Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday, 3rd March, 2015 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Gill Oswell  01895 250693

No. Item


Application for a Premises License - 54 Mildred Avenue, Hayes pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Additional documents:




The Licensing Officer, Ian Meens, introduced the report informing the Sub-Committee that the application was for the retail of alcohol for consumption off premises, in respect of a lock up garage located at 54 Mildred Avenue, Hayes, Middlesex.  The application was served correctly and was being put before the Licensing Sub-Committee for determination.


Representation made by the Applicant


The applicant advised the Sub-Committee that the licence was required to enable the storage and pre-payment of alcohol at his premise for use at events at alternative locations.  It was proposed that the alcohol being provided for events would primarily be collected from the wholesalers and taken direct to the events.   Although, there may be occasions when storage of alcohol would be required; this would be following an event and prior to its return to the wholesaler.  There may also be occasions when it would not be possible to collect the alcohol from the wholesalers on the day of a scheduled event and it would therefore need to be stored on site. There is to be no sale of alcohol to individuals from the premises.




The applicant advised that he would not want to cause any noise nuisance in the area where he lived. Parking was available for those attending the premises to arrange payment as there was off street parking available.


Representations from the Responsible Authorities


The Regulatory Service Manager, Claire Freeman, advised the Sub-Committee that the Licensing Authorities that made a representation and in their view the applicant was intending to promote the measures detailed in the application and these are considered as appropriate for the type of operation proposed.

The Environment Protection Officer, John Abiona, informed the Sub-Committee that his concerns were around the prevention of public nuisance.  The applicant had not demonstrated how this licensing objective would be upheld and promoted. It was felt that there would be potential noise nuisance from the loading and unloading of alcohol at unsocial hours.  There was also no information provided on how the applicant would prevent customers from attending the premises to make enquiries outside of the opening hours.


Interested Party


·         Had concerns about an application for the sale of alcohol in a residential area.

·         The entrance to the proposed garage for storage was in Ross Close, which was a small cul-de-sac.

·         Children play in the area and there were concerns about their safety and also increased visitors to the area.

·         The hours proposed were felt to be excessive in a residential area.

·         Had concerns about people becoming aware of alcohol being stored on the site.

·         Parking was limited in the area and this would be exacerbated by the proposal.

·         The drive in front of the garage would only accommodate one car.

·         There would be noise and disturbance to residents late at night when alcohol was returned to the store following an event.

·         It was not known what type of vehicle would be used for delivering orders.

·         Felt that this type  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.