Agenda and minutes

Major Applications Planning Committee - Tuesday, 2nd June, 2015 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Danielle Watson  Democratic Services Officer: 01895 277488

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Carol Melvin with Cllr Alan Chapman substituting.


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


Cllr Janet Duncan declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 8 as she was a trustee of Frays Academy Trust and left the room during the discussion and consideration of this item.


To sign and receive the minutes of the previous meetings held on 13 May and 14 May 2015 pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 13 and 14 May 2015 were agreed as a correct record.


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent




To confirm that the items marked in Part 1 will be considered inpublic and those items marked in Part 2 will be heard in private


It was confirmed that all items would be considered in Part 1 public.


Newnham Infant & Nursery School, Newnham Avenue, Ruislip - 12713/APP/2015/1364 pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Erection of a temporary double modular classroom unit, relocation of the existing modular library unit and associated external works (amended plans received to retain willow tree)


Recommendation: Approval


Erection of a temporary double modular classroom unit, relocation of the existing modular library unit and associated external works (amended plans received to retain willow tree).


Officers introduced the report and referred members to the addendum sheet that had been circulated.


The application sought planning permission for the erection of a new temporary classroom unit, the relocation of an existing unit which accommodated the school's library, and associated works at Newnham Infant and Junior Schools in Ruislip.


Members noted that the latest population figures indicate that there was growing demand for primary school places within the north of the Borough.  As such, applications had been submitted for the provision of temporary accommodation to accommodate bulge classes, at this school and at other schools in the north of the Borough, to provide sufficient capacity to accommodate the additional pupil numbers over coming years. The unit would accommodate one additional class of 30 children.


Members noted that there had been numerous objections to the proposed loss of a large willow tree at the site as part of the proposals and following discussions with the Council's Green Spaces Team and negotiations with the applicant, the scheme had been amended to allow the retention of the tree, albeit that some crown reduction would be required.


The proposal complied with current local, regional and national planning policies, which sought to encourage new and enhanced educational facilities. Furthermore, due to its location and temporary nature it would have very limited impact on the character or appearance of the school site or on the visual amenities of the surrounding area.


The proposal would not have any detrimental impact on the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring residential units and it was not considered that it would result in such an increase in traffic to/from the site that refusal could be justified. The proposal was considered to comply with relevant Local Plan and London Plan policies.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved - That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report and addendum sheet circulated at the meeting.


Harefield Hospital, Hill End Road, Harefield - 9011/APP/2014/3602 pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Temporary retention of Acorn Ward and Oak Ward; temporary extension above Acorn Ward to provide new 18 bed ward with associated access, linking it to the existing main block via a new bridge; and single storey extension to provide additional ITU accommodation, CT and MRI scanners and associated patient, user and staff accommodation.


Recommendation: Approval


Temporary retention of Acorn Ward and Oak Ward; temporary extension above Acorn Ward to provide new 18 bed ward with associated access, linking it to the existing main block via a new bridge; and single storey extension to provide additional ITU accommodation, CT and MRI scanners and associated patient, user and staff accommodation.


Officers introduced the report and referred members to the addendum sheet that had been circulated.


This application comprised two distinct elements on two separate parts of the hospital grounds which formed part of the Green Belt and were located within the Harefield Village Conservation Area. 


The proposal involves development over a 1,000sqm in the Green Belt, which would normally mean that the application would need to be referred to the Mayor of London, but the GLA advised that the additional hospital development within the Green Belt would not raise any strategic issues and the Mayor of London would not need to be consulted further on this application.


Although within the Green Belt, site specific policy applies to Harefield Hospital which did allow infilling and redevelopment for health purposes in principle. The proposed buildings would be sited within the built envelope of existing hospital buildings and be of an appropriate scale, height and design so that they would not be harmful to the openness of the Green Belt or the character and appearance of the conservation area.


Members noted that the scheme would provide adequate provision for the protection of existing trees and new planting, including a new 'instant' hedge along the Rickmansworth Road boundary which had already been planted.  Members stated that landscaping would be appreciated in this area and officers confirmed that the landscaping condition would cover any concern; however, an informative could also be added.


Members agreed to give delegated authority to the Head of Planning and Enforcement for condition 15 to be reworded which related to the water management of the site.


Members noted that the scheme would likely increase car parking at the hospital, this increase would be modest and through the use of a Travel Plan and a study/ scheme for on-street parking management in the area, which would be secured through a S106 Agreement, the scheme provided a proportionate means by which parking pressures associated with the hospital, particularly on surrounding streets could be assessed and hopefully alleviated over time.


With the number of visitors increasing and current staff parking being underutilised Members were concerned about the ratio of visitor and staff parking.  The Chairman requested that the Heads of Terms be amended to address Members concerns.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved - That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report and addendum sheet circulated at the meeting.



Land to the west of Laurel Lane, West Drayton - 70019/APP/2015/1340 pdf icon PDF 139 KB

Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans), 3 (approved documents), 4 (materials) and 5 (landscaping) of planning permission ref: 70019/APP/2014/1807 (for the erection of a new 2 storey Junior School (5 forms of entry) to provide a 3 Forms of Entry Primary School with 630 pupil places and 90 nursery places with associated adjustments to play areas to reflect nursery and reception age groups requirements including addition of covered play canopies to nursery classrooms along with amendment to boundary treatment.


Recommendation: Approval


Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans), 3 (approved documents), 4 (materials) and 5 (landscaping) of planning permission ref: 70019/APP/2014/1807 (for the erection of a new 2 storey Junior School (5 forms of entry) to provide a 3 Forms of Entry Primary School with 630 pupil places and 90 nursery places with associated adjustments to play areas to reflect nursery and reception age groups requirements including addition of covered play canopies to nursery classrooms along with amendment to boundary treatment.


Officers introduced the report and referred members to the addendum sheet that had been circulated.


The application proposed a number of minor amendments to the previously approved drawings, documents and external materials for the development. It also sought the approval of landscaping details by way of varying condition 5.

Members noted that the amendments did not raise any material planning concerns.


Members noted that the report should read 'primary school' not 'junior school'.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved - That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report and addendum sheet circulated at the meeting.







Addendum pdf icon PDF 67 KB