Agenda and minutes

Major Applications Planning Committee - Tuesday, 6th December, 2016 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillor Yarrow. Councillor Graham was in attendance as his substitute.


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting




To sign and receive the minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 124 KB


Resolved -    That the minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record.


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent




To confirm that the items marked in Part 1 will be considered inpublic and those items marked in Part 2 will be heard in private


It was confirmed that all of the items on the agenda would be heard in public.


The Old Vinyl Factory - 59872/APP/2016/3571 pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Installation of public art (25m x 50m) for a temporary period of 18 months on the east facing wall of the Cabinet Building.


Recommendation: Approval


Installation of public art (25m x 50m) for a temporary period of 18 months on the east facing wall of the Cabinet Building.


Officers introduced the report, confirming that the proposed artwork was intended to improve the external appearance of the Cabinet Building prior to any renovation works at the site taking place. As the artwork was to be in place for 18 months, it could be reviewed and changed after this period. As the impact of the temporary wrap on the character and appearance of the building and locality was deemed to be acceptable, it was recommended that the application be approved.


The Committee discussed the proposed image, with some Members highlighting the time period that the image was attempting to evoke, while others retaining concerns regarding the suitability of the image. Members suggested that it might prove difficult to change the image once it had been in place for 18 months.


Members moved the officer's recommendation, which was seconded, and put to a vote. The application was approved, subject to the conditions as set out in the report, by a vote of 5 to 3.


Resolved -    That the application was approved, subject to conditions.


Music Box, TOVF - 59872/APP/2016/1930 pdf icon PDF 226 KB

Reserved Matters Application regarding the appearance and landscaping for Phase 5 'The Music Box' (formerly the Record Stack) of The Old Vinyl Factory site, as required by Conditions 2 and 3 of planning permission ref. 59872/APP/2013/3775 dated 31/07/2014.


Recommendation: Approval


Reserved Matters Application regarding the appearance and landscaping for Phase 5 'The Music Box' (formerly the Record Stack) of The Old Vinyl Factory site, as required by Conditions 2 and 3 of planning permission ref. 59872/APP/2013/3775 dated 31/07/2014.


Officers introduced the report and confirmed that this application had previously been presented to the Major Applications Planning Committee on the 24 August and 16 November 2016. At the most recent meeting, the Committee resolved to defer the application so that the image for the external face of the building could be reviewed. The applicant had since requested that the Committee approve the application, subject to a condition that a suitable image be approved by the Committee prior to use of the building. This would allow the applicant to enter into contractual arrangements and begin work on the construction of the development whilst an alternative image was sourced.


Members were supportive of the officer's recommendation, though highlighted the importance of the final image being brought the Committee for approval prior to the building being opened for use. The recommendation was moved, seconded, and put to a vote where it was unanimously agreed, with one abstention.


Resolved -    That the application was approved, subject to conditions.


Ruislip Bowls Club, Manor Farm- 45220/APP/2016/3857 pdf icon PDF 162 KB

Proposed demolition of 2 no. sheds, single storey extension to existing pavilion, erection of detached building for storage / locker room use and associated external works.


Recommendation: Approval


Proposed demolition of 2 no. sheds, single storey extension to existing pavilion, erection of detached building for storage / locker room use and associated external works


Officers introduced the report, and highlighted the addendum, which confirmed that a request had been received from Historic England that a written scheme of investigation be submitted and approved prior to any demolition or development taking place. Officers suggested that the Council's Conservation Officer be tasked with contacting Historic England to ensure that they were justified in making such a request.


Members discussed the importance of retaining the greenery already in situ at the site. It was suggested that the officer recommendation be amended to include a condition that the developer would not remove or disturb the pre-existing landscaping. This was moved, seconded, and put to a vote, where it was unanimously agreed.


Resolved -    That the application was approved, subject to conditions.



Former Contractors Compound, Heathrow - 67622/APP/2016/3198 pdf icon PDF 196 KB

Reserved Matters (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout, Scale,and Access) in compliance with condition 2 of application 67622/APP/2015/1851 (Variation of conditions 3, 4 and 9 of application 67622/APP/2013/2532 which granted consent on 30/7/14 for'Part outline, part full planning application for a proposed hotel development of up to 660 bedrooms (approximately 30,000 sq.m) with ancillary cafe, bar and restaurant facilities, car parking, service access, courtyard space, landscaping and improved ground level pedestrian access including public realm improvements (all outline application) and a perimeter veil structure wrapping around the hotel buildings (in full application detail'. Variation requested for the removal of the veil and alterations to the glazing, amenity space and layout of the floors).


Recommendation: Approval


Reserved Matters (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout, Scale, and Access) in compliance with condition 2 of application 67622/APP/2015/1851 (Variation of conditions 3, 4 and 9 of application 67622/APP/2013/2532 which granted consent on 30/7/14 for 'Part outline, part full planning application for a proposed hotel development of up to 660 bedrooms (approximately 30,000 sq.m) with ancillary cafe, bar and restaurant facilities, car parking, service access, courtyard space, landscaping and improved ground level pedestrian access including public realm improvements (all outline application) and a perimeter veil structure wrapping around the hotel buildings (in full application detail'. Variation requested for the removal of the veil and alterations to the glazing, amenity space and layout of the floors).


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the addendum. The Committee was informed that the plans had been updated to reflect amendments required by the Landscaping Officer. The Landscaping Officer had raised no objections to these amendments, and it was recommended that the application be approved.


The officer's recommendation was moved, seconded, put to a vote and unanimously approved.


Resolved -    That the application was approved.


Bridge House- 40050/APP/2016/852 pdf icon PDF 468 KB

Demolition of existing office building (Use Class B1(a) and multi-storey car park and redevelopment of the site to provide a new office (Use Class B1(a) building, associated multi-storey car park and ancillary cafe unit (Use Class A1/A3)


Recommendation: Approval + Sec 106


Demolition of existing office building (Use Class B1(a) and multi-storey car park and redevelopment of the site to provide a new office (Use Class B1(a) building, associated multi-storey car park and ancillary cafe unit (Use Class A1/A3)


Officers introduced the report, and confirmed that the application had been previously presented to the Committee on 16 November 2016, where it had been deferred so that additional information on the proposed highways mitigation measures could be provided.


Officers had since agreed that the applicant would provide an increased obligation towards improvements to the local highway network form £150,000 to £500,00. This contribution would remain independent of other contributions, such as the £150,000 specified for public realm improvements and the £30,000 towards improvements to the canal/towpath.


To address Member's concerns regarding the height of the roof barriers as raised at the previous meeting, these barriers were confirmed to be 1m high, which complied with building control requirements.


Members congratulated officers on securing the improved contributions, and moved the officer's recommendation. This was seconded, put to a vote, and unanimously agreed.


Resolved -    That the application was approved.


Stockley Park Phase 3, Iron Bridge Road - 37977/APP/2016/2263 pdf icon PDF 255 KB

Land formation, landscaping, fencing and provision of ancillary footpaths and bridleways together with ancillary works to the offsite land parcels associated with the approved development at Phase 3 Stockley Park (Planning permission ref. 37977/APP/2015/1004 dated 14/12/2014).


Recommendation: Approval


Land formation, landscaping, fencing and provision of ancillary footpaths and bridleways together with ancillary works to the offsite land parcels (Land Parcel A (10.67 hectares) - Land bounded by Stockley Road and B465 to the west, Goulds Green to the south and the residential area of Goulds Green to the east; Land Parcel B1 (0.52 hectares) - Land to the south of Park View Road and to the east of the residential area of Yiewsley; Land Parcel B2 (0.60 hectares) - Land to the east of Willow Avenue and Chestnut Avenue; Land Parcel C1 (1.19 hectares) - Land to the west of Bolingbroke Way and south of

Dawley Road and bound by Stockley Park Golf Club to the west; Land Parcel C2 (0.53 hectares) - Land to the west of Bolingbroke Way and bound by Stockley Park Golf Club to the west (No works are sought to Land Parcel C2); Packet Boat Lane (2.83 hectares) - Land to the north of Packet Boat Lane, to the east of Old Mill Lane and Fray's River and to the east of Cowley Lake) associated with the approved development at Phase 3 Stockley Park (Planning permission ref. 37977/APP/2015/1004 dated 14/12/2014)


Officers introduced the report, and confirmed that the development met the policy objectives and was not considered to raise any concerns regarding its impact on neighbours, highways, flooding, or air quality. It was therefore recommended that the application be approved.


The Committee raised concerns regarding accessibility for people with disabilities. Officers confirmed that comments had been received from the Access Officer, who had made suggestions relating to the size of entry and exit points, the gradient of any footpaths, and the use of bonded gravel to ensure accessibility for wheelchair users, as outlined in Condition 5. The Committee suggested that the condition would need strengthening, and it was moved that the Committee delegate authority to the Chairman and the Labour Lead to approve the application, once plans were received that addressed Condition 5. This was seconded, put to the vote, and unanimously agreed.


Resolved -    That authority be delegated to the Chairman and Labour Lead to approve the application, once plans were received that addressed Condition 5.

Addendum pdf icon PDF 206 KB