


1.         Met and discussed with petitioners, issues of concerns with parking on Dellfield Parade.


2          Approved the addition of a “Stop & Shop” parking scheme for Dellfield Parade onto the Council’s parking programme for consultation and investigation and actioned as soon as resources permitted.


            Asked officers to investigate whether this section of Dellfield Parade can be subject to a “One Way” system.

Reasons for Recommendation


It is apparent from the size of the petition submitted that a “Stop & Shop” parking scheme would receive support from both occupiers and customers on Dellfield Parade and by adding the scheme to the Council’s overall parking programme will lead to subsequent consultation and investigation.


Alternative Options Considered


The petitioner’s have made a specific request for one of the Council’s “Stop & Shop” parking schemes.

Relevant Ward:


Uxbridge South