Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Councillor Wayne Bridges, no substitute. |
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: None. |
Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent Minutes: None. |
To confirm that the items marked in Part 1 will be considered inpublic and those items marked in Part 2 will be heard in private Minutes: All items were considered in Part 1. |
Frank Welch Court, High Meadow Close, Pinner - 196/APP/2013/2958 Variation of condition 2 (Accordance with Approved Plans) of planning permission ref: 196/APP/2012/1776 (Erection of a 45 Bed Care Home (Use Class C2)) to allow alterations and additions to the lower ground floor (basement) layout and alterations to internal walls on upper floors.
Recommendation: Approval subject to a Legal Agreement / Deed of Variation Minutes: Variation of condition 2 (Accordance with Approved Plans) of planning permission ref: 196/APP/2012/1776 (Erection of a 45 Bed Care Home (Use Class C2)) to allow alterations and additions to the lower ground floor (basement) layout and alterations to internal walls on upper floors.
Officers introduced the report and provided a presentation on the application site.
In accordance with the Council’s constitution a Ward Councillor spoke regarding the proposals and made the following comments:
Members discussed the application and noted that usually S106 monies were used to ensure the proposal harmonised with the local environment. In this particular case, Members noted that a request had been made by a Ward Councillor on behalf of local residents to ask the developer to pay for the maintenance of the road as a condition for the approval of the scheme. On balance, the Committee thought that this use of S106 should not be agreed as it would set a dangerous precedent.
Discussing the terms and conditions of the scheme, the Committee requested officers to add Informative 47 to the approval terms of the application.
It was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote agreed that the application be approved.
Resolved –
That the application be Approved as per the Officer report and additional Informative 47.
Former Technicolor Site, 276 Bath Road, Sipson - 35293/APP/2013/2709 Erection of 2 industrial/warehouse units incorporating 9,160sqm GIA within B1(c)/B2/B8 Use Classes with ancillary office space, associated car parking, landscaping and service yards.
Recommendation: Approval subject to a S106 Agreement Minutes: Erection of 2 industrial/warehouse units incorporating 9,160sqm GIA within B1(c)/B2/B8 Use Classes with ancillary office space, associated car parking, landscaping and service yards.
Officers introduced the report and highlighted the changes as set out in the addendum.
In discussing the application, Members expressed concern about the tracking plans and sight lines of the proposal and asked Officers to comment on these aspects. In response, Officers confirmed that the length and size of lorries in relation to turning circles had been considered, and Transport for London had expressed no concerns about the scheme. In relation to site lines and access and egress to the site, Officers suggested that a standard condition could be added to safeguard pedestrian and vehicular safety.
It was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote agreed that the application be approved subject to the addition of the following condition:
Unobstructed sight lines above a height of 1 metre shall be maintained on both sides of the entrance to the site, for a distance of at least 43m in both directions along the back edge of the footway or verge.
REASON To ensure that pedestrian and vehicular safety is not prejudiced, in accordance with Policy AM7 of the Hillingdon Local Plan Part 2 (November 2012).
Resolved –
That the application be approved as per the Officer report, addendum and condition listed above.
Rainbow & Kirby Industrial Estates, Trout Road - 38058/APP/2013/1756 Demolition of existing commercial premises and existing dwelling and erection of 99 residential units (C3), 50 unit extra care/dementia sheltered housing scheme (C3), 1,529.4sqm light industrial floorspace comprising 17 business units (B1c) and 611.30sqm of restaurant/cafe (A3) floorspace associated open space, car parking and landscaping. (Outline Application).
Recommendation: Approval subject to a S106 Agreement Minutes: Demolition of existing commercial premises and existing dwelling and erection of 99 residential units (C3), 50 unit extra care/dementia sheltered housing scheme (C3), 1,529.4sqm light industrial floorspace comprising 17 business units (B1c) and 611.30sqm of restaurant/cafe (A3) floorspace associated open space, car parking and landscaping. (Outline Application)
Officers introduced the report and highlighted the changes set out in the addendum.
In discussing the application, Members raised a number of specific concerns. These included: the use of the commercial property situated centrally within the development, the variation in the number of habitable rooms cited in different parts of the report and details of the development adjacent to the canal. The Committee also asked officers for their comments on the health and safety aspects of the proposed roof top amenity space.
In response, Officers confirmed the commercial property was currently light industrial and was used to manufacture aluminium window frames. With regards to a change of use, Officers confirmed that the site could be subject to heavier use, but if there was a material change in use, an application would have to be made to change the existing conditions. With regards to why the number of habitable rooms varied from 380 to 487 within the report, Officers explained that this was dependant on whether the final design incorporated a smaller number of large units or whether there would be a greater number of smaller units.
In relation to the buildings adjacent to the canal, Officers confirmed that the Urban Design Officer had spent considerable time ensuring the design harmonised with the area and made as much of a feature of the water front as possible. Officers also confirmed that sufficient screening had been incorporated so that car parking spaces were not visible from the footpath running alongside the canal.
Members commented that in the past, roof terrace designs had contributed to acts of anti-social behaviour and asked Officers to clarify what measures might be incorporated to reduce this risk. In response, Officers confirmed that all balconies could be set back at least 1 metre from the edge of the building and Condition 16 could be amended to make this change.
It was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote that the application be agreed subject to the changes set out in the addendum and the amendments listed below proposed at the meeting.
Add EVCP to condition 19 in addendum, as well as the words soley, and to require disabled spaces to be near disabled units.
Amend condition 4 to include unit size and numbers.
Amend condition 16 to include balaustrading of roof top amenity space areas.
Insert £25,000 into HOT as air quality
Amend condition 13 by inserting the word locations.
Resolved –
That the application be approved as per the Officer recommendation, addendum and the changes set out above.