Agenda, decisions and minutes

Major Applications Planning Committee - Tuesday, 31st May, 2016 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Charles Francis  01895 556454

Link: Watch LIVE or archived broadcast of this meeting here

No. Item


Apologies for Absence




Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting




To sign and receive the minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 92 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 12 May 2016 were agreed as an accurate record.


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent


The Chairman confirmed that Item 11 contained in Agenda B was an urgent item for the reasons stated in the report.



To confirm that the items marked in Part 1 will be considered inpublic and those items marked in Part 2 will be heard in private


All items were considered in Public.



Land East of the former EMI Site, 120 Blyth Road, Hayes 51588/APP/2016/1423 pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Variation of Conditions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 50, 52 and 54, plus the removal of conditions 25, 26 and 45 of planning permission ref: 51588/APP/2015/1613 (Minor amendments to design, external appearance and car parking layout through variation of condition 2 of Planning Consent reference 51588/APP/2011/2253 for the 'Demolition of warehouse extension to Apollo House and erection of a part 4, part 5, part 6 and part 7 storey building comprising 132 residential units, cafe (class A3), Community room (class D2), 5 x workshop units (class B1, B8 or a2 uses), and associated car parking and landscaping')


Recommendation: Approval


The application was approved.


Variation of Conditions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 50, 52 and 54, plus the removal of conditions 25, 26 and 45 of planning permission ref: 51588/APP/2015/1613 (Minor amendments to design, external appearance and car parking layout through variation of condition 2 of Planning Consent reference 51588/APP/2011/2253 for the 'Demolition of warehouse extension to Apollo House and erection of a part 4, part 5, part 6 and part 7 storey building comprising 132 residential units, cafe (class A3), Community room (class D2), 5 x workshop units (class B1, B8 or a2 uses), and associated car parking and landscaping')


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the changes set out in the addendum.


The Committee noted the consent sought had been amended under application reference 51588/APP/2015/1613 and the current application was to vary and remove a number of conditions attached to the amended consent.


Officers explained the variation and removal of the conditions would change the trigger points for information to be submitted in relation to the discharge outstanding conditions from 'prior to commencement 'to 'prior to occupation'.


It was noted such action would allow the flexibility required by the developer but maintained the Council's ability to secure the required elements covered by the conditions. Give the application complied with the policies of the adopted Hillingdon Local Plan (2012) it was recommended for approval.


In relation to community facilities, the Committee were advised that the Paragraph 7.01  of the addendum advised the following:


Insert text “The original consent included the following Heads of Term - ix) Community Facilities: a contribution of the sum of £30,000 towards community facilities within the locality, or an in-kind facility located on the site and not less than 92sqm gross internal area.


On being put to the vote, it was moved, seconded with 7 votes in favour and 1 abstention that the application be approved as per the officer report, addendum and following changes:


Resolved -


That the application be Approved as per officer recommendation and addendum.



Unit no1, Ventura House, Bullsbrook Road, Hayes 71554/APP/2016/298 pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Erection of three storey extension to provide additional warehousing and office space.


Recommendation: Approval


The application was approved.



Erection of three storey extension to provide additional warehousing and office space.


Officers introduced the report and provided an overview of the application.


The Committee heard the proposed extension was considered  to be acceptable in terms of design, size, scale and siting. Furthermore, it was not considered to be detrimental to the character and appearance of the industrial area and would support the continued employment use of the site.


The Committee noted that a number of parking spaces would be lost as a result of the proposed extension, however, the applicants had revised the parking layout of the site to comply with the Councils requirements.


Members noted the current parking scheme had not included provision for motorcycles and requested Officers to add this as a condition.It was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote agreed that the application be approved subject to delegated authority being given to the Head of Planning & Enforcement to add a condition requiring 2 motorcycle parking spaces.


 Resolved -


That the application be approved as per officer recommendation



Unit A, Bulls Bridge Centre, North Hyde Road, Hayes 13226/APP/2015/4623 pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Installation of mezzanine floors to provide an additional 4350m2 of additional floorspace, demolition of ancillary structures and replacement with a car wash apparatus, triage shed and ancillary portable cabins.


Recommendation: Approval + Section 106


The application was approved.



Installation of mezzanine floors to provide an additional 4350m2 of additional floorspace, demolition of ancillary structures and replacement with a car wash apparatus, triage shed and ancillary portable cabins.


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the changes set out in the addendum.


Officers explained the industrial building would be occupied a private hire vehicle company and the proposed operation was for the repair, maintenance and storage of vehicles. In addition to its primary purpose, the scheme  also included the provision of some small scale structures across the site with atriage/security gatehouse located adjacent to the entrance to the site, a car wash facility located to the south-east of the existing industrial building and adjacent to the Grand Union Tow Path with two ancillary portable cabins located in the north west corner of the site.


Addressing the visual amenity and impact on the surrounding area, Officers confirmed  an existing vegetation buffer along the Tow Path coupled with the railwayline located to the immediate north of the site would mitigate the proposed alterations to the site.


The Committee noted the Council's Water and Flood Management Officer had requested a Management and Maintenance Plan and TfL and the Council's Highway Engineer had both raised technical concerns related to the traffic generation assessment.


Discussing the application, the Committee raised a number of concerns including surface water drainage discharging to the Yeading Brook (given its use as a vehicle cleanant), the degree of air quality provision  and the shuttle bus provision as part of the application.


In response, Officers confirmed that the surface water concerns could be addressed by condition and the exhaust fumes from the building could be met via advice and condition from the Council's Environmental Protection Unit. Officers confirmed the shuttle bus provision mentioned in the report was for the perpetuity of the development.


With regards to transport concerns, the Committee highlighted they were aware of a long standing issue about no left turns on Northside Bridge. In response, the Council's Highways Engineer confirmed that the Head of Terms of the s106 monies could be used to investigate the matter further.


The Committee noted that no provision had been made for motorcycles spaces and the diagrams before Committee did not confirm whether or not any electrical charging provision had been made on the site. Subject to these concerns being addressed by condition and delegated authority being given to the Head of Planning & Enforcement to address the issues above the application was recommended for approval.


It was moved, seconded and agreed that the application be approved.

Resolved -


That the application be Approved as per officer recommendation and addendum and the following conditions listed below:


Soft Landscaping

Protection of existing towpath landscaping

Condition on staff bus being provided for lifetime of development

2 Electric vehicle charging points

Air Quality/ventilation inside the building



St Andrew's Park, Hillingdon Road, Uxbridge 585/APP/2016/1018 pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) in compliance with conditions 2 and 3 for Phase 4 of planning permission ref: 585/APP/2009/2752 (Outline application (all matters reserved, except for access) including demolition of some existing buildings and mixed use redevelopment of the Former RAF Uxbridge site).


Recommendation: Approval


The application was approved.



Reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) in compliance with conditions 2 and 3 for Phase 4 of planning permission ref: 585/APP/2009/2752 (Outline application (all matters reserved, except for access) including demolition of some existing buildings and mixed use redevelopment of the Former RAF Uxbridge site).


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the changes set out in the addendum.


 The Committee heard the Reserved Matters application related to Phase 4, an area of land located centrally within the site. Providing further details, Officers explained that the site was bounded by Phase 3A and the 'pocket park' to the south, the spine road and future Phase 3C to west and the new district park to the north and east.


Describing the main elements, Officers highlighted the proposed scheme provided 85 residential units (41 flats and 44 houses). In terms of amenity space, the Committee were informed that individual gardens would be provided to the houses and the flats would be provided with private and communal external amenity spaces and 135 parking spaces for residents and visitors.


Officers confirmed no objections had been received and on this basis the application was recommended for approval.


It was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote agreed that the application be approved.


Resolved -


That the application be approved as per the Officer recommendation and addendum report.



21 High Street, Yiewsley 26628/APP/2016/462 pdf icon PDF 158 KB

Variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning permission ref: 26628/APP/2014/675, dated 31/07/2014 (Erection of part 4, part 5 storey building to provide 51 self-contained residential units (22 x 1 bedroom and 29 x 2 bedroom) and two retail units Use Class A1 and one restaurant/cafe Use Class A3 with 53 car parking spaces, 3 motorcycle spaces and 51 cycle parking spaces, communal and private amenity areas and landscaping works) for the subdivision of  approved Unit 51 to create two studio units together with the extension of the floorplate at Unit 51 only.


Recommendation: Approval


The application was approved.



Variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning permission ref: 26628/APP/2014/675, dated 31/07/2014 (Erection of part 4, part 5 storey building to provide 51 self-contained residential units (22 x 1 bedroom and 29 x 2 bedroom) and two retail units Use Class A1 and one restaurant/cafe Use Class A3 with 53 car parking spaces, 3 motorcycle spaces and 51 cycle parking spaces, communal and private amenity areas and landscaping works) for the subdivision of  approved Unit 51 to create two studio units together with the extension of the floorplate at Unit 51 only.


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the changes set out in the addendum.


Officers confirmed that the extension and subdivision of Unit 51 to create an additional unit was considered acceptable in principle and would not cause harm to the character and appearance of the building, the street scene or the surrounding area. The proposal would also not cause harm to residential amenity with adequate levels of internal floor space and external amenity space.


During the course of discussions, the topic of overlooking was raised and the Committee requested that a further condition be added to safeguard the privacy of both subdivided units of Unit 51.


On being put to the vote, it was moved, seconded and agreed that the application be approved.


Resolved -


That the application be approved as per officer recommendation and addendum and subject to:


confirmation of appropriate balcony screen details. Delegated to Head of Planning and Enforcement to resolve.




Land at Cessna Road Heathrow Airport, Hounslow - 62360/APP/2015/4277 pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Outline application for the erection of a 298 room hotel (Matters reserved: Landscaping) at Terminal 2 Heathrow Airport.


Recommendation: Approval + Section 106


The application was approved.



Outline application for the erection of a 298 room hotel (Matters reserved: Landscaping) at Terminal 2 Heathrow Airport.


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the changes set out in the addendum.


Officers explained the principle of the proposed development was deemed acceptable. Addressing the details of the application, the Committee were informed the size and scale of the proposed buildings were considered  appropriate for the location, and the proposed amendments to the development would enhance the visual amenity of the design.


 Officers highlighted the application was a car free development and hotel guests would use either taxis or public transport links to and from the site.


Members welcomed the design and agreed it represented a good use of space within the airport site.


On being put to the vote, it was moved, seconded and agreed that the application be approved.


Resolved -


That the application be approved as per officer recommendation and addendum.