Agenda and minutes

Major Applications Planning Committee - Thursday, 5th March, 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Ainsley Gilbert  01895 250692

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Eddie Lavery, Peter Curling, and Brian Stead. Councillors Duncan Flynn, Ray Graham, and John Morse were substituting.


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting




To sign and receive the minutes of the meetings held on 21 January 2015 and 10 February 2015 pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 21 January 2015 and 10 February 2015 were agreed to be accurate.


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent


Members were reminded that a supplementary item had been added to the agenda, which had been published as 'Agenda B'.


To confirm that the items marked in Part 1 will be considered in public and those items marked in Part 2 will be heard in private


It was confirmed that all matters would be considered in Part 1.


88-94 Long Lane, Ickenham 52129/APP/2014/2996 pdf icon PDF 228 KB

Demolition of 5 existing dwellinghouses and redevelopment of the site for a 85 unit Class C2 care home for the elderly of 1.5 to 2.5 storeys in height with associated landscaping and car parking (40 spaces in total), stopping up of existing vehicular accesses on Long Lane and construction of new vehicular access onto Long Lane.


Recommendation: Approval


Officers introduced the report, explaining that the application was for the construction of an 85 bed care home on the site of five existing houses. The building would vary in height between 1.5 and 2.5 floors, with the roofspace being used to accommodate some residents. A new access road and 40 parking spaces would also be built. Most of the existing landscaping facing Long Lane would be retained.


Officers outlined a number of issues relating to the application, informing members that:

-       As the development was partly on garden land, the impact of the loss of such land had to be considered; however, this did not prevent developments from taking place where the benefits of the scheme outweighed this impact.

-       The application site was within the Ickenham Village Conservation Area, and as such the impact of the proposal on the conservation area had to be taken into account. Officers further explained that the Ickenham Village Conservation Area had been designated principally to protect three core assets: Ickenham Village Centre, Ickenham Manor, and Swakeley's House. The site was towards the edge of the conservation area and not close to any of the core assets.

-       The site was 0.86 hectares and as such a full flood risk assessment was not required.

-       There was a requirement for archaeological surveys to be undertaken by English Heritage; the recommendation was therefore for delegation of the decision to the Head of Planning, pending the result of these surveys.


Officers had identified four key areas which needed to be considered, and made comment upon them:

-       the principle of the development, which was considered to be acceptable;

-       the impact of the development on the conservation area, which officers felt needed further discussion. The recommendation was for approval as officers felt that the site's location on the edge of the conservation area and the limited impact of the proposal on the core areas made it acceptable;

-       the impact of the development on neighbouring properties, which officers felt had been limited by intelligent design. It was noted that there would be at least 25 metres between the care home and the nearest neighbouring property, which was 10 meters in excess of the Council's policy requirement. There would also be a large amount of soft landscaping to screen the building from neighbours. The roof pitches had been amended during the application process to make them more sympathetic to the local area;

-       the traffic impact of the proposal, which was considered to be negligible.


Attention was drawn to the addendum, which included additional conditions regarding deliveries, car parking management, and premature demolition.


Petitioners and their representatives made the following points:

-       In their opinion, relevant planning policies were being ignored;

-       The second consultation period ended only after officers had recommended the application for approval;

-       There was a surplus of care home places in the borough;

-       Surface water flooding had long affected the area, and this proposal would make conditions worse;

-       The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 143.


Hayes and Harlington, Station Road, Hayes 10057/APP/2014/4338 pdf icon PDF 148 KB

Application under Schedule 7 of the Crossrail Act 2008 for the approval of Plans and Specifications associated with the erection of a new station building, external lift shaft, footbridge with lift shafts, extension of platforms 2/3 and 4/5 with canopy modifications, new waiting room to Platform 4/5 and associated lighting.


Recommendation: Approval


Officers introduced the application which was to be considered under Schedule 7 of the Crossrail Act 2008. The application was for the approval of plans and specifications for the erection of a new station building, waiting room, external lift shaft and walkway, as well extended platforms and canopies. The existing, locally listed station building, would be demolished as part of the works.  It was noted that changes to the highway were not covered by the application. Reference was made to the addendum report which gave details of additional comments received.


Councillors felt that the station would be a great improvement, as it would be very accessible for disabled people. Members noted that the better train service to be offered by Crossrail would mean that more parking was required at the station, including more disabled parking. Members also felt that it was important to maintain the new access lifts.




That the application be approved as per officers recommendations, subject to an additional informative relating to ensuring the lift is kept open and available for use.


Pronto Industrial Estate and 585 - 591 Uxbridge Road, Hayes 4404/APP/2014/2506 pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Change of use of B1(c) floorspace to provide 12 additional residential units and associated ancillary works. (Amendment to planning permission ref: 4404/APP/2011/2079, dated 30-03-2012 (Application to replace extant planning permission ref: 4404/APP/2008/3558, dated 23-03-2009); Redevelopment of site to provide replacement Class B1(c) light industrial space and 34 two-bedroom and 9 one-bedroom flats with associated car parking, landscaping and amenity space).


Recommendation: Approval


Officers explained that the application was for a change of use from use class B1 (c) - Light Industrial to class C3 - Dwelling House. The proposals would lead to the loss of unused light industrial space and the provision of 12 residential units. There was a surplus of light industrial space in the locality. A payment of £120,000 had been agreed in lieu of providing affordable housing.


Councillors noted the relatively close proximity of units to each other, and were pleased that large windows were planned to allow natural light to enter the properties.




That the application be approved as per officers' recommendation, subject to an appropriate Section 106 agreement being completed.


1 Nobel Drive, Harlington 46214/APP/2014/2827 pdf icon PDF 201 KB

Conversion and extension of existing office building to form a 200 bedroom hotel with banqueting suite, conference facilities, and rooftop restaurant, including a seven-storey extension to rear, a three storey addition at roof level, and single-storey side extension, together with the creation of a new vehicle access, and alterations to car parking and landscaping.


Recommendation: Approval


Officers explained that the application was for the conversion and extension of an existing office building to form a 200 bedroom hotel. An 83 space car park along with coach parking and pick up/drop off bays would also be provided. The extension would match the style of the existing building. The traffic assessment suggested a net reduction in traffic volumes from the existing use as an office block. Officers referred to the addendum report which dealt with on street parking issues.


Councillors raised concerns about the proximity of adjacent residential properties, and the noise which might be created by the hotel. 




That the application be approved as per officers recommendation, subject to the additional and amended conditions set out below, and the completion of a Section 106 Agreement, and referral to the Greater London Authority.


'No occupation of the development hereby approved shall take place until a noise management and mitigation scheme to address the impacts of noise from the open spaces (terraces and balconies) on the nearest residential occupiers has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter the approved scheme shall be implemented prior to occupation and maintained for the life of the development hereby approved.

To ensure the development does not have an adverse impact on the amenity of the nearest residential occupiers.'



19.2c - add (including details of the heights and design of balustrading around roof terraces)

19.3d - add reference to 4 motorcycle spaces.



Add policy BE24 into the reason



West Drayton Garden Village, Porters Way, West Drayton 5107/APP/2014/4304 pdf icon PDF 134 KB

Reserved matters (appearance and landscaping) in compliance with conditions 2 and 3 for Phase 5 (Block A) (82 residential units) of planning permission ref: 5107/APP/2009/2348, dated 01/10/2010, for the proposed mixed used redevelopment of the Former NATS Site.


Recommendation: Approval


Officers introduced the report, which concerned the reserved matters of appearance and landscaping at the development. The proposals complied with all relevant policies.




That the application be approved as per officers recommendation.


Chequers Square, Uxbridge 35214/APP/2014/2232 pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Request for the variation of Heads of Terms of the S.106 agreement, previously agreed by the committee.


Recommendation: Approval

Additional documents:


Officers introduced the report. It had been agreed as an urgent item by the Chairman, in order to allow the Section 106 agreement to be agreed. The report recommended that the heads of terms of the S.106 agreement be amended to remove the need for a new lift and a new canopy to be provided.




That the changes to the heads of terms be agreed as per the recommendation.



Plans Pack - 5th March 2015 pdf icon PDF 21 MB

Addendum pdf icon PDF 82 KB