Agenda and minutes

Major Applications Planning Committee - Tuesday, 13th September, 2016 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  01895 250833

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Edward Lavery (Councillor Ray Graham substituting), Ian Edwards (Councillor Duncan Flynn substituting) and Councillor Janet Duncan (Councillor Beulah East substituting). 



To sign and receive the minutes of the previous meetings pdf icon PDF 136 KB


Agreed as an accurate record.



To confirm that the items marked in Part 1 will be considered inpublic and those items marked in Part 2 will be heard in private


It was confirmed that all items on the agenda would be heard in public.



World Business Centre, 4 Newall Road, Heathrow - 71487/APP/2016/2029 pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Reserved matters (details of landscaping) in compliance with condition 2 of outline planning permission ref. 71487/APP/2015/4718 dated 23/05/2016: Erection of a four storey office building (Use Class B1) with basement parking and roof top plant.


Recommendation: Approval


Reserved matters (Details of landscaping) in compliance with condition 2 of outline planning permission ref. 71487/APP/2015/4718 dated 23/05/2016: Erection of a four storey office building (Use Class B1) with basement parking and roof top plant.


Officers introduced the report and informed Members that the principle of the development, together with the siting, design and scale of the proposed building had already been approved, by virtue of the outline planning permission. Only landscaping details fell to be considered under this application.


The Committee was informed that the Council's Tree / Landscaping Officer had advised that given the site constraints, no objections had been raised to the proposed landscaping scheme. Heathrow Airport Limited had been consulted but officers were awaiting their comments.


The Committee proposed, seconded, and upon being put to a vote, unanimously agreed the officer's recommendation.



-        That the application was approved, subject to no objections being received from Heathrow Airport Limited.



Unit 3, Millington Road, Hayes - 32157/APP/2016/1696 pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Erection of 3281sq.m GEA industrial/warehouse unit (Use Classes B1c, B2, B8) and erection of 1327sq.m GEA coach maintenance/servicing unit and depot (Sui Generis); together with alterations to adjacent highway accesses, creation of associated service and customer yards, car parking and landscaping.


Recommendation: Approval + Sec 106


Erection of 3281sq.m GEA industrial/warehouse unit (Use Classes B1c, B2, B8) and erection of 1327sq.m GEA coach maintenance/servicing unit and depot (Sui Generis); together with alterations to adjacent highway accesses, creation of associated service and customer yards, car parking and landscaping.


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the addendum. The Committee was informed that there had been dialogue between the agent of the developer and officers regarding the proposed S106 contribution relating to the £50,000 contribution relating to improvements to the local highway network.


The Committee was informed that a contribution of £30,000 had been agreed in principle. In reaching this sum, it was noted that a £20,000 contribution had already been received by the Council from an earlier permission to address air quality issues.


Members confirmed they were happy with the plans and moved, seconded and unanimously agreed the officer's recommendation.



-       That the application was approved.


Unit 6, Rackspace City, North Hyde Road, Hayes - 22632/APP/2016/2369 pdf icon PDF 185 KB

Erection of a part single storey, part four storey building to provide a 150 bed hotel and restaurant including 75 car parking spaces, 1 coach parking space, 32 cycle parking spaces, associated landscaping and ancillary development.


Recommendation: Approval + Sec 106


Erection of a part single storey, part four storey building to provide a 150 bed hotel and restaurant including 75 car parking spaces, 1 coach parking space, 11 cycle parking spaces, associated landscaping and ancillary development.


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the addendum. Reference was made to the amendment of the description of development which should refer to 11 cycle parking spaces rather than 32.


The Committee proposed, seconded, and upon being put to a vote, unanimously agreed the officer's recommendation.



-        That the application was approved.